Saltwater Purified Through Solar Water Purification - Display

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Water has played a vital role on the survival of every species on earth. It gives
nourishment on trees as well as humans. Without it life would simply not live at all. No
water means a lot of problems. Unfortunately, aside from the scarcity of water in Puerto
This study about water purifier will be beneficial to:


Galera, water turns brown every time it rains hard, which results for the citizens to buy
commercialized water which is expensive and not enough. This led the researchers to
Family. This study will give family adequate amount of potable water.
look for immediate solution to the problem and conduct the study “Saltwater Purified
Through Solar Purification”. Solar Energy was used to purify saltwater which is abundant
Community. This study will benifit communities and will be acknowledged in using
in the municipality.
solar energy to purify water.
During the experimentation, 500 mililiters of saltwater was poured at the
purification container that the researchers made. The purification container was placed
under direct sunlight and the vapor at the container was collected to be analyzed in the
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Future Researchers. This study will also be a basis for the future researchers who will
conduct the same or a similar study.
Physical Properties of the Solar Purified Saltwater Samples
Lipa Quality Control Center specifically the pH level, Total Dissolved Solid and Total
Coliform Bacteria. After its testing, its physical properties like appearance, odor and taste A. Appearance B. Odor C. Taste CONCLUSIONS
was tested through respondents. To obtain valid and reliable results, the data gathered The mean percentage for appearance The mean percentage for odor of the The mean percentage for taste of the Based on the aforementioned findings, the researchers therefore conclude:
were analyzed using statistical treatment. of the purified saltwater is presented purified saltwater is presented on Table purified saltwater is presented on Table
on Table 1. Saltwater obtained the lowest 3. Saltwater obtained the lowest mean which 3. Saltwater obtained the lowest mean which
mean which is 3.6 while the purified is 4 while the purified saltwater obtained the is 2 while the purified saltwater obtained the
1. There is a significant difference between the solar purified saltwater and
Based on the results, the purified failed the chemical properties but still shown better saltwater obtained the value 4.6. value 4.7. value 2.6. untreated saltwater in terms of its chemical properties such as pH level, Total
quality against untreated saltwater. On the other hand significant difference was found Dissolved Solid and Total Coliform Bacteria.
out between the appearance and odor of the two treatments but not in terms of taste. Table 1: Mean Percentage of Water’s Appearance Table 3: Mean Percentage of Water’s Odor Table 5: Mean Percentage of Water’s Taste 2. There is a significant difference between the solar purified saltwater and untreated
This only implies that saltwater can have a better quality when purified through solar Treatments Mean saltwater in terms of appearance and odor.
Treatments Mean T1 4.7 Treatments Mean
energy. T1 4.6 T2 4 T1 2.6 3. There is no difference between the solar purified saltwater and untreated saltwater

T2 3.6 T2 2 in terms of taste.
4. It was also found out that the purification container contributed on the failure of
Table 2 shows the t-test for appearance. The Table 4 shows the t-test for odor. The t-stat Table 6 shows the t-test for taste. The t-stat the purified saltwater chemically or physically.

t-stat obtained the value of 2.37 which is greater obtained the value of 4 which is greater than the obtained the value of 2.25 which is lesser than the
5. It was found out that the water obtained through a solar purification is limited.
than the t-crit which obtained the value of 2.26, t-crit which obtained the value of 2.26, therefore t-crit which obtained the value of 2.26, therefore
therefore the null hypothesis is rejected. This the null hypothesis is rejected. In terms of odor, the null hypothesis is accepted. This only implies, 6. The purified saltwater is comparable against untreated saltwater but is not suited to
only implies, in terms of appearance, purified purified saltwater shows difference against in terms of taste, purified saltwater shows no be drank because it failed to reach the chemical analysis’ DOH standard.
Earth is made up of three-fourths of water. Water has played a vital role in the saltwater shows difference against saltwater. saltwater. This only implies that through the difference against saltwater.
survival in of every species on EaWrth. Approximately 71.23% of all illnesses in
developing countries are caused by water and sanitation conditions. Also, every 21
Through solar purification the quality of
saltwater can be better.
solar purification process, the odor of saltwater can
be better or simply without odor. RECOMENDATIONS
To further enhance the saltwater purified through solar purification process, the
seconds, a child dies from water-related illnesses. Moreover, supply of drinkable water Table 2: t-Test for Appearance Table 4: t-Test for Odor Table 6. t-test for Taste
around the world is limited. Unsafe water kills more people than violence of war each t-Test: Paired Two Sample for Means t-Test: Paired Two Sample for Means t-Test: Paired Two Sample for Means researchers recommends to :
year. Combined with poor sanitation, it is the world’s second killer of children.
Variable 1 Variable 2 Variable 1 Variable 2 1. Future researchers who would like to pursue the study and further develop the
Variable 1 Variable 2 Mean 4.7 3.9 Mean 2.6 2
As of 2010, 16% of Filipino households lack access to clean and potable water. Variance 0.455555556 0.544444444 Variance 0.488888889 0.222222222
purified saltwater should make use of a purification container which is properly
Annually, around 6000 Filipinos die prematurely from such diseases caused by polluted Mean 4.6 3.6 Observations 10 10 Observations 10 10 sanitize and also create a bigger purification container for more water to be
water. Water potability is always an issue in Puerto Galera. Variance 0.266666667 1.155555556 0.60238451 Pearson Correlation 0 collected.
Observations 10 10 Pearson Correlation Hypothesized Mean


Pearson Correlation 8
Hypothesized Mean
Hypothesized Mean
Difference 0
df 9
Difference 0
df 9
t Stat 2.25
2. Puerto Galera’s Water Works to make use of the solar purification’s concept to create
a more effective water purifier.

Difference 0 t Stat 4 P(T<=t) one-tail 0.02550163
df 9 P(T<=t) one-tail 0.001555214 t Critical one-tail 1.833112933 3. Collect saltwater to be treated on a less polluted area to avoid implications on the
t Stat 2.371708245 t Critical one-tail 1.833112933 P(T<=t) two-tail 0.051003261 physical and chemical properties and for the purification process to be easy.

P(T<=t) one-tail 0.0208959 P(T<=t) two-tail 0.003110428 t Critical two-tail 2.262157163
Generally, the main objective of this study was to determine the potability of t Critical one-tail 1.833112933 t Critical two-tail 2.262157163
saltwater purified through solar water purification. P(T<=t) two-tail 0.041791801
t Critical two-tail 2.262157163
Specifically, the study aimed to:
Chemical Properties of the Water Sample
1. determine the difference between the potability of the saltwater purified through D. pH level E. Total Dissolved Solid (TDS) F. Total Coliform Bacteria
The mean percentage for pH level of The mean percentage for total The mean percentage for Total
solar purification process and the untreated saltwater in terms of its physical
the purified saltwater is presented on dissolved solid of the water sample is Coliform Bacteria is presented on Table 9.
properties such as: Table 7. Saltwater obtained presented on table 8. Treatment 2 or the Saltwater obtained the highest mean
1.1 appearance; 250 mL of saltwater Raw materials, supplies and Measuring the plywood
the highest mean which is 8.1 while the saltwater obtained the highest mean percentage of 10.0 on 3 replicates
1.2 odor; and purified saltwater obtained the value of percentage of 35000, next to this is while the purified saltwater obtained utensils
1.3 taste 7.79. the treatment 1 or purified saltwater which the mean 4.6 on 3 replicates.
obtained the mean of 836.
2. determine the difference between the potability of the saltwater purified through
solar purification process and the untreated saltwater in terms of its chemical Table 7. Mean Percentage for pH level of the Table 8. Mean Percentage for Total Dissolved of the Table 9. Mean Percentage for Total Coliform
properties such as: Water Sample Water Sample Bacteria of the Water Sample
2.1 pH level; Treatments Mean Treatments Mean Percentage Treatments Mean Percentage
T1 7.79 T1 836 T1 4.6 Covering the purification Covering the purification Cutting the plywood
2.2 Total Dissolved Solid; and
T2 8.1 T2 35000 T2 10.0 container with food container with foil using saw
2.3 Total Coliform Bacteria


Retrieving the water Cutting a piece of pipe Attaching the pipe to the Pouring saltwater onto the
Testing the appearance
sample to be tested using saw purification container purification container
through respondents
Signing LQCC's Permit for A respondent filling in the Preparing the product for
Testing the odor through The water sample was
testing Questionnare experimentation
respondents tested at Lipa Quality Sun Drying the saltwater
Control Center

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