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A: It is the easiest way. In human life, love is the closest phenomenon to
meditation. The moment you fall in love with someone, what actually happens? What
transpires between those two who have fallen in love with each other? They drop
their egos � at least for each other. They drop their hypocrisies, their masks.
They want to be together, almost one soul within two bodies. That's the desire of
And this is a beautiful moment to change it into a meditation. Just nobody has ever
told them. In fact, just the opposite has been told to them: that love is against
meditation, so people who are falling in love can never become meditators.
The same people who make celibacy spiritual make love unspiritual, something dirty,
condemned. But to me things are totally different. Love helps you to relax, which
is part of meditation. Love helps you to be joyous, which is part of meditation.
Love helps you, for a few moments at least, to be silent, which is the essential
part of meditation. And finally, making love, if you attain to an orgasmic
experience, gives you a glimpse of what meditation is, but it is millions of times
more than this.
So to me love is a basic experience which can help you to become meditators. The
old religions have been preventing it, and they have been preventing it for a
certain reason. If people can transform their love into meditation, then the
priests and the churches and the synagogues are no more needed, then people are
totally free. No spiritual leadership is needed. And there are millions of priests
around the world, like parasites on humanity. And naturally they will give you
wrong ideas, against love, and they will give you ideas for meditation, but because
you don't have the basic experience....
Love is just like when you enter into a swimming pool, step by step you are going
into deeper water. Then the floor of the swimming pool is divided in two parts, one
for those who cannot swim, so the water is up to your neck, and then the second
part for those who can swim.
But those who want to learn swimming have to learn in the first part, which is not
for swimmers. They have to learn it there. Once they have learned, then slowly they
will gather courage and enter into deeper water, because for a swimmer it does not
matter how deep the water is; the swimmer is always on the surface. The water may
be a hundred feet deep, five hundred feet deep, or five miles deep, it makes no
difference to the swimmer. It makes a difference only to the non-swimmer. Beyond
five feet, everything is death. But the swimming pool is one � shallow, deep � it
is one. And the boundary line is only a line until you learn to swim.
To me, love and meditation are just like that. Love is the shallow space in a
swimming pool, for those who cannot meditate. But that is the place to learn
meditation. And it is the same pool, it is the same water, it is the same kind of
phenomenon. You are just unable to go deeper because you have been made afraid even
to enter into it. The shallow part has been condemned, and you have been told to
jump into the deeper part without knowing how to swim.
So they disturbed your love life by condemnation and they disturbed your meditative
life by sheer strategy: because you don't know swimming, you cannot go so deep. And
you don't have any experience of silence, peace, sheer joy, a little bit of
ecstasy, something orgasmic � these will give you the hints how meditation is not a
myth. You have tasted it a little bit. It is the same energy field, just you have
to go deeper into it.
What actually happens when one couple moves into the realm of orgasmic experience?
What actually happens? Every point has to be understood. Time stops. For a moment
the pendulum does not move, and that single moment seems to be almost eternity. The
two persons are no more two � for a moment. They have melted into each other. There
is no thought in the mind, for a moment. It is all empty and silent, and these are
the things which have to be deepened in meditation.
And once you have tasted them, you will be surprised that it does not depend on the
other person. Something happens within you. Something happens within the other
person. But it is not dependent. If you can sit silently, if you can manage, by
watching your thoughts, to bring a gap, a stop, you will suddenly see time has
stopped again. And now it is in your hands, not in the hands of biology. You can
keep this time stopped as long as you want. And once you know the secret key....
The key is: no thoughts, no ego, no time � you just are.
That's why I have never been against love. I have been much condemned for it,
naturally, because I was cutting the very roots of the business of all the
Every religion is against me. Their profession depends on condemning love and
praising meditation. They know you cannot attain to meditation, and they know now
your love is condemned, it is a sin. You will never experience any orgasmic
phenomenon, so meditation will remain just a philosophy, and your life will remain
loveless, angry, full of rage, ready to explode at any excuse. Because where will
your energy go?
It could have become peace, silence, joy, blissfulness. You did not allow it to
become that. That repressed energy turns into poison. That's why everybody is
irritable, annoyed, worried, tense. The simple reason is that they have lost the
natural source of relaxation.
No animal looks irritated, annoyed, angry, because they don't understand the
language the priests speak. They have never heard that celibacy is spiritual. Of
course they cannot attain to meditation, but they are far better than those human
beings who could have attained meditative heights, but have lost even the simple
biological experience of orgasm.
Those are simply indications of your possibilities, potentialities. And it is
easier to experiment with something natural in the beginning and then to try
something which is supernatural, which belongs to higher nature.
And once you know how to be silent, how to be thoughtless, how to be in a state of
no time, no mind, you experience such orgasmic joy, which has nothing to do with
sex, it has such purity and such innocence. A man who has attained to that purity
and innocence has no need of sex. It is no more a psychological problem for him,
but there is no prohibition either. He can enjoy sex too, and he will enjoy it more
than anybody else, because his orgasm will immediately become meditative.
Having experienced the meditative orgasm � such a bigger phenomenon � his sexual
orgasm will immediately trigger the bigger orgasm. He can play with sex. There is
no harm in it. There is no need, but there is no prohibition either. It is up to
The meditative orgasm absorbs your sexual energy, because you don't have any other
energy. Your whole energy is sexual energy, and that vast explosion of joy simply
absorbs all your energy. Hence, you need not become a pervert, you need not make an
effort to remain celibate. It is just your choice.
If you want to play old games once in a while, it is perfectly good. In fact,
perhaps it should be a part of every enlightened man's life to have sex once in a
while, because that will change the attitude of the whole world about sex.
Without that, it is very difficult to change. Then they can see that even an
enlightened person can enjoy sex. There is nothing sin � like in it. And it will
join the enlightened man and unenlightened man in a bridge. At least on one point,
both experience the same thing. And the enlightened one can guide the unenlightened
to bigger orgasms. Start with this small one, but don't stop here.
Love is a natural kind of meditation. And meditation is a supernatural kind of
love. (The Last Testament vol2, #21- q3)

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