Fit Enough To Raise The Child?

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Mustakim Choudhury

2nd Hour

Fit Enough to Raise the child?

Many people face divoce and the biggest conflict involves the child. The mother will

often win this battle because she will seem as the most suitable to raise the child. While her title

of being a mother quickly overshadows the father, he is left with no chances in proving that he

can too raise that child. Barbara Whitehead claims, ‘women provide emotional ties between

fathers and children, and without women and marriage, men must overcome substantial obstacles

in eliminating the negative stereotype associated with unmarried father.” Barbara claims that

men must overcome obstacles associated with unmarried fathers, but this isn’t always the case as

there are many men in popular culture who show skills of a great father and a mother. Some men

realize the effects of a child not having both parents side by side and use that to their advantage

in adding motherly traits to their relationship with their child. In many works of literature, there

are mothers who are really selfish towards her child. Also, from personal experience, I can say

there is men who are just as caring with or without the mother.

Mothers are often seen as a key element of a child growing up. But her presence in the

family makes it seem that the dad is useless or unfit at raising the child. This if not true because

I’ve seen many children without mothers being raised by their dad who also took the role of the

mother. Although it may seem that men are unfit for this position due to their unmarried

stereotype, this proves that fathers are capable of fully supporting their child with motherly

qualities. I had a relative whose wife had passed away die to a disorder. Also, he was the father

to three kids. Although he suffered from a lot of grief, he implemented his wife’s role to the
family into his own lifestyle;similarly, he created an experience for the kids that it made it seem

that the mother was still in the family. Every time I would see the family, they were always

happy and the kids respected and loved their dad. This family is an example of what a flourishing

family can look like even without the mother. Even if she isn’t actually there, her role in the

family is still there. This can happen because of a committed father who is willing to engage

himself with his children that it seems that he is providing the same experience as the mother.

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