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Oral Assessment (1)

Name : Lee Ming Zhen (12)

I.C. No : 010129-10-0598
Class : Senior Middle One Arts (Xiao)
Date : 03.02.17
Topic : Global Warming
Model : 1
Activity : Sharing Information

Global Warming is the increase of Earth's average surface temperature due to the effect
of greenhouse gases. The emission of carbon dioxide into the environment mainly from
burning of fossil fuels has increased dramatically over the past 50 years. This has cause the
Earth to get hotter. Global warming is caused by greenhouse effect. Global warming occurs
when carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses which are collected in the atmosphere
and absorb sunlight. That's what's known as the greenhouse effect. Over the past 50 years,
the average global temperature has increased at the fastest rate in recorded history. Global
warming is really happening.

Scientists agree that the earth’s rising temperatures is linked to the extreme weather.
The impacts of global warming are being felt across the globe. Extreme heat waves have
caused tens of thousands of deaths around the world in recent years. And in an alarming
sign of events to come, Antarctica has been losing about 134 billion metric tons of ice per
year since 2002. This rate could speed up if we keep burning fossil fuels at our current pace.

Here are some effects of global warming if current trends continue: melting glaciers,
early snowmelt, heavier rainfall and severe droughts will cause more water shortages and
increase flooding. Rising sea levels will lead to coastal flooding and ocean temperatures are
getting warmer too. Allergies, asthma, and outbreak of diseases will become more common
due to higher levels of air pollution.

Reduce your own carbon footprint by following a few easy steps to stop global warming.
Choose the most energy efficient products when making new purchases and look for
products with the government’s Energy Star label. You can also reduce your emissions by
taking public transportation or carpooling or try car sharing when possible.

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