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‘Topic 2 ~ Comniunicdition — Keeping in contact Reading (45 minutes/25 marks) Part 1 (12.5 marks) You are going to read a text about the English language. Some clauses are missing from the passage. You can find them betow the text. Write the appropriate answer into the answer box. You need io fill in 10 boxes. The first (0) has been done as an example. There are three clauses which you will not need. While English is not the most widely spoken language in the world, when you look at a While a larger it, in terms of the number of native speakers, number of people speak Chinese, that language is English on the other hand, is spoken around the world. It has been estimated that out of the roughly 6 billion people that are alive today about 350 million speak English. When you look at the importance of English for international business, you must look at more than just the number of people who speak it, You must also look at 2. English is the language for many governments around the world, and it is also prominent in business, education, world news, and communication. In addition to this, Westem pop culture is also carried to foreign countries 2. If you wish to be successfull in international business, learning English is incredibly important. In many places such as Asia, Africa, and South America, the ability to learn English will determine who will increase their living standards, 4 There are a number of powerful tools that have allowed more people to Jearn English than ever before. One of these tools is the Internet. Before the Internet, it was hard for you to learn English if you didn't attend a college or university. These were the only institutions 5 If you lived in a community so poor that it didn't have a college or university, your 6 While many people still live in these circumstances today, the Internet has allowed the English language to spread around the word, and more people 1 Many companies discovered early in the 21st century that they can cut their costs of production by sending their jobs overseas, The proper term for this is ‘outsourcing’, or ‘off-shoring’. Some companies have also found that they can cut costs by bringing immigrants into the country on work visas. The employees will work for the company for a given period of time, and once their visa has expired, they can return home. scone living in a country where English is not the native language, they will ‘master this language if they 8 . Leaming to speak English opens ze number of doors, doors that countries where English is not the native language, you are considered highly fyou 10 . You will be presented with a number of career ‘es, and you will have the option of working in your home country or g abroad. When you learn how to speak English, the opportunities are to find a high paying job overseas C. in the form of music or movies _D. where the language was widely spoken _E_ are being exposed to English . largely confined to China G. learning English is important +H. and who will remain in poverty 1. would normally be closed J. chances of ever learning English were remote K. you will have many opportunities L. what the language is used for M. can speak the language properly NN. in newspapers and magazines Part 2 (12.5 marks First, read the text below about the use of technology in communication, Then look at the sentences 1-10 below. Complete each of the numbered sentences (1-10) with a few words (maximum 5). The first (0) has been completed as an example. ‘The Future of Social Networking: Mobile Phones Picture this: a young woman goes to a party. She doesn't know anyone but it's fine because she has her mobile with her. A few clicks and she accesses the profiles of a dozen people at the party, including their pictures. She's in luck: two of them turn out to be friends of friends. She sends them a message and they start to chat. Indeed, its the cell phone that's the constant companion for today's hip and trendy, ice. those socially networked. They offer capabilities that PCs lack. Phones know where they are, thanks to in-built Global Positioning Systems (GPS) satellite technology or triangulation from mobile phone masts. They can find all phones on the net and can identify other phones in the same area. Bluetooth short- range radio technology is also standard on most mobiles and with this phones ean pick up the presence of other Bluetooth-enabled phones within about 20 metres. Mobile application software will soon be available to allow users to see an up-to-date map of friends’ locations, collected through GPS available in most phones. Your phone can tell if someone is near you and can access lots of information about them - the perfect ingredients for real social interaction. The possibilities are endless. A few years from now we'll use our mobile devices to help us remember details of people we know, but not well. And it will help us mect new people for dating, business and friendship. Imagine walking into a meeting. classroom, party, bar, subway station, airplane, etc. and seeing profile information about other people in the area, depending on privacy settings. One company based in Berlin has just gone live with its mobile social network. More than 3,000 young Germans have signed up to the service in just over a month. Users download an application on to their mobile phones for free. The software uses Bluetooth, and when another member's phone comes within range, it pings. The user can then check who it is and choose to access that person's profile, message them and, if they want, go over and have a chat. That privileged sense of belonging is both the key to the success of mobile social networking and the greatest barrier. People will want to join because they can be part of a connected community. But until enough people join, these mobile networks will not take off. © is probably going to take one of the big beasts of internet social networks such as =sczbook and MySpace, which already have many millions of members, to achieve =. For most users, the big question mark is privacy and the security of personal seformation. = 1e young woman does not know anybody at the party. Using her mobile phone, she is able to check She starts a conversation with the people by A mobile phone network can _ on the net. Bluetooth-enabled phones can find each other The mobile network about people near you. In Germany, a mobile social network in Berlin. ‘You need to onto your phone. You can any mobile phone user. Many people these mobile social networking services before they become successful. . The isa concern of most users. Writing (75 minutes/25 marks) Part1 (12.5 marks) More and more people of all ages now use mobile phones. Do you think that this good development or not? What mobile phone functions are important for you? Write your essay with reference to the following points: How we use mobile phones today (texting, Internet, social networking) Always in contact - fewer problems Keeping in contact with your family, friends and contacts How you feel without your mobile phone Write about 200 words. Part 2 (12.5 marks) A local magazine for Teenagers has asked readers to send in their views on how technology has led to improvements in communication devices in their country. Write a Letter to the Editor which answers the following question: Because of developments in communication countries are becoming more and more alike. How is your country becoming more similar to other places in the world? Your letter should take into account the following points: Technology and the development of services in your country Common communications technology and devices — such as: 3G, I-phone and Satellite services — TV, Internet © Use of computers at home and at school Write about 200 words.

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