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Christopher Lee Harris

Week 1 Literature Review
TED 690 Capstone
June 7, 2019
Professor Weintraub

This article regarding the necessary attributes for effective foreign language learning and the

relationship to concepts of content knowledge examining how teacher performances on edTPA’s

and other assessments evaluate effective teachers. The article examines how both native and

non-native teacher’s performances relate to teacher effectiveness in the classroom. The content

focuses in multiple attributes necessary to become an effective language teacher and simple

content knowledge does not make for an effective language teacher nor does it deny that ability.

The article analyzes all necessary attributes to be effective and is collective of 21 language

teachers and their experiences. Some key terms discussed include high levels of proficiency,

content knowledge and experience.


After reading the article and interviews by the sample teachers is has become apparent that there

are multiple factors that are essential to become effective foreign language teachers. The

combination of content knowledge and proficiency both are critical factors. “Proficiency in the

[foreign language] is an essential prerequisite for effective foreign language teaching because it

is not feasible to implement communicative pedagogy or other approaches, such as content‐

based instruction (CBI), without advanced level proficiency”(Kissau, Algozzine, 2017). In any

language classroom the ability to produce the target language is a necessity in effort to create

immersion of the target language. Teachers equipped with high levels of efficiency are better off

than those of whom lack the ability. According to the CTC regarding language teachers it is

“most important, they demonstrate a high proficiency in the language that allows them to

conduct their classes in the target language”.

On the other hand the study on effective foreign language teaching by Kissau, S., and Algozzine,

B., show that although native speakers provided better scores to communication based

assessment they had, on average performed lower on their edTPA assessments than other non-

native speakers. While both native and non-native where indifferent in their scores regarding

content knowledge. In conclusion the interviewees came up with a list of skills necessary for

being an effective language teacher which included “strong language skills, making connections

with students, lesson planning and classroom management skills, and teaching experience and

preparation” (Kissau, Algozzine, 2017).

This has been my third year teaching Spanish at the high school level and I can relate to these

qualities and how they attribute to effective teaching. In relation to Domain A Specific

Pedagogical skills related to subject matter, it is critical to be well balances in these skills

previously mentioned. It will provide little service to students a teacher with high level

proficiency and content knowledge without classroom management skills, lesson planning and

the ability to connect with students. Over my years of teaching it has come apparent that each

year that passes I develop teaching techniques and strategies, proper lesson development and

management skills create coherent lesson instruction and of course it is critical to have strong

language pedagogy and proficiency.


Specific pedagogy skills for subject matter instruction are not limited to content knowledge of

proficiency when regarding foreign language instructors. The ability to connect with students in

an safe environment that promotes learning through proper lesson planning and lesson

development over time are all of equal importance in creating the optimal learning experience.

Kissau, S., & Algozzine, B. (2017). Effective Foreign Language Teaching: Broadening the
Concept of Content Knowledge. Foreign Language Annals, 50(1), 114–134. https://doi-
Commission on Teacher Credentialing. 2013. California Teaching Performance Expectations.
Retrieved from

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