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Department of Mechanical Engineering

AMEE401 / AUTO400 Instructor: Marios M. Fyrillas

Aerodynamics Email:


For incompressible, two-dimensional, inviscid flow in cartesian coordinates the
mass conservation equation states that:
u x u y
 0.
x y
In cylindrical coordinates the equivalent equation is:
  rur  u
 0
r 
Show that the following flow fields satisfy above expressions:
u x u y
For uniform flow the equations are in cartesian coordinates, hence we have to use   0.
x y
u x u y
Because u x and u y are simply cosntants  0 and  0, hence above equation is identically satisfied.
x y
  rur  u
For the other flows the equation in cylindrical-polar coordinates has to be used, i.e.   0.
r 
Source - sink
     
r 
  rur  2 r  
 2   0, u  0
  
r r r 
Free vortex
  
  rur  2 r 
 0,  0
r 
  K cos  1 
r    
  rur  2 
     K cos   
r r K cos 
r r r r 2     rur   u  K cos   K cos   0

 K sin  r  r2 r2

u r2  K sin  K 
  2  2 cos  
  r  r 
The two-dimensional flow of a nonviscous, incompressible fluid in the vicinity
of a corner (see figure) is described by the stream function   2r 2 sin 2 , where
 has units of m2 /s when r is in meters. Determine:
a. The radial and tangential components of the velocity
b. The corresponding velocity potential.
c. If the pressure at point (1) on the wall is 30 kPa, what is the pressure at point
d. Express the velocity potential in Cartesian coordinates and comment on the
character of the equipotential lines.
e. Determine the mass flow rate across the points ( x, y )  (2, 2) and ( x, y )  (1,1) .
Assume the fluid density is  =103 kg/m3 and the x–y plane is horizontal—that is,
there is no difference in elevation between points (1) and (2).
A liquid drains from a large tank through a small opening as illustrated in the
figure. A vortex forms whose velocity distribution away from the tank opening

can be approximated as that of a free vortex having a velocity potential    .
a. The streamfunction and draw the streamline pattern along with the velocity
b. an expression relating the surface shape to the strength of the vortex as
specified by the circulation  .

The velocity potential for a cylinder (see Figure) rotating in a uniform stream of
 a2  
fluid is   Ur  1   cos    where  is the circulation. Define a
 2  2
 r 
nondimensional rotation rate by     D / 2U where D is the diameter,  is the
rotation rate and U is the uniform stream velocity.

Hence show that the critical value of   such that the stagnation point is at
point B is    2 .

The rotation of the sphere is simulated with a free vortex, hence the tangential
velocity on the sphere is given by the tangentail velocity of the free vortex at

r  a, i.e. u  . For a rotating disk the tangential velocity is related to the
2 a
angular velocity through u   r, hence u   a. Combining above two equations

we obtain   2 a 2 .
The tangential velocity of the flow can be obtain using the velocity potential through
1   a2  
u   U  1  2  sin   . Hence, on the surface of the cylinder the velocity is
r    2 r
 r 

u  2U sin   and the stagnation points are the points where the velocity is zero and
2 a

they are located at the angle sin   . If the stagnation point is located at point B the
4 aU
   / 2 hence sin   1 hence   4 aU which implies a a clockwise rotating vortex.
Combining the two equaitons we obtain  4 aU  2 a 2 which can be simplfied to
2U 4U D
  . Hence  2   
a D 2U
Sketch the streamlines for different values of   .

  0 
  2

 
  2   2
A source of strength m is located a distance  from a vertical solid wall as shown in
the Figure. The velocity potential for this incompressible, irrotational flow is given by
4    

ln  x     y 2   ln   x     y 2 

(a) Show that there is no flow through the wall. (b) Determine the velocity distribution
along the wall. (c) Determine the pressure distribution along the wall, assuming
p  p0 far from the source. Neglect the effect of the fluid weight on the pressure.

The velocity in the x -direction can be obtained through:
 m  2  x    2  x    
u    
x 4   x     y 2  x    2  y 2 

If there is no flow through the wall then u  0 at the location of the wall.
Note that the vertical velocity would not be zero as we have assumed
that the flow is inviscid. The wall is located at x  0. So
 2 
m 2 
u( x  0)   2  2 0
  y
  y2 
The vertical velocity along the wall v is obtained through:
 m  2y 2y  m  2 y 2 y  my
v ( x  0)         2 

y 4   x     y  x     y  4      y     y  4  2  y 2 
2 2 2 2 2 2 2

The pressure along the wall can be obtained through Bernoulli's equation
1 1  m2 y 2
p   V  p0  p  p0   (u  v )  p0 
2 2 2

2 2   2  y 2 
2 2

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