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Bangladesh J. Zool.

40(1): 89-100, 2012


Munira Nasiruddin and Rasel Chandra Roy

Department of Zoology, University of Chittagong, Chittagong 4331, Bangladesh

Abstract: A survey of rice field insect pests was conducted during the rice growing
seasons in two areas of Hathazari, Chittagong for a period of one year to prepare a
preliminary list of rice field insect pests, in three rice growing seasons (Boro, Aus
and Aman). During the study period 35 species belonging to 30 genera under 13
families under four economically important insect orders were recorded. These
were: order Hemiptera- five families with 14 species, order Orthoptera- four
families with nine species, order Lepidoptera- three families with 11 species and
order- Coleoptera- one family with one species. On the basis of numerical records
of the rice field insect pests, the ranking of the seasons was: Boro > Aman > Aus;
of the stages was: Seedling > Transplanting > Flowering; of the orders was:
Hemiptera > Orthoptera > Lepidoptera > Coleoptera; and of the spots was: Spot 2
> Spot 1.

Key words: Rice field, insect pests, rice growing seasons, abundance, incidence,

Rice is a staple food for more than half of the world’s population and it is
grown in more than one hundred countries. Among the leading rice growing
countries in the world, Bangladesh ranks fourth. Rice production in Bangladesh
was less than 10 million tons in 1970, but exceeded to about 27 million tons in
the years 2006-2007 (BBS 2009).
The cultivation of rice in Bangladesh varies according to seasonal changes
and the availability of water supply. It is grown extensively throughout the
country in overlapping seasons. There are mainly three rice growing seasons,
viz. Boro (dry season rice), Aus (spring rice) and Aman (monsoon rice). The warm
and humid climate of Bangladesh is conductive to the proliferation of insect
pests. The three rice crops grown under diverse ecological conditions are
attacked throughout the growing periods by a number of insect pests. Of the
159 species of rice insect pests recorded in Bangladesh, 20-23 species have been
found to be more damaging (Alam 1977). The magnitude of damage varies in
seasons, years and locations.
Insects are major constraint to rice production. Most of the rice plant parts
are vulnerable to insect feeding from the time of sowing till harvesting. Both the
mature and immature stages of insects injure rice plants by chewing leaf and
root tissues, boring and tunneling into stems, or sucking fluid sap from stems
90 Nasiruddin and Roy

and grains. The injury from feeding leads to damage showing symptoms of
skeletonized and defoliated leaves, dead hearts, whiteheads, stunted and wilted
plants and unfilled or pecky grains. Ultimately insect damage affects the plant
physiology leading to reduction in measurable yield, utility or economic return.
As the insect pests cause damage to rice plants and are one of the reasons of
total annual yield loss of rice, it is important to study the rice insect pests,
especially their seasonal abundance and incidence, to evaluate the control
measures. Notable works on the rice field insect pests are those of Alam (1965,
1977), Alam et al. (1981), Kamal et al. (1993), Fatema et al. (1999) and Islam et
al. (2003). The entomologists of BRRI initiated systematic surveys of rice field
insect pests throughout Bangladesh dividing Bangladesh into several agro-
ecological zones and collected rice insect pests from different crops, seasons and
growth stages of the rice plants (BRRI 1993, 1997, 2000, 2001, 2007, 2009).
The rice fields in Chittagong have diverse ecological conditions and presence
of rice field insect pests is expected to be variable. But no attempt has been
made to study the rice field insect pests in the Chittagong district. The present
study was aimed to prepare a list of rice field insect pests, their abundance and
incidence on different stages of rice plants and in different growing seasons.


The rice field insect pests were collected from the paddy fields of two
different spots (Jungle West Patti and Jobra) of Fatehpur Union of Hathazari
Upazila of Chittagong district from December 2008 to November 2009 to
determine their incidence in three rice growing seasons, i.e. Boro, Aus and
Aman, and on three different stages, i.e. seedling, transplanting and flowering.
The study was conducted in two different spots (Spot 1 and Spot 2) extending
two km away from each other and three fields at each spot for each season were
selected as replicates.
Growth stages of paddy plants: The entire life cycle of paddy plant was
divided into three different stages, i.e. seedling, transplanting and flowering. The
seedling stage started when the seeds were seeded to germinate. These took
about 15 days to reach the desired size for sweeping. Usually the farmers kept
the seedling stage for 30-35 days in their fields to attain a height of about 30-35
cm. The transplanting stage began with the transplantation of paddy plants into
different fields. In this stage, with the growth of plants, the maximum numbers
of tiller were also formed and panicle formation began. This stage ended just
before flower formation and lasted for about 50 days in the field. The flowering
stage began with the formation of flower and ended just before harvesting and
lasted for about 25-30 days.
Rice field insect pests during the rice growing seasons 91

Seasonal weather factors: The duration of three stages of three rice growing
seasons along with the average maximum and minimum temperature, average
humidity and total rainfall recorded are tabulated below:

Season Stage Duration of stages Average temp. Average Total

(OC) humidity rainfall
(%) (mm)
Start End Max. Min.
Boro Seedling 3rd week of Mid of Jan. 31.0 16.0 76 56
Dec. 2008 2009
Transplanting 1st week of 1st week of 35.3 11.3 74 47
Feb. 2009 April 2009
Flowering 1st week of 1st week of 35.6 20.0 77 282
April 2009 May 2009
Aus Seedling 1st week of 1st week of 35.1 21.1 80 372
May 2009 June 2009
Transplanting 2nd week of 3rd week of 33.5 23.4 81 950
June 2009 July 2009
Flowering 3rd week of 2nd week of 33.0 24.0 85 1050
July 2009 August 2009
Aman Seedling Mid of 2nd week of 33.4 24.6 86 950
August 2009 Sep. 2009
Transplanting Mid of Sep. Last week of 36.0 20.4 84 250
2009 Oct. 2009
Flowering Beginning of Last week of 33.6 16.2 80 44
Nov. 2009 Nov. 2009
Source of meterological data: Chittagong meterological office, Ambagan, Pahartoli, Chittagong.

Frequency of collection: The pests were collected on weekly basis from each
field. Two types of sweeping nets were used. For the seedling stage, the diameter
of the net was 16 cm and in both transplanting and flowering stages the
diameter of the net was 23 cm. The length of the handles of both the nets was
60 and 95 cm, respectively. In each collection ten sweeps were made at random
in the field every ten steps. All the samplings were performed between 7.30 and
8.30 a.m. For each season four samplings were performed.
Identification: Taxonomic characters were determined following Bingham
(1908), Distant (1977a,b,c,d), Borror et al. (1963), Richards and Davies (1977),
and Aguda et al. (1994). The collected rice field insect pests were also identified
from the literature collected from BRRI and Internet sources.
Statistical analysis: Statistical comparisons were made amongst the spots,
rice plant stages, rice growing seasons and the insect orders vs seasons using
student’s t test, ANOVA and LSD tests.
92 Nasiruddin and Roy


A total of 35 species of rice field insect pests belonging to 30 Genera under
13 Families within four economic insect Orders were recorded. These were:
Order Hemiptera- five Families with 14 species; Order Orthoptera- four Families
with nine species; Order Lepidoptera- three Families with 11 species and Order
Coleptera- one Family with one species. Table 1 shows a list of the rice field
insect pests recorded during the study period.
Table 1. List of the rice field insect pests recorded during the study.

Order Sub-order Family Genus Species

Hemiptera Homoptera Cicadellidae Nephotettix nigropictus
Nephotettix virescens
Recilia dorsalis
Thaia oryzivora
Tettigella spectra
Delphacidae Sogatella furcifera
Nilaparvata lugens
Heteroptera Lygaeidae Pachybrachius sp.
Pentatomidae Nezara viridula
Scotinophara sp.
Eysarcoris ventralis
Antestia degenera
Coreidae Leptocorisa Acuta
Cletus sp.
Orthoptera Caelifera Acrididae Oxya velox
Oxya chinensis
Hieroglyphus bettoni
Hieroglyphus banian
Atractmorpha sp.
Acrida exaltata
Tetrigidae Paratettix sp.
Ensifera Tettigoniidae Conocephalus longipennis
Gryllidae Euscyrtus concinnus
Lepidoptera Ditrysia Pyralidae Scirpophaga incertulas
Scirpophaga innotata
Scirpophaga auriflura
Nymphula depunctalis
Cnaphalocrosis medinalis
Marasmia patnalis
Chilo polychrysus
Paraponyx sp.
Satyridae Melanitis ismene
Hesperiidae Pelopidas mathias
Telicota augias
Coleoptera Polyphaga Chrysomelidae Dicladispa armigera

Incidence of pests in three stages of three seasons: The total numbers of rice
field insect pests collected from two spots (Spot 1 and Spot 2) in three rice
growing seasons are shown in Table 2.
Rice field insect pests during the rice growing seasons 93

In the Boro season, 914 (22.35%) and 936 (20.75%) hemipteran, 309 (7.55%)
and 619 (13.75%) Orthoptera, 60 (1.47%) and 46 (1.02%) lepidopteran and nine
(0.22%) and 13 (0.28%) coleopteran pests were collected each from Spots 1 and
2, respectively (Table 2).

Table 2. Number and % of rice field insect pests collected during Boro, Aus and Aman seasons
in two study spots.

Spot Season/ Number Total % Total

Order Boro Aus Aman number Boro Aus Aman (%)
Spot 1 Hemiptera 914 583 590 2087 22.35 14.26 14.43 51.06
Orthoptera 309 743 506 1557 7.55 18.17 12.35 38.08
Lepidoptera 60 113 249 422 1.47 2.76 6.09 10.32
Coleoptera 9 6 7 22 0.22 0.14 0.17 0.54
Total 1292 1445 1351 4088 31.60 35.35 33.05 100
Spot 2 Hemiptera 936 577 653 2166 20.75 12.79 14.48 48.03
Orthoptera 619 669 660 1948 13.75 14.83 14.63 43.20
Lepidoptera 46 99 230 375 1.02 2.19 5.10 8.32
Coleoptera 13 3 4 20 0.28 0.06 0.08 0.45
Total 1614 1348 1547 4509 35.79 29.89 34.32 100
Spot 1 Hemiptera 1850 1160 1243 4253 21.50 13.50 14.46 49.46
and Orthoptera 928 1412 1165 3505 10.80 16.42 13.56 40.78
Lepidoptera 106 212 479 797 1.23 2.46 5.60 9.29
Spot 2
Coleoptera 22 9 11 42 0.25 0.10 0.12 0.47
Total 2906 2793 2898 8597 33.78 32.48 33.74 100

In the Aus season, 583 (14.26%) and 577 (12.79%) hemipteran, 743
(18.17%) and 669 (14.83%) orthopteran, 113 (2.76%) and 99 (2.19%)
lepidopteran, and six (0.14%) and three (0.06%) coleopteran pests were collected
each from Spots 1 and 2, respectively (Table 2).
In the Aman season, a total of 590 (14.43%) and 653 (14.48%) hemiptera,
505 (12.35%) and 660 (14.63%) orthopteran, 249 (6.09%) and 230 (%5.10%)
lepidopteran, seven (0.17%) and four (0.08%) coleopteran pests were collected
each from Spots 1 and 2, respectively (Table 2).
The total numbers of rice the field insect pests collected in three seasons
from three stages and two spots are given in Table 3. Of the total collected rice
field insect pests, 739 (18.07%), 802 (19.62%) and 293 (7.16%) were collected
from Boro, Aus and Aman seedlings, respectively from Spots 1 and 1875
(21.80%), 1497 (17.42%), 749 (8.71%), respectively from spot 2; 379 (9.27%),
301 (7.37%), 747 (18.27%) were collected from Boro, Aus and Aman
transplanting, respectively from Spots 1 and 700 (8.14%), 585 (6.80%), 1544
(17.96%) were respectively from Spot 2; 174 (4.25%), 342 (8.36%), 311 (7.62%)
94 Nasiruddin and Roy

were collected, respectively from Boro, Aus and Aman flowerings of Spots 1 and
331 (3.86%), 711 (8.28%) and 605 (7.03%) from Spot 2.

Table 3. Number and % of rice field insect pests occurring in the seedling, transplanting and
flowering stages of Boro, Aus and Aman seasons in the two study spots.

Spot Season/ Number Total % Total

Stage Boro Aus Aman number Boro Aus Aman (%)
Spot 1 Seedling 739 802 293 1834 18.07 19.62 7.16 44.87
Transplanting 379 301 747 1427 9.27 7.37 18.27 34.91
Flowering 174 342 311 827 4.25 8.36 7.62 20.22
Total 1292 1445 1351 4088 31.60 35.35 33.05 100
Spot 2 Seedling 1875 1497 749 4124 21.80 17.42 8.71 47.93
Transplanting 700 585 1544 2829 8.14 6.80 17.96 32.90
Flowering 331 711 605 1647 3.86 8.28 7.03 19.17
Total 2906 2793 2898 8597 38.80 32.50 33.70 100
Spot 1 Seedling 1136 695 456 2287 25.19 15.41 10.11 50.72
and Transplanting 321 284 797 1402 7.11 6.29 17.67 31.09
Flowering 157 369 294 820 3.48 8.18 6.2 18.89
Spot 2
Total 1614 1348 1547 4509 35.79 29.89 34.32 100

The total numbers of rice field insect pests (season wise and order wise) and
their respective percentages in the two spots recorded during the study period
are shown in Table 2. Of the total 8597 insect pests collected the numbers of the
representatives of the Order Hemiptera were 4253 (49.46%), Orthoptera 3505
(40.78%), Lepidoptera 479 (9.29%) and Coleoptera 42 (0.47%). Of the total 8597
rice field insect pests, Boro season had the highest number [2906 (33.78%)] of
total insect population followed by 2898 (33.74%) and 2793 (32.48%) in Aman
and Aus seasons, respectively. The ranking of the Orders was: Hemiptera >
Orthoptera > Lepidoptera > Coleoptera and that of the season was: Boro > Aman
> Aus. The total numbers of rice field insect pests (season wise and stage wise)
and their respective percentages are shown in Table 3. Of the total 8597 insect
pests, seedling stage had the highest number [4121 (47.93%)] of total insect
population followed by 2829 (32.90%) and 1647 (19.17%) in the transplanting
and flowering stages, respectively. Hence, the ranking of the stages were:
seedling > transplanting > flowering stage.
Statistical analysis amongst the spots, seasons, stages and orders: The t-test
done between the means of four orders of Spots 1 and 2 in three stages of three
seasons showed that no significant difference existed between the means of
insect orders of two spots in any of the three seasons and in any of the three
ANOVA (Table 4) showed that there was no significant difference between the
numbers of insect pests of three orders in three stages of the three seasons in
Rice field insect pests during the rice growing seasons 95

Spot 1. In Spot 2 variation due to seasons was not significant, but the stages
had significant effect on the orthopteran insect pest incidence. LSD showed that
the difference between the means of the orthopteran pests of transplanting and
flowering stages were insignificant, whereas the means of the pests of seedling
and transplanting stages were significantly different from each other and similar
argument was held for the means of the pests of seedling and flowering stages.
Statistical comparison (ANOVA) made between the numbers of insect pests
of three insect orders of two spots with three stages in three seasons showed
that the variation due to the seasons was not significant, but the orthopteran
number had significant effect on stages (Table 4). LSD showed that the
difference between the mean pest number of orthopteran transplant and
flowering stages was not significant, but that of orthopteran seedling vs
transplant and seedling vs flowering showed significant difference.
ANOVA (Table 5) done between the mean numbers of insect pests of the
orders with the seasons of three stages showed that in Spot 1 in the seedling
stage, there was no variation in the means of the orders and seasons. In the
transplant stage variation due to orders was not significant, but in the seasons
there was a significant difference. LSD showed that the difference between the
mean numbers of insect pests of Boro and Aus seasons was not significant, but
that of Aman and Boro, and Aman and Aus were significantly different. In Spot 2
there was again no significant difference amongst the orders and seasons of the
seedling stage, but significant difference laid between the orders and seasons of
the transplanting and flowering stages. In the transplanting stage variations due
to order was not significant, but the seasons had significant effect on the pest
incidence (Table 5). LSD showed that the difference between the mean pests of
Boro and Aus was not significant, but the incidence of the representatives of the
orders on Aman and Boro, and Aman and Aus was significant. However, in the
flowering stage variations due to the seasons was not significant, but the
number of insect pests in the orders had significant effect (Table 5). LSD showed
that the difference between the mean pests of the orders Hemiptera vs
Orthoptera and Orthoptera vs Lepidoptera was not significant, but significant
difference laid between the numbers of insect orders Hemiptera vs Lepidoptera.
Again statistical analysis done between the numbers of insect pests of the two
fields and the seasons in the three stages showed no significant difference
between the orders and the seedling or flowering stages, but in the transplanting
stage variation due to the orders was not significant, but among the seasons
were significant (Table 6). LSD showed that the difference between the mean
pest number of Boro and Aus seasons were not significant, but the numbers of
Aman vs Boro and Aman vs Aus seasons were significantly different.
96 Nasiruddin and Roy

Insect pests are most widespread, common and persistent pests of rice. They
are considered as one of the major causes of low yield in all rice growing
countries including Bangladesh. During the study it was observed that
hemipteran population was abundant in both the spots than the population of
the other orders. Boro season had the highest number of hemipteran
representatives followed by Aus and Aman seasons, but their population was
highest in the seedling stage in all the seasons. Among the hemipteran pests,
homopteran population had the highest infestation in the seedling stage. On the
other hand, heteropteran pest population had the highest infestation in the
transplanting and flowering stages. Amongst the heteropteran representatives
the infestation of Pachybrachius sp. was seen in the mid transplanting stage to
mid flowering stage, but their number was comparatively higher in Spot 2 than
Spot 1. Higher infestation of another heteropteran pest, L. acuta was observed in
late transplanting to mid flowering stages. Highest orthopteran pest infestation
was observed in the seedling stage in all three seasons. Orthopteran nymph
population was highest in number in the seedling stage, but with the growing of
plants the nymphs became adult and in the late seedling stage a few
orthopteran adults were found. The long horned grasshopper E. concinnus was
observed in the late seedling stage to beginning of flowering stage. Highest
infestation of adult grasshoppers was observed in late seedling stage to mid
flowering stage in all seasons. Amongst the lepidopteran pests, S. incertulas was
present in almost all stages and seasons. On the other hand, higher infestation
of C. medinalis and M. patnalis was observed in mid transplanting to the late
flowering stage of Aman season, but other lepidopteran species showed no
remarkable appearance in all the seasons. The only coleopteran representative,
D. armigera was present in the transplanting stage, but the infestation by this
pest was very low in both the spots.
During the study period, a total of 8597 rice insect pests was collected from
both the spots. Of the total 8597 insect pests, 4088 (47.55%) and 4509 (52.44%)
were collected from Spot 1 and Spot 2, respectively. Though the number of
insect pests were apparently the same, but in case of some genera and species,
the variation in numbers was observed in both the spots. This situation can be
the result of using insecticides, different farm practices, habitat variation or due
to differences in agro-ecological spots.
Depending on the above discussion, the ranks were ordered as: Hemiptera >
Orthoptera > Lepidoptera > Coleoptera; the rank of the stages according to
infestation was: Seedling > Transplanting > Flowering; that of the seasons was:
Boro > Aman > Aus and of the two spots was: Spot-2 > Spot-1.
Rice field insect pests during the rice growing seasons 97
98 Nasiruddin and Roy
Rice field insect pests during the rice growing seasons 99

No related works on seasonal incidence of rice field insect pests were

available. The reports of BRRI give some indication about the incidence of rice
insect pests in different areas of the country. These reports recorded some
variations in different agro-ecological zones. The pests recorded in the present
study do not agree with the BRRI reports. This is because of the varying
ecological condition of the areas and also on the pest outbreak which differs
from year to year.
Concluding remarks: It is more than knowing that when a rice insect pest is
present it should be controlled. It then requires adequate knowledge about all
the factors responsible for the pest population reaching economic threshold
levels. Insect rice pest population should, therefore, be assessed throughout the
farm community in relation to their distribution and seasonal fluctuation under
different climatic conditions.

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(Manuscript received on August 23, 2011; revised on March 5, 2012)

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