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Trolley == caja





Basket = carrito

Bag supermarket context

pet shop


Off license


Customer =






Shop assistant



Hola amigo, que sorpresa verte trabajar aqui. No eras carnicero en el supermerkado??

Hello friend, I’m so surprised about see you work here. You was a butcher in the supermarket?
weren’t you?

Hola, si pero me canse de tanta sangre, prefiero hacer pan :D

Hello, yes but I was tired of so much blood, I prefer to do bread

Y cuantas marraquetas me salen con 400 pesos? Me despidieron del offlicense

And how many bred can I buy with four thousand pesos? I don’t have cash I was hired from
the offlicense

Si necesitas trabajo, en la tienda de enfrente necesitan un cajero

If you need a work in the shop crossing the street need a cashier

En serio? y que tipo de negocio es? Acaso un minimercado?

Really? And what kind of shop is? Maybe a minimarket?

No, es una tienda de mascotas. Aca esta tu recibo, ve a pagar a la caja

Not really, it’s a pet shop. Take your recive and go to pay to the trolley

Gracias por el dato amigo, ya voy… espera, dame un pan mas, encontre una moneda

Thank for the information friend, im going to… hmm give another bread man, I found a coin

Bueno, y te parece Buena idea ser vendedor de mascotas

Okey, and you think that to sell pets it a good idea?

La verdad me molesta, no estoy de acuerdo en vender animales. Pero en verdad necesito

dinero asi que dejare mi curriculum

In fact, that annoys me, im not agree about to sell animals.0+ But I really need money then I
will deliver a resume

Pienso lo mismo, al menos venderias animales vivos, mi trabajo anterior era muy triste porque
soy vegetariano

I think the same, at least you will sell alive animals. My past work was so sad because im

El mio igual, la mayoria de mis clients tenian problemas de alcoholism

The mine same, the most of mi customers/client was alcoholics

Hombre, esta moneda que me diste es extraña

man this coin that you give me its so weird

En serio? No me he fijado. No puede ser! Son los dos escudos del 71, esta moneda cuesta
alrededor de 700 dolares!

Really? I still havent see them, it cant be true! That are two escudo from 71. The value of this
coin is rounded 700 dollars

Como sabes eso?

How do you know that?

Cuando trabaje en un banco me interese en la numismatica

When i was a baker I was interested in numismatics

Y Aun quieres el pan?

And do you still want the bread?

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