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ขรู้ อสอบพชฒนาทชกษะการคคิดวคิเคราะหห

กลลลุ่มสาระการเรรียนรรรู้ ภาษาตลุ่ างประเทศ ชชชั้นประถมศศึกษาปรี ทรีที่ 4

Module 1 จจจำนวน 20 ขข้อ
จงกา  ทชบตชวอชกษร ตรงกชบตชวเลลือกทรีที่ตรู้องการลงในกระดาษคคาตอบ
ใชรู้ บทสนทนาขรู้ างลลุ่ างนรีตชั้ อบขรู้ อ 1 – 4 3. A : What does Jack want to do?
Jack : Hello, Tom. What are you B : _______________.
doing? a. He wants to write the letter.
Tom : Hello, Jack. I’m writing the b. He wants to write his name.
letter to my uncle. c. He wants to read the letter.
Jack : Um...I want to write the d. He wants to read the newspaper.
letter to my friend. 4. A : ________________.
Where’s the pen? B : It’s next to the book.
Tom : It’s next to the book. a. What’s that?
Jack : Oh, thank you.
b. What colour is the pen?
1. A : What is Jack doing? c. Whose’s the pen?
B : _______________. d. Where’s the pen?
a. He’s reading a book.
b. He’s writing the letter to his uncle. อลุ่ านจดหมายขรู้ างลลุ่ างนรีแชั้ ลรู้ วตอบขรู้ อ 5 – 10
c. He’s listening the radio.
d. He’s drawing the picture. Dear Dad and Mum,
2. A : Who is speaking with Jack? Good morning my Dad and
B : _______________. Mum. I like my new school. My
teacher’s name is Mrs. Bell. She
a. Mark teaches English. She is kind. I have
b. Sam four friends. Their names are Tom,
c. Tom Jack, Lisa and Anne. They are
d. Joe friendly. I love them.
5. A : Whose’s this letter? อลุ่ านขรู้ อความขรู้ างลลุ่ างนรีแชั้ ลรู้ วตอบขรู้ อ 11 - 14
B : _______________. I’m Kate. I study at St.
a. Mark b. Tom Maria’s School. There are many trees
c. Anne d. Lisa and a large playground. The hall is
6. A : Who does Mark send the letter to? between the classrooms and the
B : _______________. library. The cafeteria is opposite to
a. His uncle the music room. The toilets are next to
b. His aunt the swimming pool.
c. His friend 11. A : Which school does Kate study?
d. His Dad and Mum B : _______________.
7. A : Who is Mark’s English teacher? a. St. Paul’s School
B : _______________. b. St. Maria’s School
a. Mrs. Wood b. Mrs. Bill c. St. Peter’s School
c. Mrs. Bell d. Mrs. Lisa d. Maria School
8. A : How many friends does he have? 12. A : How many playground are there
B : ______________. in her school?
a. Four b. Five B : ______________.
c. Six d. Seven a. Four b. Three
9. A : What are their names? c. Two c. One
B : ______________. 13. A : Where is the hall?
a. Tom, Mark, Lisa and Anne B : ______________.
b. Tom, Jack, Lisa and Anne a. It’s between the classrooms and
c. Mark, Jack, Lisa and Anne the library.
d. Tom, Jack, Mark and Anne b. It’s next to the toilets.
10. A : What are they like? c. It’s opposite to the playground.
B : _______________. d. It’s next to the swimming pool.
a. Ugly
b. Boring
c. Funny
d. Friendly
14. A : Where are the toilets?
ขรู้ อ 17 – 18 ขรู้ อใดมรีคคาทรีที่ออกเสรี ยง -b-
B : _________________.
a. They are next to the hall. 17. a. mat b. nose
b. They are opposite to the library. c. rubber d. pen
c. They are next to the swimming 18. a. glass b. chair
pool. c. shoe d. baby
d. They are opposite to the trees.
ขรู้ อ 19 – 20 ขรู้ อใดมรีคคาทรีที่ออกเสรี ยง -t-
ขรู้ อ 15 – 16 ขรู้ อใดมรีคคาทรีที่ออกเสรี ยง -p- 19. a. start b. nose
15. a. pan b. hand c. book d. one
c. cat d. dog 20. a. four b. visit
16. a. girl b. cup c. gym d. chair
c. ten d. six


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