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September 5, 2019 | Sheraton, Bangalore

Enhanced patient experience with engagement, technology

and environment across the continuum of care
Enhanced paƟent experience with engagement, technology,
environment across the conƟnuum of care


Dr. Alexander Thomas Dr. Mudit Saxena Kowshik BhaƩacharjee

Founder-Member & President Partner, MD and CEO Senior General Manager- CX
AssociaƟon of Healthcare Ovum Hospitals Apollo Hospitals
Providers of India (AHPI)

Dr. Akhil K. Sangal Neeraj Lal

CEO Vice President And Cluster Head
Indian ConfederaƟon for Healthcare Rainbow Children's Hospital and Birthright
AccreditaƟon by Rainbow

th +91-9513953131
Enhanced paƟent experience with engagement, technology,
environment across the conƟnuum of care


The Annual PXM Event will be a unique pla orm, to serve the Healthcare community with Pa ent Experience Management Event (PXM Event) is the knowledge hub to
the latest, futuris c and most trending prac ces with brainstorming sessions to enhance gain in-depth and interac ve knowledge about pa ents. It will enable you to
and deliver the best pa ent experiences. By 2020, India is expected to rank amongst the design and deliver bespoke experiences that will a ract pa ents to remain
top 3 healthcare markets in terms of incremental growth and the healthcare informa on loyal and spread the word of their experience that they had with you. PXM
technology market is expected to grow 1.5 mes from current $ 1 Billion. The in-pa ent Event 2019 encompasses the range of interac ons that pa ents have with
market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 13%. Pa ent reten on and sa sfac on is the the health care system, including their care from health plans, doctors,
primary goal with Healthcare providers and the only way to reach this is with the best nurses, and staff in hospitals, physician prac ces, and other health care
pa ent experience. facili es. As an integral component of health care quality, pa ent experience
includes several aspects of health care delivery that pa ent's value highly
TREX is proud to host the region's only exclusive Patient Experience Management Event when they seek and receive care, such as ge ng mely appointments, easy
with latest trending and focused topics, EdTalks, leading digital and culture access to informa on and good communica on with health care providers. It
transformation information from the leaders. Patient Experience Management Event also focuses on the latest trends to eliminate challenges of healthcare
(PXM Event) will focus on empowering the healthcare system to disseminate enhanced providers by offering know-how on es between nurses and pa ent, best
experiences to ever changing patient preference with the assistance of data collection, prac ces in voice of the pa ent programs, humanizing PX, machine-to-
patient pain points, AI, data analytics and Block chain. We are delighted to assist you in pa ent engagement advancements, engaging vs. transac onal mobile
developing and designing a profound impact on your patient’s journey. applica ons. This informa on will be the tools for enhanced agility,
performance, intelligence and integra ons that are required to drive pa ent
PXM Event will focus on industry-researched data of patient journey management, design- care forward.
thinking, health search patterns, empathy mapping where there is an increased
organizational spend. The program will encapsulate digital experiences, while enhancing
patient data, analytics platforms, interactive platforms, Artificial Intelligence powered
platforms, online engagement platforms, high-value action and relationship solutions,
cloud communication platforms and more.

th +91-9513953131
Enhanced paƟent experience with engagement, technology,
environment across the conƟnuum of care


It is a critical challenge for healthcare services, in developing countries to find ways to make them more patient-oriented. Indifferent treatment of patients, unofficial
payments to providers, lack of patient privacy and inadequate provision of medicines and supplies are common. The patient is a healthcare consumer with demands alike
to any other service industry consumer. PXM EVENT will bring all stakeholders to address important issues in patient and family-centered care, challenges surrounding
patient diversity and sustainable patient experience programs. PX Innovators will come together to share their patient experience journeys through case studies,
interactive workshops, EdTalks and networking.

PXM Event is structured to help Healthcare leaders map pa ent's journey, take real- me ac on, be er clinical outcomes, improved pa ent safety prac ces and lower
u liza on of unnecessary health care services. Help create processes and outcomes that include pa ent adherence to medical advice, combining pa ent experience
measures with other measures of quality is cri cal to crea ng an overall picture of performance. One of the key solu ons that can help to advance Pa ent Sa sfac on is
Effec ve & Empathe c contact with the pa ent. This would encompass the understanding of the pa ents beyond the history and symptoms to include values, ideas, beliefs,
feelings and concerns.


Acquire and retain pa ents, while
Top Hospital Management - CXO's
03 making them brand ambassadors
Explore the latest and futuris c
of your prac ce.
01 Think Tank: C-Suite Innovators 06 technologies and knowledge in
from across India Pa ent Experience
04 Help cul vate pa ent loyalty while
promo ng peak experiences
80 -100 Top Healthcare Leaders
02 who wish to drive Pa ent Experience 07 Empower range of implementa on
targets: pa ents, staff, system
Deliver faster results or turn-around
and interfaces of care, both inside
05 mes in dissemina ng key informa on, n
with safe, high-quality, pa ent-centered
and outside the hospital
th +91-9513953131
Enhanced paƟent experience with engagement, technology,
environment across the conƟnuum of care


Government Diagnos cs Centres Therapeu c Centres
04 Government Bodies 04 Preven ve Centres 04 Pharmaceu cal Manufactures

Hospitals Remedial Centres Health Insurance Companies

Chairman/President/CEO/MD Head - Quality Pa ent and Family Advocacy

04 CIO/COO/CMO/CDO/CFO 04 Organiza onal Development 04

Community Outreach

Medical Directors Clinical Educa on Quality/Safety

VP/Execu ve Director/General Manager Staff Development CHRO - Organiza on Development
04 Leader/ Head - Pa ent Experience/ Sa sfac on 04 Physicians 04 Clinical Educa on - Staff Development
04 Leader/Head - Pa ent Affairs 04 Nurse Leadership
04 Pa ent Rela ons 04 Service Excellence

th +91-9513953131
Enhanced paƟent experience with engagement, technology,
environment across the conƟnuum of care


Connect with the leaders by educa ng them on key issues that ma er the most. Impact the market leaders with a compe ve advantage.

Ed-talks(Education talks):
Each attendees is provided a small form which is attached in his lanyard. The focus of this format is to understand 2 most pressing issues about a
particular subject in their specific domain. As we have 80 attendees we will look at having 10 round tables of 8 dignitaries each. Each table will have a
moderator from a partner company. The session starts with the moderator introducing a topic and requesting each dignitary to note top 2 challenges
they face on the topic. There will be 3 experts on stage who are well versed with all the topics and can handle all the questions. The Moderator joins the
panelists on stage and reads out all the challenges and the experts provide their views and solutions to the same. This goes on for 10-20 minutes for each
table also the moderators can have the dignitaries involved if they would like to share any best practices.


These mee ng are specific to help connect at a personal level in a relaxed atmosphere, scheduled to mutually benefit each other

th +91-9513953131
Enhanced paƟent experience with engagement, technology,
environment across the conƟnuum of care


AssociaƟon Partner AssociaƟon Partner

th +91-9513953131
Enhanced paƟent experience with engagement, technology,
environment across the conƟnuum of care


08:00 - 08:45 Registra ons EdTalks Topics
 Pa ent cultured hospital se ng with technology to deliver enriched Pa ent Experience
08:45 - 09:00 Na onal Anthem & Ligh ng of the lamp
 Block Chain Technology - Next Genera on informa cs and health informa on exchanges
09:00 - 09:10 Pa ent Experience - Present and Future | Chief Guest
(HIE) pla orm to enhance pa ent experience
09:10 - 09:30 Keynote | Title Partner
 Robo c Process Automa on (RPA) - Future of healthcare technology in delivering pa ent
09:30 - 11:20 EdTalks experience
11:20 - 12:00 Networking Tea Break - Coffee with Kowshik
 Electronic Health Records (EHR), Big-data, analy cs and Healthcare Informa on and
12:00 - 13:30 EdTalks Management Systems (HIMS) to fully capture the pa ent experience

13:30 - 14:30 Gala Luncheon  Educa onal Partnership with Pa ents - Communica on the experience driver
14:30 - 14:45 Quiz Session & Ac vity
 AI in Healthcare deliver/ Virtual Nurses/ Health Monitoring/ Healthcare System Analysis
14:45 - 15:00 Case Study | Industry Expert
 Transform Pa ents voice in real- me into Ac onable Insights
15:05 - 15:10 Case Study | Industry Expert
 Pa ent Journey, feedback and interac on – Importance and Analysis
15:15 - 15:30 Case Study | Industry Expert
15:30 - 15:45 Case Study | Industry Expert  Listening to Pa ents and Care Takers' to Improve Experience and Service

15:45 - 16:00 Case Study | Industry Expert

16:00 - 17:00 Coffee with Kowshik | Closing remarks

th +91-9513953131
Enhanced paƟent experience with engagement, technology,
environment across the conƟnuum of care


04 AI In Healthcare 04 Smart bedside console for pa ents

04 Survey Methods & Data Collec on 04 Virtual Reality enabled immersive pa ent experience

04 Communica on & Health Literacy 04 Healthcare journey Mapping

04 The Pa ent Voice & Empowering Consumers 04 Data and analy cs solu on

04 Remote Pa ent Monitoring 04 Asset Tracking

04 Self-rooming - Digital Checking-in And Registra on 04 Mul -Party Video

04 Hospital Design Enhance Pa ent Healing - Improved Pa ent Flow 04 Dashboards and Workflows

04 Con nuous Pa ent Engagement Solu ons 04 Life Science Analy cs

th +91-9513953131
Enhanced paƟent experience with engagement, technology,
environment across the conƟnuum of care


Partnership OpportuniƟes: Speaking Involvement: AƩend PXM Event:

C: +91-9513953130 C: +91-9513953131 C: +91-9513953131
e: e: e:

th +91-9513953131

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