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Travel Survival Sentences

1.Do you speak English?

2. My name is __________.
3. Can you speak more slowly?
4. Where can I find a bus/taxi?
5. Where can I find a train/metro?
6. Can you take me to the airport please?
7. How much does this cost?
8. Do you take credit cards?
9. Where is the nearest bathroom?
10. Where can I get something to eat?
11. Can you show me on a map how to get there?
12. Will you write that down for me?
13. I need help.
14. I’m lost.
15. I am an American citizen.
16. Please call the American Embassy.
17. Please call the police.
18. I need a doctor.
19. My blood type is ______.
20. I’m allergic to _______.

Asking for and Getting Directions

Where is the nearest bank?
How far is it to the zoo?
How long does it take to get to the art museum?
Which bus do I take to get to the science museum?
Can I walk from here to the station?
In which direction is the subway?
Giving Directions
Go straight until you see a gas station then turn right.
Turn left at the first intersection.
Cross the train tracks.
Buying things
How much is this?
How much are these?
How much does this hat cost?
How much do these grapes cost?
I want to buy a sweater.
Where is the shoe department?
Where are the winter clothes?
Do you sell Nikon cameras?
Do you have any Chinese newspapers?

Health Care
I have a headache/ a toothache/ an earache/ a stomachache/ a fever/ a pain in my knee/
a sore throat/ a bad cough.
I cut my finger/ broke my arm/have a cold/ cut my hand with a knife/ sprained my ankle/
was strung by a bee/ was bitten by a dog/ feel dizzy/ feel like vomiting/ burned myself/
injured my foot.
I want to buy some medicine for a cold/ some medicine for a headache/ aspirin/ some
medicin for hay fever.
Expressions You May Hear
Do you have health insurance/ any pain now/ any allergies?
Does it hurt when you touch it/ you eat/ you walk/ you cough?
How long have you had this pain/ been sick?

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