Universal Design For Learning (UDL) Guidelines: Lesson Plan Analysis

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Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Guidelines

Lesson Plan Analysis

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• Review: Universal Design for Learning Guidelines

• If your lesson plan DOES NOT use the standard, put an “X” in the “No” column.

• If your lesson plan DOES use the standard, put an “X” in the “Yes” column and explain how your lesson uses the standard.

Student Name:

I. Provide Multiple Means of Representation:

1. Provide options for perception No Yes Provide Example
X Students can use the class set of Chromebooks to do their activity.
1.1 Offer ways of customizing the display of information
They can also follow along on the SmartBoard with the teacher.
1.2 Offer alternatives for auditory information X
1.3 Offer alternatives for visual information X Access to Chromebooks and teacher guidance via SmartBoard.
2. Provide options for language, mathematical
expressions, and symbols No Yes Provide Example
2.1 Clarify vocabulary and symbols X Students will be provided with a cheat sheet guide with key terminology and examples.
2.2 Clarify syntax and structure X
2.3 Support decoding of text, mathematical notation, and X
2.4 Promote understanding across language X
2.5 Illustrate through multiple media X Chromebooks, SmartBoard, handouts
3. Provide options for comprehension No Yes Provide Example
X Students will fill out a personal dietary assessment of current health habits and
3.1 Activate or supply background knowledge behaviors. This will give them current background knowledge of how they choose to
diet. This will help them to customize their goals.
X Students will find relationships and patterns associated with their dieting habits from
3.2 Highlight patterns, critical features, big ideas, and
their personal dietary assessment. The personal dietary assessment is a guide that
will help students create realistic goals.
3.3 Guide information processing, visualization, and X
X Information gained can be utilized in the future. Students can apply what they learn
3.4 Maximize transfer and generalization
into their future (adulthood). They can monitor and adjust accordingly.

© CAST 2011
II. Provide Multiple Means for Action and Expression:
4. Provide options for physical action No Yes Provide Example
X Student goals will vary because dieting habits differ. Students will be highly
4.1 Vary the methods for response and navigation encouraged to personalize their goals and not have responses similar to their
X Students will have access to chromebooks and the internet in the classroom. They will
4.2 Optimize access to tools and assistive technologies be given plenty of time to complete the assignment in class - take in to consideration
the students that do not have access to these tools at home.
5. Provide options for expression and communication No Yes Provide Example
5.1 Use multiple media for communication X
5.2 Use multiple tools for construction and composition X Google Drive – excel, word, and the use of Internet
5.3 Build fluencies with graduated levels of support for X Students will have a tutorial on how to use Google Drive- excel, and word programs.
practice and performance As well as review how to use the internet
6. Provide options for executive functions No Yes Provide Example
X Students will create realistic short-term and long-term goals that they can fulfill in
6.1 Guide appropriate goal setting
making healthier food choice alternative options.
X I will use myself as an example. I will give them examples of my personal “realistic”
6.2 Support planning and strategy development
short-term and long-term goals that students can model.
6.3 Facilitate managing information and resources X I can help facilitate their progress and help them make adjustments.
X I will give them plenty of class time to work on their project. In return this will allow me
6.4 Enhance capacity for monitoring progress
to carefully monitor their progress.

© CAST 2011
III. Provide Multiple Means for Engagement:
7. Provide options for recruiting interest No Yes Provide Example
X Students will be able to create their own goals. Goals will be specific and unique to
7.1 Optimize individual choice and autonomy
each individual.
7.2 Optimize relevance, value, and authenticity X
7.3 Minimize threats and distractions X I will supervise and monitor students throughout to eliminate threats and distractions.
8. Provide options for sustaining effort and
persistence No Yes Provide Example
X I will often check for understanding to see if goals and objectives have been met. I will
8.1 Heighten salience of goals and objectives
do this by having students share.
8.2 Vary demands and resources to optimize challenge X
8.3 Foster collaboration and community X Students will have opportunities to share their goals with their classmates.
8.4 Increase mastery-oriented feedback X

9. Provide options for self-regulation No Yes Provide Example

9.1 Promote expectations and beliefs that optimize X Students will be given deadlines in order to meet expectations.
9.2 Facilitate personal coping skills and strategies X
X Students will fill out a personal dietary assessment prior and a self-evaluation at the
end. The purpose of the personal dietary assessment is to guide them towards their
goal setting and so they are aware of their current dieting habits and behavior. The
9.3 Develop self-assessment and reflection self-evaluation is for reflection purposes- did they make necessary adjustments to
their diet? Were they successful in accomplishing their goals? What were some
strengths and weaknesses? What goals can be modified in the future to achieve

© CAST 2011

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