Greenhouse Gasses: Genetically Modified Microbes Sophia, Peter, and Chase

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Greenhouse Gasses

Genetically Modified Microbes

Sophia, Peter, and Chase

What are Greenhouse Gases?
Greenhouse gases are
gases which are
absorbed by infrared
radiation which radiates
heat in different
directions. This
contributes the
greenhouse effect shown
to the right
Why we chose this problem and solution
● We chose this as our problem because we thought as a group that greenhouse
gases were a serious problem and that it needs to be solved soon.

● We chose the solution of using genetically modified microbes because it is

challenging, but it could be done in the future and if every farm used it in
their soil, it could impact our planet greatly by minimizing the amount of
carbon dioxide being released in our atmosphere.
Description of our product
● Genetically modified bacteria from several strains of Salmonella, can be specifically
targeted into microbes in our soil following a systematic procedure.

● In a mouse melanoma model, an attenuated Salmonella typhimurium selectively

targeted both primary tumors and metastatic lesions, slowing tumor growth.
Antitumor effects are thought to occur by several different mechanisms, including
production of toxic proteins.

● We could use this to add nitrogen to the microbes, then go into crops, without
release harmful chemicals and greenhouse gases.
Easier description of our solution
● Using genetically modified microbes and putting them into plants or trees.

● Use nitrogen in the microbes to give the crop/tree energy and what it needs to grow

● Replace the synthetic fertilizers that help the plant grow since fertilizers cause
greenhouse gas emissions.

● By cutting out synthetic fertilizer that releases greenhouse gas emissions, you can still
have crops, but harmful chemicals won’t be released.
Why this is important
● This is important because the average temperature from the increasing
amount of carbon dioxide will go up causing global warming and climate

● If we can’t come up with a solution or solve this problem soon, this would
eventually lead to the extinction of species, including the human race.
Key Terms
Exudate:A fluid contains solutes, protein cells, or cellular debris discharged into nearby
tissues or on tissue surfaces, caused by inflammation or injury

Effector:A molecule that binds protein and affects the function of that protein

Rhizosphere:The region of soil in the vicinity of the plant roots in which chemistry and
microbiology is influenced by their growth, respiration and nuclear exchange

Bulk soil; soil outside the rhizosphere

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