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It is a group of people living in a definite territory having a government of their own and enjoying their
sovereignty. What is being defined?
a. Nation c. State
b. Country d. Governance
2. any large group of people who are united by common bonds of race, language, custom, tradition, or religion.
a. Nation c. Government
b. State d. Country
3. Which of the following does not bellong to the elements of the state.
a. Terretory c. People
b. Government d. Politicians
4. any large group of people who are united by common bonds of race, language, custom, tradition, or religion.
a. Nation c. Government
b. State d. Country
5. A nation can composed many states. A state can composed many nations.
a. Both statements are TRUE c. Only the first statement is TRUE
b. Both statements are FALSE d. Only the first statement is FALSE
6. A set of political beliefs based on preservation of customs and traditions that define the character of a
a. Conservatism c. liberalism
b. Soscialism d. Anarchism
7. Kingdom of England is a Monarchy form of government which means?
a. A Country ruled by a President c. A counrty ruled by a king and hereditary
b. A country ruled by a religious Leaders d. a country ruled by Group of people
8. United States of America composed of 50 several self-governing states or regions and it has central Government
the main fuction is to unite all the member states, in which form of government describe this statement?
a. Federal form of government c. Republic form of government
b. Monarchy form of government d. unitary state form of government
9. A set of political beliefs emphasizing individual rights and liberties.
a. Socialism c. Anarchism
b. Liberalism d. Marxism
10. The Philippines practiced a federal form of government. The country also has a presidential form of
a. Both statements are TRUE c. Only the 2nd statement is TRUE
b. Both statements are FALSE d. Only the first statement is FALSE
11. Which among the following does not belong to the group?
a. Territory c. Government
b. Soveriegnty d. Country
12. Which of the following is incorrect?

a. A State is sovereign
b. A State is a country
c. A State is run by a governmen
d. California is a State

13. Kingdom of England is a Monarchy form of government which means?

a. A Country ruled by a President c. A counrty ruled by a king and hereditary
b. A country ruled by a religious Leaders d. a country ruled by Group of people
14. Examples of Globalization are?
a. Internet
b. Selling local products in the global market
c. Attending lectures by a British professor teaching in an American University
d. All of the above
15. What was a key thing to have in Globalization?
a. Power c. Transportation
b. Sponsorship d. Food
Matching Type:

Form of government Leader Characteristics Answer

The church and

A1. Theocracy A2. The People A3. the states go A1. __________ ___________
hand and hand

A group of people
or an individual
represents the
B1. Republic B.2 One leader B3. people in the B1. __________ ___________

A type of
government that
C1. Monarchy C2. Representative C3. rulesd tru the use C1. __________ ___________
of arms

The king has

authority over all
D1. Revolutionary D2. Military D3. D1. __________ ___________
his constituents

The people have

the rights to vote
and decide for
E1. Democracy E2. Religious leader E4. the welfare of the E1. __________ ___________

and ruling onli
F1. Aristocracy F2. A Group of People F3. belong to a F1. __________ ___________
certain group of
A1. __e2______ __a3_________

B1. Republic B1. ____c2______ _e3________

C1. Monarchy C1. ___b2_____ ____d3_______

D1. Revolutionary D1. ___d2_____ ____c3______

E1. Democracy E1. ___a2_____ _____b3______

F1. Aristocracy F1. ______f2____ __f3_______

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