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Driss El Harthi high school Global quiz level Csc Full Name

………………………Teacher : Mr Baouaisse
We all need water. The problem is there is often too much or too little. And there are other
problems, when it rains a lot the level of the rivers rises. The water runs over the banks. People
drown. Their cars and houses ruined. Animals drown, too. Many big cities in Asia, Latin America and
Europe often have floods.
Sometimes it doesn’t rain for a long time. Plants die. Animals die, too. People have no food .Many
countries in Africa have problems with droughts. Every year these droughts get worse and worse.
Industry always pollutes water with chemicals. Some farmers use too many chemicals. These
enter the rivers and lakes. They kill the plants and fish.
The world is getting warmer, so water levels are rising. Climates are changing. Some countries are
becoming hotter and drier. This affects agriculture.
People want to control global warming, but they can’t agree about the best solutions.

A- Reading Comprehension

Activity1: Read the text and answer the following questions. 3pts

1. Does it rain a lot in Latin America and Europe?

2. Why do animals and plants die in Africa?
3. Do people agree about global warming solutions?

B-answer these questions from the text

Activity2: Match each idea with the corresponding paragraph. 2pts

Paragraph 1 Global warming effect

Paragraph 2 Lot of rain causes floods
Paragraph 3 Lack of rain causes droughts
Paragraph 4 Water pollution
Activity 3:Find in the input words that are opposite in meaning to the following words. 4pts

a- Colder =/= ……………… b- Few =/= …………… c- disagree =/=…………….. d- the worst=/=……………

Vocabulary ( 4pts)
1-Fill in the gaps with the appropriate word or collocation from the list : deforestation – global warming –
sign convention – throw rubbish –renewable energy – cleaning campaign –human activities –temperature
A-To save electricity and strength our economy we should use ……………………………………………
B-The rain forest in Africa are in a real danger because of …………………………………………….
C-Global warming is caused by …………………………………like industrialization and agriculture .
e-The ………………………………………of our body is 37°C.
2-Complete the following sentences (2pt)
-To save the environment we should ………………………………………………………., ……………………………………………
-To save the environment we shouldn’t ……………………………………………………….,…………………………………………..
I. Grammar
A-Put the verbs between brackets in simple past (5pts)
1-The bed (/not/be)……………………..very comfortable .However, I (sleep) …………………………………………..very well.
2-Last night I (not/go) ………………………to the cinema , because I (have)………………………..a lot of things To do.
3-Mustapha Mahmoud (write) …………………………a lot of books and (give) …………………………a lot of speeches.
4-(you/play)……………………………..pray next to me yesterday? I (not/see ) ……………………………… you .
5-The police (stop) ……………………..him on his way home last night even if he( carry)……………….. ….. a big knife.

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