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Lamac, Nelinda Mae D.

XI – Philippians

Mrs. Marla B. Sudario

Case Study 10. Jess Beauty Salon: Missing You


1. If Jess missed anything that caused his problem, what is it?

2. Is it time for Jess to fold up?


The business of Jess was a great idea. He has experiences and skills that can
really make his business stand out with his competitors. Unfortunately, he has no
concrete plan on his business. He just thought that having skills and experiences are
enough to make his business successful. He chose a place that far from main commercial
district where there are a lot of customers.

The business almost has everything. The experience and skills of the workers,
enough knowledge of Jess on how he will manage his business. Its almost perfect.
Therefore, he should only choose the right and appropriate place for his business. The
place where the civilization is present. A place where his possible target market will have
easy access to visit his salon.

Case Study 11. Marilo Food Manufacturing: Three Coins in the Fountain


1. What is the best site for Marcelino's business?

2. What additional information would be useful before Marcelino makes a decision?


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