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Women’s Day

March 8th of every year is celebrated as women's day in the whole world. Now we see what
woman has got in the country in Islam.

When talking about the rights of today's developed women, it shows that they have acquired
these rights and many hundred years later the Prophet (PBUH) said.

“The women had the status, honor, status, which is still not the case of women of such
Middle East.”

At the first stage, the woman's position is determined that this person is in the world of men
and women. His position was determined when Adam traveled in heaven as Adam's creation
also needed the help of Adam. In fact it is a beautiful relationship between men and women
that was created first. After that the rest of the relationships have become. Even Allah Almighty
says the man's rule.

Because Allah has bestowed on one another of them.

Along with this, it has been explained that this virtue has been given because men spend their
wealth - their duty is to raise economic responsibilities so that when it is the buyer, the family
or the family's system from its earned money if it goes, then it will be higher.

As Allah says in Surah Baqarah:

“There are similar rights to women as well as men's rights. However men get a position
on them.”

It is very important that raising only one level man has more responsibilities.

There was also a female benefit here that no direct responsibility was given to him to protect
his rights in the safety of God behind men, and the sign of the Salah.

Now men who expect their wives to economically help them for them, then they need to
understand that on the one hand they have only one status on the woman, they understand
Well, we come to the Quran again. The way the woman approves the woman, she plays the
role of a woman in life when Mary's mother comes to mention in Surah Al-Imran, then comes
to us as a woman. The one whose faith and love for his Lord is so strong that he dedicates his
offspring to the work of God. He is very fascinated by a great affliction.

While you had never touched any human being, it was a great miracle of God, which was
chosen for your expression.

The mention of Pharaoh's wife mentioned in the Qur'an is clearer to the greatness of the woman,
how he loves the Prophet of love with love, how he can turn away from the world, and turn his
face in heaven. It is a pleasure to make a house

Then if we come to the members of Hajj, then the interest of the person was added to the
members of the pilgrimage. This was a mother's favor, that God liked this mother's mother in
search of water for the sake of saving her child's life. That he was a permanent member of the

Then when the time came to determine the location of the woman in the society, it was given
the status so much that her nose and loud were raised, saying that do not try to harass her with
your eyes.

Protecting your respect and exit from your homes, so that Allah may give you the status of the
person, to prove yourself worthy of it, and the newsman is aware of such pure women. If you
make any mistake of four witnesses on them, then be prepared to eat this trash

If this woman marries, she is respected that the man will make her happy and no limit has been

Even if this pile is a wealth, then you are not authorized to take any withdrawal from them,
even if you decide to leave them.

Then the inheritance of the woman was set up, this is Islam which is giving it a proper share in
the property in every role of women. All these women are being given rights and a soft attitude
in matters of duty is that if a mother does not want to breastfeed her child, then the father is
responsible for breastfeeding and breastfeeding her child. Now, on the occasion of an unusual
decision like divorce, the man is being touched by giving something to leave the woman well.
It is strongly emphasized in Surah Baqarah - that is, in every way the woman looks like a
woman is listening to a lot of testimony about half.

Here it is also an indication of the love and relaxation of God's woman that the responsibility
of testimony is a small thing that can be used for a soft and delicate feeling like a woman, so
she can be pleased with it. Why do some women want to raise the burden of responsibilities
that are against their nature, not why they recognize their role in this universe and that it

My body is my pleasure Liberal Entries on the streets of Islamabad want such demands that
Islam does not give them?
Do they want to move out of clothes in a Muslim society like Pakistan or want rights equal to
Please tell me a liberal woman, what rights are those who do not see you wrong by Islam?
Some play cards of this march is given below.

The unbelievers and foolish women standing on the streets will say that you have read the
history of women before Islam. Before Islam, Hindus, Christians used to understand not only
"monosyous" but they also buried alive as "babies" were born.
Islam did not call you madness Islam strictly prohibited you from being buried Islam made you
a queen of the house Islam kept heaven under your feet Islam also gave you rights in the
property Islam honored you in every way Islam protected you four walls.

Do not make yourself feel like "a shopkeepers" like these Western women. You are a respectful
Muslim women, you are not like those Western unmarried women who touch the person
whenever they want and throw them away. You are Muslims, you have given honor to God,
you cannot see everyone and you also want that people who do not love you, Islam protects
you, Islam cannot touch you in Islam. Still do not say that rights are found? Tell me what kind
of rights they are not getting?

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) Open eyes, see the earth, see the flake,
see the physician See the sun rising from the east If you are falling from the east, you will be
happy Go to the west, you will be drowned Our Muslims give huge unmarried women who are
struggling to raise up their sisters and raise unfaithful banners on roads, so that they come to
the streets and pour their poison in women of Muslim society. Their agenda is to make Pakistani
girls unbelievable, dishonest and fascinated. In simple words, it is called "ideological war,
under which it is intended for girls to seduce western culture by misunderstanding Islam.

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