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Client’s Name:

Residential Address: Job Completion Needed by:

Contact No: E-mail Add:

The source of this Job Order was made thru: In Person Repeat Referral: Specify whom ______________________________


Exact Project Location
Topographic Survey
Registered Owner Relationship to Owner
Subdivision Survey
Phase Blk. Lot A-(m2) Title # Plan #
Consolidation SurveyN
Relocation Survey

2 Boundary Survey

Property Line marking

Pre-construction site layout

4 Post-construction site layout

Road layout
Utility Line Marking
Note: Use another sheet if needed No Additional Sheet With Additional ______ Sheet/s
Vicinity Plan
Particulars of Work Required. __________
_____________________________________________________________________________________________ Plans and Schemes
Others: _______________


Terms and Conditions:

1. The Job Order and Service Work Quotation (Swo-Q) must be signed and returned to RCD office. A _______% down payment will be required at the
time the services are agreed upon and this amount will be credited towards the final balance due upon completion of the specified job order.
2. The Client agrees to pay for the performance of the abovementioned services at the price, rate and in the manner indicated in the signed Swo-Q attached
hereto as “Annex A”. A late payment PENALTY of three (3%) per month, shall be applied to any past due accounts. Plans and other information will be
held by RCD until accounts are paid in full.
3. The Client shall comply with the timely submission of all applicable requirements stated below to proceed with the job order without delay
_____ Clear Certified Copy of Title _____ Partition Agreement
_____ Approved Plan from Bureau of Land _____ Site Clearing
_____ Partition Agreement _____ Other: _________________________
_____ Waiver of Rights
4. The survey work quoted herein is based on information provided by the client and may vary should unforeseen title or boundary problems occur. If by
reason of circumstances unforeseen at the time of entering into this agreement such as site conditions requiring additional property research outside the
anticipated scope of services, changes based on requirements of the local and/or government agencies and/or, additional work not then contemplated
becomes necessary, RCD shall notify the client.
5. The client certifies that all relevant property or title documents have been provided, and that the boundaries of the subject property are not in dispute. If
the survey is to be executed without the benefit of a current title examination or no property description is provided, RCD will obtain a copy of a
recorded deed using tax declaration or other information, in which case, the client and its representative agrees to hold RCD harmless from any resulting
6. The client understand that the survey area must be safe and ready for surveys and free of physical and safety barriers such as weedy or overgrown grass,
equipment, cabins, etc. If surveys cannot be accomplished when the surveyor and its team arrives, the cost of manpower or additional site clearing and or
move-in fees will be charged.
7. The client hereby agrees to grant access to the property and arrange for access across land of ad-joiners (if needed) or to obtain any and all necessary
permissions and permits to allow surveyor, its representatives or its employees to perform its work under this job order.
8. In the event the client fails to pay RCD after 30 days from original date of payment schedule, fails to provide adequate site access to the surveyors and
representative or its employees, or in the event RCD finds conditions affecting its performance significantly different than originally contemplated, the
client agrees that surveyor shall have the right to consider that breach of this agreement and upon written notice, the duties, obligations and
responsibilities of the surveyor under this agreement are terminated.
9. If client wishes to terminate or cancel the work or in the event that all or any portion of the work prepared or partially prepared by the surveyor is
suspended, abandoned, or terminated, the client shall pay the surveyor all fees, charges, and services for the portion of the work completed, not to exceed
any contract limit specified in the Swo-Q.
10. All original papers and documents, and copies thereof, produced as a result of this agreement, except documents which are required to be filed with
public agencies, shall remain the property of the surveyor and may be used by surveyor without the consent of the client.
11. In the event that any monument is lost / destroyed by an act of God or parties other than the surveyor, the cost of rework to replace the damaged
monument shall be paid by client as extra work, provided such work is authorized by the client.
By signing this form, I hereby agree to the terms and conditions as stated above.
______________________________________________ _______________________________________________
(Client’s/Representative Printed Name and Signature) / Date (RCD Authorized Representative Name & Signature) / Date
Status: Completed
Date of Receipt : Actual Start: Actual Completion:
Assigned to: Sig.
Description of Work (if different from above requirements) __________________________________________

__________________________________________________________________________________________ Reasons for delay in job completion

__________________________________________________________________________________________ Unfavorable weather condition

Lack Documents / Reference Point
Boundaries / Property under Dispute
Late Payment
Others: _______________________
G.E. Name & Signature Date:

Important: This survey job order form must be received by RCD at least two business days prior to schedule.
SJO F-20180701-001

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