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Table of Contents

Abstract: ....................................................................................................................................................... 2
Introduction:................................................................................................................................................. 2
Background: .................................................................................................................................................. 2
Structure: .................................................................................................................................................. 2
Advantages: .............................................................................................................................................. 2
Objective:...................................................................................................................................................... 3
Results and analysis: .................................................................................................................................... 3
Blinking of LEDs: ....................................................................................................................................... 3
Breadboard and led:................................................................................................................................. 5
Conclusion: ................................................................................................................................................... 5
Reference:..................................................................................................................................................... 5
This lab helps us to study the basics of Arduino and we will learn basic Arduino coding in Arduino
software and also have different outputs on Arduino software. The laboratory is divided into different
parts. First, we will learn the basics of software, such as how to open it or download the software code
and learn how to manipulate Arduino software sketches. Then we will learn to solve the download error.
In the next part of the lab, we look at how we can connect the Arduino to the display board and the LED
and display the demo using the delay function to delay various inputs for the color and change of the
signal. Then, at the end, we open the LED with Arduino and also set the const parameter. change the
delay so that the lights are equal. In the next step we use different LEDs in the same circuit, so it's clear
that Arduino can control different inputs. Finally, we use the RGB-LED on harder training.

This lab helps us to learnt about the programming in the Arduino. Arduino is an open source physical
computing Platform is based on a simple entry / exit (1 / O) board development and carrots the
language processor implements. Arduino can be used of the purpose of developing an autonomous
interactive or can be connected to software on yours Computer (such as Flash, Processing, VVVV; or
Max / MSP). They form the council whether by the purchase of pre-assembled; and Open source IDEA

Arduino is now widely used and connected. Arduino lot of advantages. One thing is key Arduino is an
inexpensive and open source microcontroller (Banzi, 2008). Using sensors, it can interact with the
various functions of the body and the world, and that device either. The USB cable on your laptop that
allows you to connect your Arduino. The 100-programming language main purpose is to this device.
Analog and digital device that allows pins and values of the write and read. This aim, the largest unit of
five erasing compensated. In this way, we are able to say, in place of the previous number, representing
the five is represented by a voltage of the low voltage pin, and the pin is low. Now developed an
evolving and there are many things that people can interact with sensors that room. From the number
of the energy that is to be computed, values provided by the program is from its source to the writing
thereof, and organs of, or to write them, but values for other parts of the components.
The market is one of the most popular microcontrollers. The main cause of the humble of the price,
compared to microcontrollers, and other matters of that which the library is extensive to the popularity
of the software.
For the first time needs to learn what the makeup of the software for free.
After installing it, we will conduct several experiments to study the environment.
 It is a cross-platform environment. it can work on Windows, Macintosh, and Linux.
 EDI Processing Programming is not as easy to use software program, Artists and designer’s
 developer for development.
 The program does not in the way that you use the USB interface to the cable of a look. This
 feature is useful and many modern computers do not have serial ports.
 The open source hardware and software. If you wish, you can Download board to buy all the
 components of your pure, without paying any Arduino manufacturers.
 Bing an active user of the city, there are so many people He can help you.
 What Arduino project was developed in a learning environment, and Ideal for getting to the
 work environment.

 To learn about the basics Arduino.
 To learn the code writing techniques and how to troubleshoot the problem related to
 To learn how a serial port and actual work is done.
 To learn the code of RGB and implement it.

Results and analysis:

Blinking of LEDs:
Based on the basic structure of our behavior in Arduino in the first part of the lab. We're ready to use it
and understand how the delay in digital Write, etc. works to download it on Arduino and the LED
principle. When the basic LED features are complete Then, we doing programing with our own method
and change the delay time to learn how they work. We can see the blinking of lead according to this and
we manage that how to change in the delay time effects. This, the same code used in traffic light
The code for these cases is shown below.
Breadboard and led:
In this part of the lab, we experiment to turn on different LEDs using Arduino and cutting boards. We
first connected two lamps on the cutting board in series (red and green). Then we create a code in the
software that causes the light to turn on and off alternately every half-second, as shown in Figure 3.

Add additional light (blue) to the chopping board after the previous operation with the previous lamps in
the series. Then we changed the previous code for three LEDs. This code is shown in the picture. Then
we disconnected all LEDs from the board. With different combinations of three lights, red, blue and
green, we can create or produce different colors. The code shown in Figure 6 was written as follows: The
LED indicates the color in the next series. That means (red, yellow, green, turquoise, blue, purple, white
and black).

In this exercise, we will learn the basics of Arduino and learn how to control the lights. We conclude that
Arduino is a very simple or useful device to control the physical parameters of the real world, so that we
can now control the different real-world settings using this device. This can save time and reduce
people's work. We come to the conclusion that with this device we can use our everyday life with our
cell phones or laptops.

Banzi, M. (2008). Getting started with the Arduino.

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