s19 Stage 2 Research

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Stage 2: Research

Due Beginning of class May 23th

Fill this out for each solution and then put info on poster

What is your problem (at least 2 paragraph)? More detail the better
Our problem is that the human population is outgrowing and overusing
the natural resources of the Earth. The amount of resources and space on
Earth is finite and it is being used faster and faster by the growing human
population. The more people there are the less food and resources there are to
go around.
People are predicted to outgrow the food, energy, and space by around
2050. When this happens the Earth will be heavily damaged and the natural
environment will be destroyed. The Earth will be beyond repair and the
environment will be ruined.

Current limitations, why has it not been solved already?

The main reason it has not been done yet is because the scale of the
issue is so massive it would require an insane amount of money and
cooperation from all across the world.

Proposed solution. More detail the better

Increase the nutrition, resilience and yield of crops to help improve
nutrition and food supply. This would decrease the need of families in LDCs to
have many kids.

Mentor, why did you choose them, their credentials and contact info.
An information group that creates animations explaining topics




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