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Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi TIME TABLE FOR JUNE / JULY 2019 Note for UG Courses As per syllabi, some papers are of four hours duration. The timing for such papers is as follows: For morning session : 9.30 am to 1.30 pm. For evening session : 1.30 pm to 5.30 pm In the Computer Aided Engg. Drawings (06CEDI4/24, 10CED14/24, 14CED14/24. and 1SCED14/24, 17CED14/24); Engineering Graphies (I8EGDL15/25), the Computer Aided Machine Drawing (O6ME36A/46A, 10ME36A/46A, I0AU36A/46A, 10MN36, 10CH36, 1OPMITL36, LOPM/TL46, ISME36A/46A, 1SAU5, ISAEL48, 1SIP/IM42, 1SMT64, 17ME36A/46A, 17MA36, 17MN36); the Computer Aided Building Plannis Drawing (1SCVS4), the Computer Aided Electrical Drawing (J0EE65, 1SEE6S1), Desi Drawing (10TL65, 10TL74) the examinations are to be held batchwise during practical. Practical Examinations for I to VII Sem B.E./B.Tech. and I to IX Sem B.Arch. (All Schemes) ate to be held before the theory examinations, as per the academic calendar. MATDIP301 & MATDIP401 are common to 2006, 2010 and 2014 schemes; the dates & Quoi Registrar (Evaluation) Vivesvariya Technological University, Relagavt “Time Table for BEJH.TECM, Examinations, une Sul 209 Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi Time Table for ILEJIRTECH, Fam fons, June July 2019 at ene oie cme 7 bene» ww var [afew ime —> | spam [20pm 209m 9.8m. am 20pm | 00pm 9.8m | 2 pmo 2. po 9.8 am 9.0 amt. 200 p20 pm ‘ateDay S| “atop ‘andy’ “Attn | i240 ‘20pm Aten 208pm'| aalpm | Sipm Stlpm Toth | Topm Siem” <00Rm fess | mes se a cc wa pe iar sw | ewe =e eC a wa oe | — . ria | nat = ss lee we we ki. = == 7 we om me fa ro T a wares [wore] | fee ar eT co ‘savor fan wa *o ear Tees | we [aoc u| eee | =a = me =e = esa Fs orn} oret seve? No Tosh nylon sien avec ete ue wine stp Pend Seieceneonmena Bonig

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