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Instituto Tecnológico Superior

Vida Nueva



Paulina Aguagüiña






Start date Finish date

2019-04-16 2019-06-28

Chapter 1
1. How many sons and daughters did the merchant have before Beauty was born?
He had three sons and two daughters.

2. What happened to Beauty's mom?

She died after Beauty was born.
Instituto Tecnológico Superior
Vida Nueva

3. Why Beauty's sisters did not play with her?

Because they envied him.

4. Who was the merchant's favorite daughter?

Beauty was the favorite daughter of the merchant.

5. What did Beauty like to do?

Beauty liked to read a lot.

6. What did Beauty's sister like to do?

They liked to buy a lot of clothes and also liked to go to many parties.

7. Who went to Beauty's house, to want to marry her?

A young man from the city called Pierre.

Chapter 2
1. What did the merchant tell his children?
They were no longer rich, they were poor and they had to leave the house.

2. Where did you go to live?

They went to live in a country house, far from the city.

3. How did Beauty's sister behave?

They woke up late every day and behaved as if they were still wealthy.

4. What did Beauty do?

She got up very early, and did housework. milking the cows and cleaning the house.

5. What Beauty’s family did not sell?

They did not sell Beauty's books.

6. What did she do in the night?

She washed all the dishes and kept them. Then she chose a book and read a story to her

7. What did the merchant receive?

He received a letter, in which he told him of an embarkation with all his goods.
Instituto Tecnológico Superior
Vida Nueva

Chapter 3
1. What happened to the merchant when he arrived in the city?
They cheated on him and he lost his fortune again.

2. What happened to Beauty's father when he wanted to go home?

He started to cross a forest, suddenly the weather changed, a strong wind began to blow,
the snow began to fall and soon became a storm and Beauty's father was lost.

3. What did the merchant hear in the forest?

He heard howls of wolves.

4. Where were the lights that the merchant saw?

They were from a great palace that was in the forest.

5. What was in the palace stable?

There was a lot of hay and oats on the ground.

6. Where was the merchant?

Looking for the palace owner.

7. How was the palace?

It was very large, much larger than the old merchant's house.

Chapter 4
1. Where did the merchant enter?
I enter the great hall.

2. What did the merchant see in the great hall?

He saw fire burning, his clothes heated and dry.

3. Where did the merchant arrive when he looked for the owner of the palace?
He came to a huge dining room. In the middle of the room was a large table with a lot
of food.

4. What kind of food was on the table?

There were roast chickens, meat and all kinds of vegetables and fruits.
Instituto Tecnológico Superior
Vida Nueva

5. What did the merchant do when he saw all the food?

I wait a moment, but when he saw that nobody came, he began to eat until he felt full
and satisfied.

6. The palace was noisy?

No, the palace was very quiet, nothing was heard.

7. Where did the merchant sleep?

I slept in a room that had a huge bed.

Chapter 5
1. What did the merchant find when he woke up?
Found new clothes in a chair next to the bed.

2. What was the merchant thinking?

He thought that his host was very kind and generous. And that I should thank you.

3. Where to the merchant?

I went down through an alley and walked towards the stable.

4. What did the merchant look?

He saw beautiful red roses.

5. What happened when the merchant wanted to start a rose?

A huge beast appeared behind him and he was very angry.

6. What was the promise that the merchant should fulfill to the beast?
He had to take one of his daughters, and she should go voluntarily.

7. What did the beast give the merchant?

A chest full of gold and gifts.
Chapter 6
1. What did Beauty's sisters scream when they saw the chest?
We are rich again!

2. What did Beauty receive?

He received the red rose that his father promised to take.
Instituto Tecnológico Superior
Vida Nueva

3. What was the news that his father gave them when he arrived?
That he had to take one of his three daughters to live in the palace with a beast.

4. What was everyone's reaction when listening to the news?

Everyone was sad and Beauty's sisters started crying.

5. Who decided to go live with the beast?

Beauty, was the one who decided to go voluntarily.

6. After how long would they go to the palace of the beast?

After a week.

7. What did Beauty ask his father for his sisters?

Give them enough gold so they can find suitable husbands.

Chapter 7
1. What happened when you arrived at the palace?
Beauty and her father went through many rooms, but they did not see the beast.

2. What did Beauty and her father do when they got to the dining room?
They saw a big dinner and decided to eat, because they were very hungry.

3. How did Beauty behave when she saw the beast?

Beauty was respectful and kindly greeted the beast.

4. What was the beast's reaction to Beauty?

I was pleased to see how kind she behaved.

5. What did the beast say to the merchant?

That he must leave the next day after breakfast.

6. What did the beast give the merchant?

Two chests filled with another and gifts.

7. What was it that Beauty dreamed?

In his dream he saw a handsome prince who told him that he loved her and not be fooled
by appearances.
Instituto Tecnológico Superior
Vida Nueva

Chapter 8
1. How did Beauty seem to be the prince of her dream?
He seemed very handsome, and very real. I was delighted.

2. Where did Beauty go after getting up?

He went to explore some of the palace romos.

3. What did you find in the first room?

He found a room full of mirrors.

4. What did you find in the second room?

He discovered the portrait of the young man with whom he dreamed.

5. What did you find in the third room?

He saw every musical instrument in the world.

6. What was Beauty's reaction when entering the library?

I was completely happy, I wanted to read all the books.

7. What did the beast ask after dinner to Beauty?

If I would agree to marry him.

Chapter 9
1. What did Bella like to do in the palace?
Bella liked to visit all the palace romos.

2. That he asked Bella the beast every night?

If she would accept to marry him, but she always answered that she did not.

3. Where did Bella ask you to let her go?

He asked him to let him go to his house to visit his father and brothers.

4. What did the beast give him to come back Bella?

He gave her a ring and told her that when she wants to return, put the ring on the table.

5. What did Bella dream?

Instituto Tecnológico Superior
Vida Nueva

He saw the prince lying on the grass just a river. He seemed sad and worried.

6. What did Bella hear when approaching the cabin?

I hear his father's voice. Everyone seeing it was very happy.

7. What did Bella say to her father and brothers?

That he would only visit them for two weeks and then return to the palace to stay the rest
of his life.

Chapter 10
1. What did Beauty think of often?
Beauty was thinking about the beast and the magic palace.

2. What did Beauty do after saying goodbye to everyone?

He went to his room and placed the ring on the table and said: I want to go back to the
palace. And he fell asleep.

3. What happened when Beauty opened her eyes the next day?
He saw that he was in his room in the palace.

4. Where did Beauty go to look for the beast?

He went to the garden to look for him. He ran down the path and entered a cave.

5. What did the beast ask Beauty to see when he came back?
Can you really love a creature as ugly as me?

6. Beauty agreed to marry the beast?

Yes, she was in love with him and wanted to live with him the rest of his life.

7. Who did you see after Beauty?

He saw the prince of his dream, for the beast was the prince who was under a spell. that
the only thing that would save him was that someone would accept him as he was.
The tale of Beauty and the Beast is about a merchant who is very rich, who has three children
and three daughters, whom he spoiled a lot. His wife died after having his last daughter. His
last daughter named Beauty was a very beautiful young girl who was always very optimistic
in every situation, for her nothing was impossible, but her two sisters always treated her badly
because they were very envious because they were all in love with Beauty.
Instituto Tecnológico Superior
Vida Nueva

Some time later his father became the poorest man in the country, so when he tried to fix
things he had to leave his house to the city but he had no positive response.
When trying to return to his house he found a very huge palace, where he discovered that a
beast lived. The merchant was received very well but when trying to pluck a red rose the
beast appeared and told him that in order to save his life he had to take one of his daughters.
So for reasons of fate and to save the life of his father Beauty had to go to live in the magic
palace, where the beast lived, hiding a great secret.
Beauty was a girl who loved to read and in the palace there was a very large library. Beauty
was very curious so when she met the beast little by little she fell in love with him, because
he was very intelligent and polite. She lived very happy in the palace but missed her family
very much, so she decided to visit them for the last time and be able to say goodbye. Because
when he returned he would live with the beast all his life.
When Beauty returned to the castle, she saw that the beast was very sad but when she declared
her love for him, she realized that the Beast was a young prince who was under a spell. And
that only true love would save him.

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