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Jose Rizal Biography From an early age, Jose Rizal Mercado showed a

Jose Rizal was a Filipino polymath whose martyrdom precocious intellect. He learned the alphabet from his
helped spark the revolution of the Philippines from mother at the age of three and could read and write at
Spanish occupation. Read about his life, works, and age five.
Educational Foundations
Fast Facts: José Rizal The Mercado family enjoyed relative wealth as
landowners who rented the land of their hacienda to the
Dominican friars in Laguna. Hence, education was a
 Known For: National hero of the priority for the Mercado family and young Jose Protacio
Philippines for his key role inspiring and was sent to learn from Justiniano Aquino Cruz, a tutor
leading the Philippine Revolution against from nearby Binan, Laguna. But the education of a small
colonial Spain. town and a tutor did not sufficiently quench the young
 Born: June 19, 1861 at Calamba, Laguna. man’s thirst for knowledge and soon, the family began to
 Parents: Francisco Rizal Mercado and make preparations for his admission to the Ateneo
Teodora Alonzo y Quintos. Municipal de Manila, in the capital of the Philippines.
 Birth name: Jose Protacio Rizal Mercado The school was run by the Jesuit Order and was one of
Y Alonso Realonda the most prominent and academic institutions in the
 Died: December 30, 1896, Barcelona, country which catered to the rich, the powerful and most
intelligent students that country had, certainly a place for
Spain. Bagumbayan [now Luneta], Manila,
a young man like Jose Protasio Mercado.
Philippines (execution by firing squad)
 Education: Ateneo Municipal de Manila, Studying in Manila
studied medicine at the University of Santo Prior to his enrollment in this prominent learning
Tomas and and medicine and philsophy at institution, his older brother Paciano Rizal Mercado,
the Universidad Central de Madrid (1884); insisted that Jose drop the surname “Mercado”, to
opthamology at the University of Paris and ensure that the younger Mercado would be
the University of Heidelberg. disassociated with the outspoken and borderline
 Published Works: "Noli Me Tangere," "El subversive reputation of his older brother. As such, the
Filibusterismo." young man known as Jose Protasio Rizal enrolled at the
 Spouse(s): Josephine Bracken (married Ateneo Municipal de Manila.
two hours before his death).
Being the child of a family of wealthy landowners, Jose
 Children: None. Rizal decided to study for a degree in Land Surveying
 Nickname: Pepe and Assessment at the Ateneo de Municipal de Manila
where he graduated on March 14, 1877, with honors or
On June 19th 1861, the Mercado Family from the town sobresaliente. He took and passed the licensure exam
of Calamba in the province of Laguna in the Philippines, for land surveying and assessment in 1878 but was not
happily greeted the birth of their newest member — a given a license until 1881 when he turned 21.
baby boy born as the seventh child to proud parents
Francisco Rizal Mercado y Alejandro and Teodora
Alonso Realonda y Quintos. They named the bouncing In 1878, after his completion of his degree from Ateneo
baby boy Jose Protasio Rizal Mercado. Municipal de Manila, he pursued, his passion for the arts
as he enrolled at the Faculty of Arts and Letters for a
Being the seventh of a brood of eleven, Jose Rizal degree in Philosophy at the University of Santo Tomas.
Mercado demonstrated an astounding intelligence and Although he excelled at philosophy, the news of his
aptitude for learning at a very young age when he mother’s impending blindness convinced him to study
learned his letters from his mother and could read and Medicine, and in 1878 he enrolled in the Faculty of
write at the age of five. Medical Sciences at University of Santo Tomas to
specialize in ophthalmology. Citing discrimination
Early Life against Filipino students by the Dominican professors in
José Rizal was born on June 19, 1861 at Calamba, Medicine, Rizal left the medical program in 1882.
Laguna, the seventh child of Francisco Rizal Mercado
and Teodora Alonzo y Quintos. They named the boy
Believing that education in the country was limited, he
Jose Protasio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda. The
boarded a ship to Spain with the support of his older
Mercado family were wealthy farmers who rented land
brother Paciano but without informing his parents. The
from the Dominican religious order. Descendants of a
ten years he would spend on the European continent
Chinese immigrant named Domingo Lam-co, they
would leave an indelible mark on his personality and
changed their name to Mercado ("market") under the
open his eyes to the world, develop his natural talents
pressure of anti-Chinese feeling among the Spanish
and strengthen his devotion to his motherland.
José Rizal Mercado attended the Ateneo Municipal de literature are just a few of his known accomplishments
Manila, graduating at the age of 16 with highest honors. but he also excellent in arts such as sculpting, painting,
He took a post-graduate course there in land surveying. architecture; physical activities such as martial arts,
Rizal Mercado completed his surveyor's training in 1877, fencing, pistol shooting were also where he
and passed the licensing exam in May 1878, but could demonstrated his prowess; he was well read could
not receive a license to practice because he was only 17 discuss agriculture, economics, sociology, anthropology
years old. (He was granted a license in 1881 when he and history at will.
reached the age of majority.) 117 years after Rizal’s death, the government where his
In 1878, the young man also enrolled in the University of family hailed in Calamba, Laguna recognized Rizal’s
Santo Tomas as a medical student. He later quit the ability in various sports during his lifetime.Apart from
school, alleging discrimination against Filipino students these, he was also multilingual and was known to have
by the Dominican professors. been able to converse in over 10 languages including
Filipino, Spanish, English, French, German, and Dutch,
among others.
Academics in Europe
In May of 1882, José Rizal got on a ship to Spain without
informing his parents of his intentions. He enrolled at the Rizal was also a member of the Freemasons. It is
Universidad Central de Madrid. In June of 1884, he therefore no surprise that wherever he went, people
received his medical degree at the age of 23; the were drawn to his charm, wit, intelligence and
following year, he also graduated from the Philosophy personality. He made friends and lovers wherever he
and Letters department. went and left an impression and reputation that would
Inspired by his mother's advancing blindness, Rizal next outlive him.
went to the University of Paris and then the University of
Heidelberg to complete further study in the field of
Foundations for Reform
ophthalmology. At Heidelberg, he studied under the
Even as a youth, Jose Rizal had been exposed to the
famed professor Otto Becker. Rizal finished his second
difficulties of being under the Spanish colonial
doctorate at Heidelberg in 1887.
government, which had instilled in him the need for
In Spain, he continued the studies that were stalled in change in the system of how the country was being run.
the Philippines and enrolled at the Universidad Central Jose Rizal spent most of his time with his older brother
Paciano, a man who had been linked to Filipino priests,
de Madrid where he graduated in 1884 with a degree in
Gomez, Burgos and Zamora, who sought reform within
Medicine, and a year later with a degree in Philosophy
the catholic church by advocating equal rights for Filipino
and letters from the same institution. Even after the
and Spanish priests in the Philippines. The three priests
completion of these two degrees, he still was not
satisfied and traveled to France and studied at the were later accused of being subversive and were
University of Paris. executed by the Spanish colonial government.
In his pursuit to further increase his knowledge in his
Even closer to home, Rizal saw the treatment accorded
chosen field of specialization — ophthalmology — he
to his beloved mother by the Spanish authorities who
studied at the University of Heidelberg under the
accused her of attempting to poison her cousin and sent
distinguished eye specialist, Professor Otto Becker.
her to jail in Santa Cruz, Laguna. Teodora Mercado was
Jose Rizal lived in Europe for 10 years. During that time, made to walk sixteen kilometers from their home to the
prison and was incarcerated for two and a half years
he picked up a number of languages; in fact, he could
until a successful appeal at the highest court of the
converse in more than 10 different tongues. While in
Spanish government cleared her of the charges.
Europe, the young Filipino impressed everyone who met
him with his charm, his intelligence, and his mastery of
an incredible range of different fields of study. Rizal Both in his novels and in newspaper editorials, Jose
Rizal called for a number of reforms of the Spanish
excelled at martial arts, fencing, sculpture, painting,
colonial system in the Philippines. He advocated
teaching, anthropology, and journalism, among other
freedom of speech and assembly, equal rights before
the law for Filipinos, and Filipino priests in place of the
During his European sojourn, he also began to write often-corrupt Spanish churchmen. In addition, Rizal
novels. Rizal finished his first book, Noli Me Tangere, called for the Philippines to become a province of Spain,
with representation in the Spanish legislature (the Cortes
while living in Wilhemsfeld with the Reverend Karl
Generales). Rizal never called for independence for the
Philippines. Nonetheless, the colonial government
considered him a dangerous radical and declared him an
enemy of the state.
Recognition in Europe
Born a few centuries too late, Rizal could have been an
ideal Renaissance Man, he was a polymath who
During his stay in first stay in Europe, Rizal wrote his
excelled at anything he put his considerable mind and
novel, Noli Me Tangere.The book was written in Spanish
talents to. The study of land assessment, medicine, and
and first published in Berlin, Germany in 1887. The Noli, Although Jose Rizal had repeatedly said that he
as it is more commonly known, tells the story of a young advocated peaceful reforms in the Philippines, the
Filipino man who travels to Europe to study and returns Spanish government were correct in assuming that his
home with new eyes to the injustices and corruption in novels would indeed stir up a hornet’s nest of unrest in
his native land. the islands. One of the leaders of the revolutionary group
called Katipunan, Andres Bonifacio, had read the Rizal’s
novels and had used these as a basis for the revolution.
Rizal used elaborate characters to symbolize the
So influential was Rizal that even without his permission
different personalities and characteristics of both the
they named him as a member and Katipuneros shouted
oppressors and the oppressed, paying notable attention his name as part of the their battlecry.
to Filipinos who had adopted the customs of their
colonizers, forgetting their own nationality; the Spanish
friars who were portrayed as lustful and greedy men in With no wish to be further implicated in the revolution,
robes who sought only to satisfy their own needs, and Rizal asked and was granted permission by then
the poor and ignorant members of society who knew no governor General Ramon Blanco to travel to Cuba,
other life but that of one of abject poverty and cruelty another Spanish Colony at the time, to support in the
under the yoke of the church and state. Rizal’s first novel medical efforts needed to suppress an outbreak of
was a scalding criticism of the Spanish colonial system yellow fever. On the way to Cuba, Rizal was arrested
in the country and Philippine society in general, was met and incarcerated in Barcelona due to the political
with harsh reactions from the elite, the church and the manoeuvrings of the friars which saw Blanco removed
government. from office and replaced by Camilo de Polavieja.

Upon his return to the country, he was summoned by the Exile and Courtship
Governor General of the Philippine Islands to explain In 1892, Rizal returned to the Philippines. He was almost
himself in light of accusations that he was a subversive immediately accused of being involved in the brewing
and an inciter of rebellion. Rizal faced the charges and rebellion and was exiled to Dapitan City, on the island of
defended himself admirably, and although he was Mindanao. Rizal would stay there for four years,
exonerated, his name would remain on the watch list of teaching school and encouraging agricultural reforms.
the colonial government. Similarly, his work also
produced a great uproar in the Catholic Church in the
country, so much so that later, he was excommunicated. During that same period, the people of the Philippines
grew more eager to revolt against the Spanish colonial
presence. Inspired in part by Rizal's organization, La
Despite the reaction to his first novel, Rizal wrote a Liga, rebel leaders like Andres Bonifacio began to press
second novel, El Filibusterismo, and published it in 1891. for military action against the Spanish regime.
Where the protagonist of Noli Me Tangere, Ibarra, was a
pacifist and advocate of peaceful means of reforms to
enact the necessary change in the system, the lead In Dapitan, Rizal met and fell in love with Josephine
character in Fili, Simeon, was more militant and Bracken, who brought her stepfather to him for a
cataract operation. The couple applied for a marriage
preferred to incite an armed uprising to achieve the
license but were denied by the Church (which had
same end. Hence the government could not help but
excommunicated Rizal).
notice that instead of being merely a commentary on
Philippine society, the second novel could become the
catalyst which would encourage Filipinos to revolt Execution and Death
against the Spanish colonizers and overthrow the Rizal was then brought back to the Philippines to face
colonial government. charges of rebellion due to his reported association with
the revolutionary movement. The court found him guilty
Arrest, Exile, and Incarceration and sentenced him to death. Jose Rizal was executed
by a firing squad on December 30 1896, at 7:00am, in
Upon his return to the Philippines in 1892, he was
arrested by the Spanish government for being a Bagumbayan (now called Rizal Park) and his remains
subversive and for his reported involvement in the were buried in an unmarked grave in the nearby Paco
rebellion. He was then exiled to the island of the Dapitan
The Philippine Revolution broke out in 1896. Rizal
in the southernmost island group of the Philippines,
denounced the violence and received permission to
Mindanao. There he established a school that taught
travel to Cuba in order to tend victims of yellow fever in
English to young boys, he worked on agricultural
projects on abaca, a plant used for rope, and he exchange for his freedom. Bonifacio and two associates
continued to practice medicine, eventually meeting one sneaked aboard the ship to Cuba before it left the
Philippines, trying to convince Rizal to escape with them,
of the most famous women in his life, Josephine
but Rizal refused.

He was arrested by the Spanish on the way, taken to

Barcelona, and then extradited to Manila for trial. José
Rizal was tried by court-martial, charged with farmer whom Rizal called "a model of fathers," came
conspiracy, sedition, and rebellion. Despite a lack of any from Biñan, Laguna; while his mother, Teodora Alonzo y
evidence of his complicity in the Revolution, Rizal was Quintos, a highly cultured and accomplished woman
convicted on all counts and given the death sentence. whom Rizal called "loving and prudent mother," was
born in Meisic, Sta. Cruz, Manila. At the age of 3, he
He was allowed to marry Josephine two hours before his learned the alphabet from his mother; at 5, while
execution by firing squad on December 30, 1896. Jose learning to read and write, he already showed
Rizal was just 35 years old. inclinations to be an artist. He astounded his family and
relatives by his pencil drawings and sketches and by his
Through the years, Rizal’s works and ideals have been moldings of clay. At the age 8, he wrote a Tagalog
cited by many reformists, such as Jawaharlal Nehru, poem, "Sa Aking Mga Kabata," the theme of which
Sun Yat Sen and even Ghandi as the means for peace revolves on the love of one’s language. In 1877, at the
reforms. As the national hero of the Philippines, his age of 16, he obtained his Bachelor of Arts degree with
works, are required reading for all students and streets, an average of "excellent" from the Ateneo Municipal de
buildings, and parks have been named after him and the Manila. In the same year, he enrolled in Philosophy and
30th of December, his death anniversary, was declared Letters at the University of Santo Tomas, while at the
a national holiday. same time took courses leading to the degree of
surveyor and expert assessor at the Ateneo. He finished
the latter course on March 21, 1877 and passed the
Surveyor’s examination on May 21, 1878; but because
José Rizal is remembered today throughout the
of his age, 17, he was not granted license to practice the
Philippines for his brilliance, his courage, his peaceful profession until December 30, 1881. In 1878, he enrolled
resistance to tyranny, and his compassion. Filipino in medicine at the University of Santo Tomas but had to
schoolchildren study his final literary work, a poem called
stop in his studies when he felt that the Filipino students
Mi Ultimo Adios ("My Last Goodbye"), as well as his two
were being discriminated upon by their Dominican tutors.
famous novels.
On May 3, 1882, he sailed for Spain where he continued
Spurred on by Rizal's martyrdom, the Philippine his studies at the Universidad Central de Madrid. On
Revolution continued until 1898. With assistance from June 21, 1884, at the age of 23, he was conferred the
the United States, the Philippine archipelago was able to
degree of Licentiate in Medicine and on June 19,1885, at
defeat the Spanish army. The Philippines declared its
the age of 24, he finished his course in Philosophy and
independence from Spain on June 12, 1898. It was the
Letters with a grade of "excellent."
first democratic republic in Asia.

What made Jose Rizal worthy of becoming the Having traveled extensively in Europe, America and
Philippines’ national hero was not merely his Asia, he mastered 22 languages. These include Arabic,
intelligence, personality, literary acumen, or his pacifist Catalan, Chinese, English, French, German, Greek,
ideals. Rather, it was his patriotism, optimism, undying Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Malayan, Portuguese,
love for his country and his belief in his countrymen Russian, Sanskrit, Spanish, Tagalog, and other native
which set him apart. He believed not merely in freedom dialects. A versatile genius, he was an architect, artists,
but in the potential of the Filipino people to surpass what businessman, cartoonist, educator, economist,
they were under the Spanish colonial government, and ethnologist, scientific farmer, historian, inventor,
all he wished was for them to be given the chance to tap journalist, linguist, musician, mythologist, nationalist,
into that potential. And for that, he has earned his right naturalist, novelist, opthalmic surgeon, poet,
place as a symbol of what a Filipino can do in one short propagandist, psychologist, scientist, sculptor,
lifetime. sociologist, and theologian.

He was an expert swordsman and a good shot. In the

hope of securing political and social reforms for his
country and at the same time educate his countrymen,
Rizal, the greatest apostle of Filipino nationalism,
Jose Rizal: A Biographical Sketch
published, while in Europe, several works with highly
nationalistic and revolutionary tendencies. In March
1887, his daring book, NOLI ME TANGERE, a satirical
JOSE RIZAL, the national hero of the Philippines and novel exposing the arrogance and despotism of the
pride of the Malayan race, was born on June 19, 1861, Spanish clergy, was published in Berlin; in 1890 he
in the town of Calamba, Laguna. He was the seventh reprinted in Paris, Morga’s SUCCESSOS DE LAS ISLAS
child in a family of 11 children (2 boys and 9 girls). Both FILIPINAS with his annotations to prove that the
his parents were educated and belonged to Filipinos had a civilization worthy to be proud of even
distinguished families. long before the Spaniards set foot on Philippine soil; on
September 18, 1891, EL FILIBUSTERISMO, his second
novel and a sequel to the NOLI and more revolutionary
His father, Francisco Mercado Rizal, an industrious
and tragic than the latter, was printed in Ghent. Because
of his fearless exposures of the injustices committed by
the civil and clerical officials, Rizal provoked the
animosity of those in power. This led himself, his
relatives and countrymen into trouble with the Spanish
officials of the country. As a consequence, he and those
who had contacts with him, were shadowed; the
authorities were not only finding faults but even
fabricating charges to pin him down. Thus, he was
imprisoned in Fort Santiago from July 6, 1892 to July 15,
1892 on a charge that anti-friar pamphlets were found in
the luggage of his sister Lucia who arrive with him from
Hong Kong. While a political exile in Dapitan, he
engaged in agriculture, fishing and business; he
maintained and operated a hospital; he conducted
classes- taught his pupils the English and Spanish
languages, the arts.

The sciences, vocational courses including agriculture,

surveying, sculpturing, and painting, as well as the art of
self defense; he did some researches and collected
specimens; he entered into correspondence with
renowned men of letters and sciences abroad; and with
the help of his pupils, he constructed water dam and a
relief map of Mindanao - both considered remarkable
engineering feats. His sincerity and friendliness won for
him the trust and confidence of even those assigned to
guard him; his good manners and warm personality were
found irresistible by women of all races with whom he
had personal contacts; his intelligence and humility
gained for him the respect and admiration of prominent
men of other nations; while his undaunted courage and
determination to uplift the welfare of his people were
feared by his enemies.

When the Philippine Revolution started on August 26,

1896, his enemies lost no time in pressing him down.
They were able to enlist witnesses that linked him with
the revolt and these were never allowed to be confronted
by him. Thus, from November 3, 1986, to the date of his
execution, he was again committed to Fort Santiago. In
his prison cell, he wrote an untitled poem, now known as
"Ultimo Adios" which is considered a masterpiece and a
living document expressing not only the hero’s great love
of country but also that of all Filipinos. After a mock trial,
he was convicted of rebellion, sedition and of forming
illegal association. In the cold morning of December 30,
1896, Rizal, a man whose 35 years of life had been
packed with varied activities which proved that the
Filipino has capacity to equal if not excel even those who
treat him as a slave, was shot at Bagumbayan Field.

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