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A Project Paper Presented to

The Faculty of Graduate School

Project FREE –Paglaum

University of St. La Salle

Bacolod City

In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirements for the Degre of

Master of Education

Major in TLE



Youth generation has the key role in shaping the future of a nation. But times

the youth may become the biggest threat to the country itself if the youth get misguided

with wrong human principles and belief. In order for them to be a part of the solution,

they must be educated with knowledge, skills, and values. Thus, education plays

important role in developing youth attitude. It is also inside the school where the social

development are enhanced. The function of education is both social and individual. Its

social function is to help each individual become more effective member of society by

passing along to him to lead a more satisfying and productive life by preparing him to

handle new experience successfully (Sandler, 1996) Peer influence describes the process

by which people are shaped by attitudes and behaviors of those around them. Steinberg &

Monahan (2007) suggest that adolescence is the time when we are most susceptible to

peer influence, but also it provides a great opportunity to practice the skills required to

avoid influences that may be detrimental to us, and stay true to ourselves.

When we come to think of students, they are the ones who learn ideas to become

more responsible and productive someday. But most learning takes place in group

situations, the group impacts and influence on its members is so strong that it takes the

group as a whole to support the learning process. In, school, the peer group maybe a

dominant factor to consider in academic achievement. Acceptance by the group depends

on conformity. (Jan, 2013)


In our school, it is observed that teens tend to be with their friends and barkada.

Peeracceptance is important and this is where their personal and social attitude and

behaviors are geared to. This is true in line with Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory that a

child is continually acting in social interaction with others. But, what is the extent of

relationship between peer influence and the study habits of Grade 7- Amethyst of our

school have not been thoroughly elucidated.

Statement of the Research Problem

This study aims to determine the extent of relationship between peer influences

and academic performance of Grade 7 students..Specifically this study aims to answer

the following questions:

1. What is the extent of peer influence among the respondents if taken as a whole

and grouped according to sex?

2. What is the academic performance of the respondents if taken as a whole and

grouped according to sex?

3. Is there a significant difference in the academic performance when grouped

according to sex.

4. Is there a significant in the extent of peer influence when group according

to sex?

5. Is there significant relationship between peer influence and academic



Ho. There is no significant relationship between the extents of peer influence in

Relation to academic performance of Grade 7students.

Theoritical Framework

For adolescents, the challenge is “identity versus role confusion”. Teens need to

develop a sense of self and personal identity, and Erikson suggests we are intrinsically

motivated towards achieving a resolution. Peer pressure affects learning and motivation

among students. Vygotsky Sociocultural Theory focuses on the importance of a child’s

culture and notes that a child is continually acting in social interactions with others. The

values and attitudes of peer group are essentials in learning. Those who surround

themselves with anemically focused peers will be more likely to internalize this type of


According to Howard Gardner Theory of Behavior and Intelligence, student’s

possessed different intelligence which affects their study skills. The kind of behavior,

intellect and study skills they can determine whether they perform well in academics or

not. Albert Banduras Social Learning Theory, focuses on the learning that occurs within a

social context. It considers that people learn from another, including such concepts as

observational learning, imitation and modeling. Social learning theory explains human

behavior in terms of continuous reciprocal interaction between cognitive, behavioral and

environmental influences” (Social Learning Theory: Bandura).

Hurlock (11975:180) the influence of a group is intensified by the persons desire

to be an accepted member of the peer group. To achieve this desire he tries to conform in

everyday to the patterns approved by the group. When group members are attached to

their groups, they are motivated to behave in accordance with the wishes of the group and

in ways which would make them accepted, this motivation is attributes to peer group

influence. Peer influence on behavior gradually develops and become more dominant.

The peer group can influence what the child values,knows,wears eats and learns. The

extent of this influence however depends on other situational constraints, such as the age

and personality of children and the nature of the group (Harris,1998,Hartup,1983).

Conceptual Framework

This study to determine the demographic profile, specifically the age and gender,

of the Grade 7-AMETHYST student at Col. Griffin National High School of Minapasuk.

This study would also identify the level of peer influence in relation to Academic

Performance of Grade 7- Amethyst student of Col. Griffin National High School of


a. sex

Level of Peer Academic

Influence Performance

Scope and Limitation

The study will measure the levels of peer influence in relation to academic

performance of Grade 7- Amethyst of Colonel Griffin National High School at

Minapasuk Calatrava Negros Occidental from January 2019 to March 2019.

Significance of the Study

This study is important in order to answer and take action to the challenges that

peer influence may bring to the lives of Grade 7- Amethyst.

The result of the study will be important to:

Students. Student’s awareness of peer’s positive and negative influence will help them

choose which friends they must associate with and serve them as a support system in

his/her studies.

Parents. Parents knowing the kind of friends and the influences that they bring to their

Children will help them use strategies to deal better with their children to choose their


Teachers. Teachers as the second parents of students, and knowing the prevailing peer

pressures, will be able to design innovative strategies that will actively engage peer

groups in more productive and useful activities in school, such as organizing study circles

or peer tutorials.

School Administration. The results of the study will provide useful information to the

School Administrators in designing students activities that will build a positive support

system between and among students, faculty and school officials, and eventually improve

the academic performance of students.

Definition of Terms

Aristotle said that intelligent discussions must begin with definition of

terms. Thus the researcher deems it fit to give operational definition to the

following concerned terms in the study.

Peers: This refers to children of same sex and usually within the same age range.

Peer Group: This is the association of close friends of the same sex, which are

bound together by common emotional attachement and have a complex social

system of which they posses certain code of conduct such as dressing codes.

Peer Group Relationship: This is the form, way and why close friends of the same

sex (peers) communicate among themselves whether in public or exclusively.

Academic Performance : This is the level of achievement attained through efforts

or skills during the learning processes( theoretical and practical) and has effect on

the standard of education.

Influence: This refers to the effect which an element has on another specific


Review of Related Literature

A peer group consist of people or individuals that are within ages that are close to

in Years, for instance between range of one to four years, the school serves as primary

setting to the membership of peer group, they may be in the same class, the same sex and

close is of equals. It is generally observed that peer group has a lot of influence on

students. This is seen`from the role- played by the peer group in the life and learning of a

child, it is believed that students feel more comfortable and relaxed among fellow

students. A child who is brilliant and surrounded by dull friends would lose interest in

learning. On the other hand, a peer group which inclined to study would have positive

effect on a dull member towards learning and stimulate his/her interest on learning. Katz

(1960) wrote that the nature of a peer group determines the impact on the motivation of

and achievements of its member. The attractiveness of the group, the nature of conformity

demanded by the group and the morals of the group determine whether a

group the is likely to have positive or negative impact on members motivation and

achievement. If the atmosphere of the group is warm, understanding and supportive, the

group influence or motivation and achievement will most likely be positive. Festigen

(2006) also shares the same view that imitation of behavior in a group occurs when a

person acts in a way that is likely to be joined by the rest of the group. Bandura (2003)

noted that through observing and limiting the behavior of others, Learners can by pass

much wasteful random behaviors of which members are recognized. A child may not be

dull but playful. If he is well monitored and he falls into a group of brilliant students who

are not playful ,he imitates them and this changes his attitudes towards learning for better.

This is why important for teachers to be able to distinguish a playful child from dull one.

Cressey (1992) found that peers where involved in the socialization of novices,

considerable sociable interaction and the maintenance of loose, unwritten of conduct to be

followed by those who wished to remain in the group. This group also tends to imitate

each other easily.They fear rejection by the group. Grulund (1990) feels that acceptance

by a peer group improves social relations. Bang (1999) wrote htat the effectiveness of the

school depends on large measures on the development of effective small groups. Bernard

(2008) describes a peer group as member of individuals bound together by purpose or

abilities. Beckman (1996) viewed that members of a group perceive themselves to be

alike in significant ways. Blake and David’s (1997) support the view that a peer group

come into being because its member have common goals, interest and motivations.

Wattenberg (1998) also viewed that peer group is a potent force which wields great

influence, especially in the school setting.


Research Design

In gathering data about the study, a quantitative descriptive survey design is to be

used. It was suited in gathering data to determine describe the extent of peer influence.

The study is also correctional since it will determine if there is a

relationship between peer influence in relation to Academic Performance. .

Respondents of the study

The respondents of the study are the. Grade -7 Amethyst of Col. Griffin National

High School students from February 2019-March 2019 with a total population of 39


The researchers decided for Universal sampling techniques (take all). Using the

descriptive statistical tools used are mean,standard deviation and pearson correlation.

Table 1. Profile of the Respondents

Profile Male Female

Grade 7- Amethyst 15 24

Research Instrument

There are three parts in the research instrument, the first part is the

respondents profile information it includes the name, age gender, and civil status

of the respondents. Second part is the survey questioners for peer influence consist

of 20 items and the third part are for the General weighted average of Grade 7

students. The researchers personally distributed the questionnaire. The data were

collected and obtained were tabulated in tables and interpreted. The instrument of

this study was adapted from the paper entitled Peer Influence in Relation to the

Academic Performance of Bachelor of Secondary Education Students Major in

Physical Science in Northern Negros State College of Science and Technology

(2014). Modification was made to be more suitable to the chosen respondents of

the present study.

To determine the relationship between peer influence and Academic Performance of

Grade 7 Students, this scale will be used:



5 4.20-5.00 Very Strong

4 3.40-4.19 Strong

3 2.60-3.39 Moderate

2 1.80-2.59 Weak

1 1.00-1.79 Very Weak

Figure 3. Research Scale

Grading Scale Description

90-100 Outstanding

85-89 Very Satisfactory

80-84 Satisfactory

75-79 Fairly Satisfactory

Below 75 Did Not Meet Expectation

Figure 4. Grading Scale


Statistical Treatment of Data Treatment

The data gathered will be tabulated, analyzed and interpreted. The

researcher opted to use method in the pursuit of the approaches that guided the


The statistical tests were used so as to come up with a sound and through

processing of the raw data, to wit:

1.Mean and Standard deviation

2.Mean and Standard deviation

3. T-test for independent samples

4. T- test for independent samples

5. Pearson Product Moment of Correlation

Ethical Consideration

Permission to conduct the study was obtained from the principal II of

Colonel Griffin National High School in Minapasuk Calatrava Negros Occidental.

The official results of Survey of Peer influence will obtained from the Grade 7-

Amethsyt from the same School. Likewise the Academic performance (Final rating)

in all subjects will be collected from the adviser. When using documentary sources,

one must bear in mind the fact, that facts appearing in print are not necessarily

trustworthy. Documents used in descriptive research must be subjected to critism.

Not only is the authentication of the document important, but the content is

crucial. It is the researchers obligation to establish the trustworthiness of the data he

or she draws from documentary sources.



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