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Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics

I. Objectives
a. Define the Basic Concepts of Probability such as experiment, outcomes, sample space,
& event.
b. Give the possible outcomes of an experiment.
c. Cite instances in life where probability is being observed.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Basic Concepts of Probability
Reference: Mathematics- Grade 8: Learners Module
Materials: coins, dice, activity sheet
Value: Cooperation

III. Learning Activity

Teachers Activity Students Activity

A. Preparation
1. Motivation
Good morning class! Good morning sir!

Have you ever asked the following

question’s to yourself?
(let any student read every question.)

1. Should I bring my umbrella tomorrow? Yes sir!

2. What are my chances if I court my crush? Yes sir!
3. Will I probably win this game? Yes sir!
4. What is the possible dress that I can wear in
our closing program? Yes sir!
5. How likely is it that I will be called to recite
in our math class today? Yes sir!

Observed the underlined words. What comes

into our mind when you hear those words?
Or what do they emphasize? Probability sir.

What is then a probability? Probability is a measure or estimation of how likely

it is that an event will occur.
That’s right!

B. Presentation
Arrange the jumbled letters to form a new

1. IEEETRXMPN 1. Experiment
2. MTSCOEUO 2. Outcomes
3. EALSMPCSPEA 3. Sample space
4. NTVEE 4. Event

What do you call these words? Terms used to describe probability.

C. Discussion
(The teacher will show a coin.)
What is this? A coin

(The teacher will toss it)

What did I do? You tossed it sir.

(The teacher will toss the coin twice and ask

the students what showed up.) Head and Tail sir!

From the activity being done, what is the

experiment? Tossing a coin sir.

What is then an experiment? Experiment is an activity without looking which

could be repeated over and over again and which
have well defined results.

What are the outcomes? Head and tail

What are outcomes then? Outcomes are the results of the experiments.

What are the sample spaces? Head and tail

What is sample space? Sample space is the set of all possible outcomes of an

What are the events in the activity? Getting head in tossing the coin.
Getting tail in tossing the coin.

What is an event? Event is an occurrence in an experiment.

(The teacher will shoe a die.)

What is this? A die sir!

(The teachers will role the die.)

What did I do? You rolled the die sir.
(The teacher will continue rolling the die and
ask the students.)
What showed up? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6

From the activity being done, what is the

experiment? Rolling a die

What are the outcomes? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6

What are the sample spaces? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6

Give two events. Getting an odd number (1, 3, 5) when rolling a die.
Getting an even number (2, 4, 6) when rolling a die.

That’s right.

Let’s have an activity. I will group you into 4.

Count off.

(The teacher will give an experiment to each group,

& then the students will give the possible outcomes
of the experiment.

Group 1 & 3- tossing two coins. Possible outcomes-HH, HT, TH, TT

Group 2 & 4- rolling a coin and a die simultaneously. Possible outcomes-H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6,
T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6

Good job!

D. Generalization
What is again an experiment? Experiment is an activity without looking which
could be repeated over and over again and which
have well defined results.

What about outcomes? Outcomes are the results of the experiments.

What is sample space? Sample space is the set of all possible outcomes of an

What about an event? Event is an occurrence in an experiment.

E. Application (Answers will be shared to the class)

In their respective groups cite 2 instances (each Possible Answers:
group) in life where probability is being observed? 1.drawlots
2.survival chance of a person that undergo an
3. game of chances (lotto)
IV. Evaluation

Choose the best answer. (To be answered by the students individually.)

1. Which of the following DOES NOT belong to the group?

a. Tossing a coin
b. Rolling a die
c. Drawing a card from a deck of 52 cards
d. Clapping hands
2. The following are the outcomes of rolling a die EXCEPT one.
a. 1
b. 3
c. 5
d. 7
3. Which one of the events of tossing a coin?
a. Getting a head
b. Getting an odd (1,3,5)when rolling a die
c. Choosing a queen from a deck of cards
d. Getting an even number
4. The result of an experiment is called _____________.
a. Event
b. Sample space
c. Outcomes
d. Experiments
5. Which of the following is the correct sample space of drawing a card from a deck of 52
a. 12 diamonds, 14 hearts, 16 spades, 10 clubs
b. 13 diamonds, 13 hearts, 13 spades, 13 clubs
c. 10 diamonds, 16 hearts, 14 spades, 12 clubs
d. 14 diamonds, 10 hearts, 12 spades, 16 clubs

ANSWERS: 1.D 2.D 3.A 4.C .5. B


Read and understand about Experiment Probability and Theoretical Probability.

Differentiate the two. To be placed in ½ sheet crosswise.


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