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Department of Biomedical Engineering

BM 6501 Bio Control System

Important 2 marks and 16 marks for all 5 units

1. What is the reason for designing control system? Nov Dec 2012
2. What are the components of control system?
3. Draw the general block diagram of control system
4. Define Transfer Function
5. What is signal flow graph?
6. What is Mason's gain formula? Nov Dec 2012
7. What is damping ratio? Nov Dec 2013 2014
8. What are the Time response specifications?
9. What is STEADY STATE ERROR? Nov Dec 2013 2014
10. What is Condition for stability?
12. What is root locus?
13. What is physiological modelling? Nov Dec 2013 2014
14. What are the elements of Rotational control system? Nov Dec 2012
15. What Is Muscle Stretch?
16. What is bode plot?
17. What Is Ocular response?
18. What is Resonance frequency?
19. What is gain Margin? Nov Dec 2013 2014
20. What is Phase Margin? Nov Dec 2012
21. What is Polar Plot?
22. What is frequency domain response?
23. What is simulation?
24. What is Root locus? Nov Dec 2012

1. Solve the block diagram using thier respective rules Dec 2011

2. Solve the block diagram and give Transfer Function May 2011

3 Find the transfer function for the given graph using signal flow graph
Dec 2009

4. Explain in detail about the Time Response analysis of second order


5. Solve the equations of second order response.

10. Write the steps involved in the framing the bode plot with examples

11. Explain the Procedure for constructing Bode plot with example.

12. Find the bode log magnitude plot for thr the following transfer function
May 2010
13. Give the Generalized System Properties May 2010. May 2011,
Dec 2009

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