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Electricity is defined as a form of energy resulting from the existence of charged particles. Beside
food, electricity is one of the basic needs of people amidst this modern period of time where the Based on the results of the study, the following conclusions were drawn:

use electricity is needed. This study sought to produce a “Manually Operated Powered Dynamo
in Lighting Up LED” that can help the community of Puerto Galera by providing clean energy. It
can also help the environment for it uses eco-friendly mean of producing energy.
At first, the researchers prepared the materials needed then continued to cut plywoods for the base
structure of the product. Then it was polished, after that the researchers coiled the wire then put
POWER 1. There is a significant difference among the three treatments in terms of
voltage produced and yielded current.

2. There is no significant difference among the three treatments in terms of

two small plastic tubes. Following, the researchers put a hole on 3 of the plywoods and continued
to apply stickwell on the plywood to produce the structure of the product. The researchers shaped durability.
the handle and inserted the neodymium magnets, copper wire, metal wire, popsicle sticks, and
gears in the main base. After that, the researchers put lubricant oil then attached the LED on the
Based on the results, in terms of volts produced, it is observed that there is a significant difference
among the three treatments. In terms of yielded current, there is no significant difference among
LED 3. The Manually Operated Dynamo is effective in terms of voltage
produced, yielded current and durability.

4. The higher the number of neodymium magnets are in the study, the
the three treatments. In terms of durability, there is also no significant difference among the treat- higher its voltage produced and current yielded.
ments. In terms of luminous intensity, there is a significant difference among the three treatments.
This only implies that in terms of volts produced and yielded current and luminous intensity,


treatment 1 is the most effective for it obtained the highest value followed by treatment 2 and 3
respectively. The researchers concluded that the higher the number of neodymium magnets, the
better its performance.
















T2 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.77 T2 T2 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1
0.09 0.12 0.12 0.11
T3 0.09 0.12 0.11 0.11 T3
T3 0.11 0.13 0.08 0.11 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4
Based on the results, the following are hereby recommended:

1. The Manually Operated Powered Dynamo may be used at homes as an

Electricity is defined as a form of energy resulting from the existence of charged particles alternative light source.
(such as electrons and protons), either statically as an accumulation of charge or dynamically
as a current. Beside food, electricity is one of the basic needs of people amidst this modern period 2. Conduct similar study with higher number of copper coils or neodymium
of time where the use electricity is needed.
magnets for higher performance.

Fossil fuels, commonly used by electrical companies are non-renewable, they draw on finite 3. The Manually Operated Powered Dynamo in Lighting Up Led was prov-
resources that will eventually dwindle, becoming too expensive or too environmen- en effective by the researchers, but to truly test its effectiveness, find an
engineer that excel in electrical engineering.
tally damaging to retrieve. In contrast, the many types of renewable energy resources such as
wind and solar energy are constantly replenished and will never run out. A. Voltage Produced B. Yield Current C. Durability
Effectiveness of the Manually The effectiveness of the manually op- The score from the respondents rat-

Operated Power Dynamo in lighting erated dynamo in terms of Yield Current was ing the effectiveness in terms of durabil-
up LED in terms of voltage produce is presented in table 3. It was shown that the Manu- ity was tabulated in table 5. It has shown that the
presented on Table 1. Based from the re- ally Operated Dynamo was effective in treatment 1 of Manually Operated Dynamo ob-
sults of the descriptive statistics using terms of currents yield. Based from the tained the highest value of 4.9 making it very dura-
means, it was noticeable that the volt- results of the descriptive statistics using mean, ble. Following is the treatment 3 that registered a
age produce has a significant the first treatment got a mean value of 0.16. The value of 4.5 and lastly the treatment 2 obtained
difference among the 3 treatments. second treatment obtained a mean value of 0.11 the least value of 4.4. Therefore,
The first treatment obtained the highest and the third treatment obtained the same difference can be observed among the three treat- A. Electronic Sources
mean value of 1.07. The second treatment mean value of 0.11. ments.
obtained a mean value of 0.77 and the However, table 4 analysis of variance for Mankodi, Harsh. (2012). Analysis of a Treadmill Based Human Power
third treatment that utilized 16 neo- yield current shows that the null hypotheses

Electricity Generator. Retrieved from the University of Minnesota Digital
dymium magnets obtained the least mean was accepted and there was no signifi-
Generally, the main objective of the study was to determine if body kinetic powered dynamo can provide value of 0.11. cant difference among the treatments because Conservancy,
energy for LED. Furthermore, table 2 analysis of vari- the computed F with a value of 3.171053 is less
ance for voltage produce has shown that than the F-crit value of 5.143253. The National Academy of Sciences. (2019). Fossil Fuels. Retrieved from
Specifically this study aimed to:
the null hypothesis was rejected
1.determine the difference among the three treatments in terms of :

and there is a significant difference
1.1 voltage produced; among the treatments because the com- Gronewold, Nathanial. (2009). One-Quarter of World's Population Lacks
puted F with the value of 12.86667 is Electricity. Retrieved from article/
1.2 yield current; and greater than the F-crit value of 5.143253.
electricity-gap-developing-countries-energy-wood- charcoal/.
1.3 durability Preparing the Materials, Supplies,
SolarSchools. (2018). Magnets and Electricity. Retrieved from https://
2.determine the effectiveness of the Manually Operated Power Dynamo in Lighting up LED in terms of: Equipments, and Apparatuses
2.1 voltage produced;
Cutting the plywood
2.2 yield current; and
2.3 durability Polishing the

plywood pieces
Inserting two plastic tubes to Applying lubricant on
the copper coil
the gears

Attaching the gears on

the metal wire and

Inserting the magnets, copper

coil, popsicle stick and metal

This study will be significant to the following: Testing the yielded Distribution of Questionnaires to
Environment- this will be utilizing renewable mechanical ener gy which will be good for the current and voltage Grade 10-Narra students
Sticking the plywoods
environment. together produced
Community- this will be a source of ener gy for power ing ener gy saving or LED. Making a hole on the three
Attaching the LED
plywood pieces
Future Researchers- this will ser ve as a reference or guide for those future researcher s. Distribution of Questionnaires

to Grade 9-SSC students

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