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Electronics and IT


National e-Governance Plan: Vision,

Challenges and the Way Forward
Rajendra Kumar

governance that aimed at computerizing all
in India owes its the district offices in the country
origins to the in- ( 2 ndA d m i n i s t r a t i v e R e f o r m s
house development Commission, 2008). During
of applications during the 1990s, several government
the 1970s and 1980s departments at both central and
in defence, economic planning, state levels launched projects aimed
census, tax administration and at deploying ICTs for improving
elections. Subsequently, massive services to citizens.Initial attempts
efforts were made during the 1980s were made by some government
by the National Informatics Centre departments during the latter half
(NIC) to connect all the district of this decade to use the World
headquarters in the country through Wide Web mainly for providing
a VSAT network. However, all these information to the citizens.
The National efforts were mainly government
centric with the primary objective
Several states, particularly the
southern states, achieved significant
e-Governance of exploiting information and successes in using e-governance
to improve delivery of services
communication technologies (ICTs)
Plan (NeGP) is the for automating internal government to the citizens during this period.
functions. Citizen centricity with This trend continued during the
most significant a focus on improving delivery of early years of the last decade with
several states across the country
initiative taken services to the citizens was not the
primary goal during this period. implementing citizen-centric
in India during In the late 1980s, a few
e-government projects. However,
these initiatives were isolated and
the last decade to computerization initiatives in
the government started making
fragmented due to lack of adequate
and integrated ICT infrastructure
mainstream ICT in an impact on citizen services. reaching down to the block and
The most prominent among these village levels, lack of comprehensive
governance at both was the computerization of the backend computerization, lack of
central and state passenger reservation system by
the Indian Railways (Ramani,
connectivity, and lack of adequate
capacity at all levels of government
levels 1991). E-governance during this to efficiently deploy ICTs for
period received a major thrust with improving the quality of governance.
the launch of NICNET in 1987, The National e-Governance Plan
followed by the launch of DISNIC (NeGP), conceptualized in the early

The author is Joint Secretary, Department of Electronics & Information Technology, Governments of India.

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part of the last decade, aimed at Integrated Approach to secretariat for the Apex Committee
addressing all these deficiencies. Implementation in managing the NeGP and provides
technical advisory and appraisal
In this paper, I examine how The overall strategy for
services to the various departments
the NeGP has performed against its implementation envisaged an
implementing the MMPs. It is
original aims and objectives and the integrated approach focusing on
also responsible for implementing
challenges that the various Mission six key aspects and seven guiding
the core infrastructural and other
Mode Projects (MMPs) under it have principles (Chauhan 2009).
technical support components of
faced during their implementation. The six key aspects included
the plan.
connectivity, capacity building,
I also discuss how its effectiveness
content creation, cyber law, citizen Components under NeGP
and citizen-centricity in terms of
interface, and capital. The seven
delivery of public services can be guiding principles included the The NeGP consists of eight
improved through adoption of new following: centralized initiative components. The three main core
and innovative technologies and and decentralized implementation; components consist of State Wide
processes. delivering public value; think big, Area Networks (SWANs), State
start small, and scale fast; change Data Centres (SDCs), and Common
National e-Governance Plan Service Centres (CSCs). All these
management; common core and
The National e-Governance support infrastructure; capacity three projects are being implemented
Plan (NeGP) is the most significant building; and public private by DeitY. The other five components
initiative taken in India during the partnerships (PPPs). comprise standards, awareness and
last decade to mainstream ICT in communication, capacity building,
Governance Structure under assessment, and research and
governance at both central and NeGP development. DeitY plays a pivotal
state levels. It lays emphasis on
NeGP has conceptualized a role in these areas as well.
creating the right governance and
institutional framework within well-defined governance structure Mission Mode Projects under
the country, establish the core IT to ensure its implementation as a NeGP
infrastructure, and implement a comprehensive and integrated plan
cutting across various central line The 31 MMPs under the NeGP
number of Mission Mode Projects consist of 11 central, 7 integrated
ministries and state governments.
at the central, state and integrated and 13 state projects. The 11 central
At the highest level, there is a
levels. The original vision of NeGP MMPs are as follows:
Committee headed by the Prime
was to “Make all Government Minister to provide the overall 1. Banking - This MMP has been
services accessible to the common leadership for the implementation of led by the banking industry
man in his locality through the NeGP. A National e-Governance and aims at integrating the
common service delivery outlets Advisory Group headed by the core banking solutions across
and ensure efficiency, transparency Minister of Communications and IT various banks in the country.
and reliability of such services at has been constituted to seek views 2. Insurance – This is another
affordable costs to realize the basic of the various stakeholders and industry led initiative that
needs of the common man”. deliberate on the policy issues and focuses on services in the
interventions needed to mainstream insurance sector being provided
The plan, consisting originally of ICT in governance in the country.
27 Mission Mode Projects (MMPs) by the public sector insurance
An Apex Committee on NeGP companies.
and 8 Components, was approved in chaired by the Cabinet Secretary
May 2006. Subsequently, during July has also been constituted to monitor 3. MCA 21 - This project provides
2011, four new MMPs on Health, its implementation, provide policy various services of the Ministry
Education, Public Distribution directions and resolve any inter- of Corporate Affairs such as
System (PDS) and Posts were ministerial issues. For the actual registration of companies,
added. The respective ministries conceptualization, financial filing of documents, etc.
and departments in Government approvals, and implementation through a secure portal. It has
of India are responsible for overall of the MMPs, the respective line 8 service categories.
formulation, financial approvals ministries and departments are 4. Income Tax: It aims at
and implementation of the MMPs. responsible. DeitY serves as the providing all income tax

52 YOJANA September 2012

related services to citizens and computerization of land 9. Gram Panchayats: It includes
businesses under 18 service records, integration of services like house taxes, trade
categories. registration and mutation licenses, certificates, etc. under
5. Central Excise: It provides processes, automatic updation 12 service categories.
excise and customs related of land records, etc. under 16 10. Employment Exchange:
services such as online filing service categories. It includes services such as
of service tax and excise 2. Commercial Taxes: It provides registration of job seekers and
returns, e-payment of customs online filing of returns and guidance to them, potential
duties, etc. under 16 service taxes, automatic refunds, etc. employers and online
categories. under 22 service categories. registration of vacancies, etc.
3. Transport: It includes services under 6 service categories.
6. National ID/UID: It aims at
providing unique identification like vehicle registration and 11. Health, Education and PDS:
numbers to all the residents in driving licenses under 18 These three MMPs have been
the country. service categories. added in July 2011 and aim
4. E-District: It provides at providing a comprehensive
7. Passports: It offers all passport range of services in their
district and tehsil/block
related services under 17 respective sectors.
level G2C services such as
service categories including
various certificates, welfare
applications for new passports, Out of the 13 state MMPs four
services, etc. under 10
renewal of passports, tracking MMPs, i.e., NLRMP, Transport,
service categories. While
of status of applications, etc. e-District (Pilot), and Commercial
five categories are defined,
8. Immigration and Visa: It Taxes have gone live and are
states can add five categories
provides immigration and delivering various services.
specific to their requirements.
visa related services under 9 Two MMPs, Treasuries and
An E-District pilot project has
service categories at the Indian Municipalities, have become live
been implemented across 41
partially. Three MMPs, CCTNS,
Missions abroad. districts in 16 states and now
Gram Panchayats, and Agriculture
9. Pensions: It provides pension the project is being rolled out
are under implementation and
related services to pensioners across all the states.
Employment Exchange MMP is
under 2 service categories. 5. Treasuries: It includes all yet to be launched. The three new
10. E-Office: It aims at automating payment related services MMPs are under conceptualization
all internal file management through treasuries under 13 stage.
processes within government service categories.
6. Municipalities: It provides The 7 integrated MMPs are as
municipal level G2C and G2B follows:
11. Posts: This new MMP focuses
services such as birth and death 1. India Portal: It aims at
on providing all postal services providing a single window
certificates, payment of taxes
in the country including postal access to all government
and fees, licenses, etc. under 8
savings accounts and postal service categories. services under various
insurance. departments at both central
7. Police – Crime and Criminal
Out of the 11 central MMPs Tracking and Networking and state levels.
mentioned above, 10 have gone System (CCTNS): It aims 2. National Service Delivery
live and are offering services to at comprehensive automation Gateway(NSDG): It is a
their stakeholders. However, not all of police and criminal messaging middleware to
services under their defined service admin i s t r a t i o n s y s t e m i n route intelligently and securely
categories may be operational. the country with 23 service all service requests to the
categories. relevant backend databases
The 13 state MMPs are as and the processed services to
8. Agriculture: It provides
follows: services such as market prices, the service seeker. It facilitates
1. National Land Records crop diseases and management, exchange of information across
M o d e r n i z a t i o n best practices in agriculture, various backend databases of
P ro g r a m m e ( N L R M P ) : horticulture, sericulture, etc. different departments. It has 6
It aims at comprehensive under 12 service categories. defined service categories.

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3. Common Service Centres Operational integration, compliance with
(CSC): It provides ICT enabled security standards and third party
front end kiosks for delivering The main operational issues audit, lack of a central network and
various G2C and G2B services and challenges mentioned by the lack of adequate disaster recovery
to citizens in rural areas. MMPs include lack of dedicated (DR) facilities.
project teams, frequent changes
4. E-Courts: It aims at automating in project leadership, lack of Critical Factors Affecting the
court related services such capacity and change management, Implementation of NeGP
as e-filing of cases, online inadequate engagement with the
availability of judgements, etc. We can observe from the
key stakeholders and issues in
under four service categories. above analysis that the issues and
project management due to the
5. Electronic Data Interchange challenges being faced by the
sheer scale and diversity of some
(EDI) for Trade: It enables MMPs can be broadly classified into
very large projects.
online filing and clearance of seven critical factors: information,
import and export documents, Institutional people, management, process,
online payment of charges structure, strategy and technology.
The main institutional issues This analytical framework allows
and fees and exchange of and challenges noted by the
documents among different us to suggest interventions to
MMPs include inter-departmental make the MMPs more effective
government departments coordination, duplication
and agencies such as ports, and outcome oriented in their
of infrastructure, lack of an implementation. I attempt to do this
customs, etc. It has four service
institutionalized incentive scheme, in the next section.
inadequate business process
6. E-Biz: It aims at providing reengineering (BPR), delays in NeGP: The Way Forward
integrated services through a obtaining necessary approvals, and
single window for businesses How can the MMPs be made
exit management for PPP projects. more effective in terms of their
and investors related to
approvals and permissions, Legal outcome orientation and how can
payment of various fees through they take advantage of the latest
Some MMPs pointed out that new and innovative technologies
one lumpsum payment, etc. recognition of electronic records
under 29 service categories. such as cloud and mobile to make
is still an issue despite the legal implementation faster and more
7. E-Procurement: It provides mandate provided by the IT Act resource efficient? Based on the
all procurement related for the same. In some cases, BPR analysis in the preceding sections,
services to various government needed legal enactments to be the following recommendations
departments and agencies. implemented. can be made for the MMPs in this
Except the e-Biz MMP, all the Financial regard.
other MMPs listed above have gone
Some MMPs noted that delays Redefining the Strategy: Outcome
live though not all the services
in obtaining financial approvals Orientation
under various categories might
be operational. E-Biz MMP is were hampering the progress of The MMPs should redefine
expected to go live shortly. implementation. Delays in release their service delivery strategy
of funds to the states and their with a renewed focus on outcome
Cross-Case Comparative utilization was also mentioned orientation through provisioning
Analysis: Issues and Challenges by some state MMPs as a major of all feasible services through
in Implementation of NeGP challenge in making projects go live the electronic mode, well-defined
though several projects under in those states. service levels and measurable
the NeGP have achieved significant Technological transactions either through CSCs
success in implementation and or in self-service mode.
have started delivering services The major technological
Process: Focus on BPR and
to their stakeholders, many challenges pointed out by the
Aadhaar Integration
projects are facing challenges in MMPs included dependency on core
implementation. What are these infrastructure for implementation, The process interventions should
issues and challenges? software customization, system include comprehensive BPR,

54 YOJANA September 2012

digital signing of all the documents, mobile platform holds tremendous (MIS) must be put in place by all the
electronic authentication, integrated potential for widening the reach of MMPs to effectively monitor the
services and integration of the e-governance, especially in rural performance of the projects. Proper
Aadhaar platform for service areas. Use of local languages in policies for strategic control and exit
delivery. applications can facilitate easy management also need to be put in
access to them for the people. place. Appropriate revenue models
New and Innovative Technologies: for ensuring financial sustainability
Cloud Computing, Mobile, and I n s t i t u t i o n a l S t r u c t u re a n d of the projects also need to be
Localization Management carefully examined.
There is tremendous scope for Ensuring inter-departmental People and Information: Capacity
exploiting the new and innovative coordination and coordination Building and Empowering
t e c hnologies su ch as cloud among the central ministries and Stakeholders
computing and mobile platform state government departments are
for making rollout of services sine qua nons for the success of any Capacity building at all levels
faster and more resource efficient. project. They are also vital in avoiding within the government is a must
Cloud computing offers tremendous unnecessary duplication of efforts. for the success of any project. The
opportunities for fast-tracking the Such coordination can also help in importance of dedicated project
implementation of different projects timely sanctions and releases of teams and change management
and for quickly replicating the funds to the implementing agencies cannot be overemphasized.
successful e-governance projects and states. There is also need for Disseminating proper information
an institutionalized performance and empowering the key stakeholders
in various states across the country.
can go a long way in ensuring the
Similarly, as access to mobile linked incentive scheme to be put
success and sustainability of the
phones is much higher compared to in place for the MMPs. A proper
the same for computers and internet, management information system
Issues and Challenges faced by Critical Factors as per Heeks
MMPs and Bhatnagar (1999) Model NeGP has achieved notable
successes after six years of its
Operational: dedicated project Information, People, Management, implementation. However, several
teams, project leadership, Structure projects under NeGP still lack a
capacity and change management, clear focus on outcomes and face
inadequate engagement with a number of challenges that have
the key stakeholders, project prevented them from becoming fully
operational and effective in terms of
delivering services to the people as
Institutional: inter-departmental Management, Process, Information, per the original vision of NeGP. At
c o o r d i n a t i o n , d u p l i c a t i o n Structure, Strategy this critical juncture, there is a need
of infrastructure, lack of an for enhancing the effectiveness
and speed of implementation of
institutionalized incentive scheme,
these MMPs to make them more
inadequate business process outcome oriented. Interventions
reengineering (BPR), delays in focused on BPR, adoption of new
obtaining necessary approvals, and innovative technologies such
and exit management for PPP as cloud and mobile platforms,
projects. localization, e-authentication and
Aadhaar integration in service
Legal: electronic records, BPR Process, Management delivery, capacity building, change
Financial: delays in financial Process, Management management, and empowering the
approvals, release of funds key stakeholders can go a long way
in enhancing the effectiveness of
Technological: core infrastructure, Technology NeGP and in realizing its original
system integration, customization, vision.  q
Security, DR (E-mail:

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