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• Springer
• Wiley
• Elsevier Book Series(Chemistry)
• CRC Press
• Elsevier Reference Books
• Thomson Reference Books


• ABI / Inform Complete

• ACM Digital Library
• ASCE Journals
• ASME Journals ( + A M R )
• ASTM Standartds ASTM Journals
• ASTM Standartds@INTRANET
• Capitaline
• EBSCO Databases
• Elsevier's Science Direct
• Emerald Full-text
• Euromonitor (GMID)
• IEEE / IEE Library Online (IEL)
• Nature
• ProQuest Science
• Springer Link
• SciFinder Scholar access
• MathSciNet
• Web of Science



Impact of Internet on Library & Information Services of

Engineering Institutions: A Case Study of IITs

The entire questionnaire is divided into five main groups. You are requested to answer all
the questions. It will help to measure the impact of Internet on Library & Information

(Please use additional sheets wherever required)

General Information:
1. Name of the Institution: …………………………………………………

2. Type of Institution: (please tick mark)

Central/Deemed University/Institute of National Importance/Technical/

3. Year of Establishment: (I) Institution…………………….(II) Library:

4. Carpet area of Library (in sq. meters):

5. Reading room space (in sq. meters):

6. Address: …………………………………………...

Ph No.: E-Mail:
Fax No: Web Site:

7. Name of Librarian/ In charge: Mr./ Miss/ Dr./ Prof.

Qualification – (i) Academic –

(ii) Professional –

8. No. of Staff in the Library:

S.No. Category Qualifications 2007-08 2006-07 2005-06 2004-03 2003-02

1. Professional BLIS/MLIS/PGDC

2. Professional

9. Budget (Annual)

a) Year wise breakup of budget for Institution and the Library:

Years Institution Budget Library Budget %
(Rs. In lacs) (Rs in lacs)

b) Year wise breakup of Library Budget under various heads.

Journals Non Book

Year Books Printed Electronic Material Others
Including AV

10. Annual Intake of Students:

a) Undergraduate level: b) PG level:

c) Research level: d) Any other:

11. No. of Schools/Deptts/Centres/Units:

12. No. of Departmental Libraries and their collection (if any):


13. No. of registered library users:

a) UG students: b) PG students:
c) Research Scholars: d) Faculty:
e) Administrative Staff: f) Supporting Staff:
g) Others (pl. specify): h) Outsiders (having no connection with institute):

Library Collection and Services:

1) Book form materials (please give the figures only):
Books –
(a) General: (b) Text Books:
(c) Reference: (d) Special collection (if any):
(e) Others (pl. specifies):
Journals (Back Volumes)-
(a) Indian: (b) Foreign:
Theses/ Dissertations: Research/ Project Reports:
Govt. Publications: Conference/ Seminar Proceeding:
Standards/ Specifications: Patents:
Manuscripts: Any others (Pl. Specify):

2) Non – Book Materials:

Audio/ Video Cassettes

Microfilm/ Fiche

3) Electronic Publication/ Materials:

Journals (a) Indian: (b) Foreign:
Databases (kindly attach a list) …………

4) Purpose of using the Library:

a) To collect information related with routine jobs Yes/ No

b) To collect statistical data Yes/ No
c) To prepare class Lectures Yes/ No
d) To get inf. regarding his/her research work Yes/ No
e) To make him/ her self up to date Yes/ No
f) To consult rules/ laws, reports, ordinance etc. Yes/ No
g) For General Readings Yes/ No

5) Does the Library provide following services (please tick mark):

a) Abstracting service: Yes/No

b) Inter library loan: Yes/No
c) Lending of periodicals: Yes/No
d) Ready reference service: Yes/No
e) Translation services: Yes/No
f) Bibliographic services: Yes/No
g) Current awareness service: Yes/No
h) Citations: Yes/No
i) SDI: Yes/No
j) Reprographic service: Yes/No
k) Photocopying service: Yes/No
l) Any other (please specify):

Library Automation:
a) Does your library is computerized?: Yes/No
b) Which software you have used?:
c) Whether the software is a network version?: Yes/No
d) Whether the software has online help for users?: Yes/No
e) Level of computerization (please tick mark)
Fully computerized: [ ] Partially computerized: [ ]
In the process of computerization: [ ]
f) Which sections are computerized (please tick mark)
1) Acquisition [ ] 2) Cataloguing [ ] 3) OPAC [ ] 4) Serials [ ]
5) Circulation [ ] 6) Stock verification [ ] 7) CAS [ ] 8) Others [ ]
9) SDI [ ] 10) Digitization [ ] 11) Indest [ ]

g) Whether your library has introduced barcode technology? Yes [ ] No [ ]

h) If yes, please mention the functions activated using barcode technology
(please tick)
1) Annual stock verification [ ] 2) Circulation [ ] 3) Any other [ ]

i) Do you use any other technology (like smart card, magnetic strips for theft detection,
etc). (Please specify)?

j) Did you receive financial support from the following funding agencies for library
computerization? If yes, how much?
1) AICTE [ ] 2) INFLIBNET [ ] 3) MHRD [ ] 4) UGC [ ]
5) DST [ ] 6) DBT [ ] 7) Any other (please specify) [ ]

k) Budget allocation for IT applications:

Year Amount spent on IT Total Library budget






l) Do you feel that amount given for IT applications for the library is sufficient?
Yes [ ] No [ ]

If no, please specify how much more you need?

Intranet and Internet Services:

a) Does your Institute have campus LAN? Yes [ ] No [ ]

If yes, please give the details

b) Spread of campus LAN: How spread out your campus LAN is? (please tick mark)

Restricted to computer centre [ ]

Restricted to computer centre + Library [ ]
Restricted No. of connections in Departments/Centres/Labs./Units [ ]
All Deptts./Centres/Labs./Units [ ]
All faculty residences [ ]

c) Whether the library has an independent library network? Yes [ ] No [ ]

d) Whether the library is part of campus network? Yes [ ] No [ ]

e) Does your campus LAN/ Library network is compatible to the Internet (does it follow
TCP/IP protocol?) Yes [ ] No [ ]
f) Bandwidth of the Institute / Library network?

g) Is your Library a member of a library network? Yes [ ] No [ ]


If yes, please tick mark among the following:

1) INFLIBNET [ ] 2) DELNET [ ] 3) BONET [ ]

4) ADINET [ ] 5) MALIBNET [ ] 6) PUNENET [ ]
7) CALIBNET [ ] 8) MYLNET [ ] 9) MANLIBNET [ ]
10) Any Other [ ]

h) Is your campus network/Library network connected to INTERNET? Yes [ ] No [ ]

If yes, please specify your Internet service provider (ISP) (please tick)

1) ERNET [ ] 2) VSNL [ ] 3) NICNET [ ]

4) Other private ISP (please specify) [ ]

i) Type of Internet connection (please tick)

1) Dial-up [ ] 2) Leased line [ ] 3) V-SAT [ ] 4) Radio link [ ]

5) Cable network [ ] 6) Any other [ ]

j) Internet connection speed:

k) No. of PCs having Internet connections: Version of PC:

1) In the Library 2) In the computer centre

3) Total No. of Internet-enabled PCs in the Institute

l) Does your Institute have a Web Site? Yes [ ] No [ ]

If yes,

1) Is Library represented on the Institute Web Site: Yes [ ] No [ ]

2) Do you host your web site on your own server or is it hosted by a hosting
service/Your ISP?

m) Do you charge any amount for Internet services? Yes [ ] No [ ]

If yes, How much from:-

(a) Students…………………….. (b) Faculty………………………

(c) Research Scholars………….. (d) Visitors………………………..

n) How many on-line databases do you subscribe? (please attach a list)


o) Services offered to the users after Internet facility:

Services offered after Internet facility:

Provided Very Less Not

S.No. Services Useful
Presently useful useful useful
1. Access to Library [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
2. Generating Reminders [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
3. Recent Addition List [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
4. Database Search [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
5. Content Page [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
6. E-mail Services [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
7. www services [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
8. Access to INFLIBNET
[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
9. Access to the other Library
[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
10. E. Journals [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
11. SDI [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
12. CAS [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
13. Literature Search, etc [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

Impact of Internet Services:

1. With the introduction of Internet Services Library image has:
(a) Improved [ ] (b) Decreased [ ] (c) No. Change [ ]

2 .No. of users are increased or decreased by introducing the Internet Services

3. Has the Internet implementation helped you to manage the Library without any change
in the earlier policy? Yes [ ] No [ ]
If yes, up to what extend?

4. Has Internet made any impact on your annual budget? Yes [ ] No [ ]

If yes, please mention the areas where you have observed the changes and how

5. Has Internet helped you in controlling the journals subscription problems or not?

6. Has Internet improved the working efficiency of your staff?

7. Have you observed any significant changes in the scientific output after introducing
Internet services? Yes [ ] No [ ]

8. Did you observe any changes in the citation behavior of users after the Internet
services? Yes/ No
If Yes, Please explain with at least one example

9. List the changes in the information seeking behavior of users after Internet:


10. Students/Research scholars/Scientists etc. are using the Internet Services for –

a) Reading News Papers (National/ International/ both) [ ]

b) To watch the cricket/ football & other Games [ ]
c) To know the latest publications in their field to make him/her self up to date
[ ]
d) For Reference purpose [ ]
e) To know the forth coming Conf./ Seminar [ ]
f) To get detail information About Academic World [ ]
g) To exploit the Virtual Library [ ]
Any others. Please specify

11. Did you notice any changes in the user dependency on the Library Staff?
Yes [ ] No [ ]

12. Do you feel that up to some extent Internet will bridge up the unavailability of current
information gap among the Indian scientists and help them in improving the scientific
out put?

13. How do you analyze the impact of Internet on S&T communication process?

14. Do you feel that in near future print media will be replaced by the electronic one?

15. Has Internet made any changes in the resource sharing process? Yes [ ] No [ ]
If yes, please explain in detail.
16. Where do you place the Library compared to other departments within the University
after implementation of Internet Services?

(i) Ahead [ ] (ii) Equal [ ] (iii) Behind [ ]

17. Have you drop any print version journals? or not. Yes/ No
If yes, mention the titles of journal/journals with regions

Signature with date


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