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<P>PAGE 40481</P>
<P>foolish laughter approached along the lane,rose never looked round,but the
colour in her cheeks went and came.<br>the steps presently stopped at the gate and
those in hiding could see the four bullies,who were already somewhat the worse for
drink,learning upon it and eyeing the maiden at work with silly leers and
nudgings.pretty mistress rosamund,said slippery seal,in his most wheedling
voice,will you favour a thirsty traveller with a cup of water from your well use
faced round at that,her face flushed,but her miner calm.<br>if you are thirsty
sir,there is water to be had in the brook yander.<br>my father would not have me
speak with stranger in the road.<br>but,fair maid,said another,we cannot sure be
called strangers.<br>we have seen your rosy cheeks and bright eyes many times
before,we but before he had finished speaking,rose had turned her back and was
walking up the path towards the house.<br>no,no,no cried diving dick;you do not run
awat like that,pretty wsamund the next moment he had flung the gate wide,and the
whole four were making a dash up the path in persuit of the girl,they had probably
learned from the servant at the inn that her aunt was out, and had thought they
many yards behind and immediately there was a wholesale scrimmage in the little
garden;the sound of blows and oaths resounded,and many a yell of pain and rage told
that one or another of the bullies had got a well merited chastisement.<br>it was
not toms wish to use his sword,but he applied his good cudgel freely to the back of
the bully ,who was more his own height and make than any of the others.<br>bully
bullen swore, and raved, and threatened, and make ineffectual efforts to draw his
rapier and run his antagonist through the body.<br>but he had been drinking, and
neither hand nor eye were steady;whilst Tom's clutch upon his coat collar, as he
kept swinging him half off his feet, and laying his stout staff to his back, almost
throttled him, and rendered his efforts abortive.<br>Once Slippery Seal showed
himself worthy of his name, by slipping through the clutches of Harry, and dashing
to get a good blow at Tom, for whom these four worthies had conceived a powerful
hatred; but Tom saw the advance, and cleverly swerved round, so that the blow
descended upon the luckless Bullen, who roared anew with rage and pain.<br>"Let
them go now! let them go!" cried Rosamund at last, half frightened at the
scrimmage, and almost ready to pity the ruffians, who were getting so much the
worst of it.<br>Lusty William had quickly laid Dicing Dick prostrate on mother
earth, and was giving a drubbing to Thirsty Thring, who was helpless in his stout
grasp. This attack, so unexpected and so resolute, had quite taken the wind out of
the sails of the blustering four; and when, at Rosamund's cry, their antagonists
paused and gave to each a parting kick, they had no desire to do anything but slink
away with bruised shoulders--black rage in their hearts.

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