Lampiran 6 Data Statistik

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Lampiran 6

Hasil Data Statistik

Kondisi Fisik Rumah TB Paru

1. Dinding Rumah
Case Processing Summary


Valid Missing Total

N Percent N Percent N Percent

Dinding Rumah * Kategori 108 100.0% 0 .0% 108 100.0%

Dinding Rumah * Kategori Crosstabulation


Kasus Kontrol Total

Dinding Rumah Tidak Memenuhi Syarat Count 18 32 50

Expected Count 16.7 33.3 50.0

% within Dinding Rumah 36.0% 64.0% 100.0%

% within Kategori 50.0% 44.4% 46.3%

% of Total 16.7% 29.6% 46.3%

Memenuhi Syarat Count 18 40 58

Expected Count 19.3 38.7 58.0

% within Dinding Rumah 31.0% 69.0% 100.0%

% within Kategori 50.0% 55.6% 53.7%

% of Total 16.7% 37.0% 53.7%

Total Count 36 72 108

Expected Count 36.0 72.0 108.0

% within Dinding Rumah 33.3% 66.7% 100.0%

% within Kategori 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

% of Total 33.3% 66.7% 100.0%

Chi-Square Tests

Asymp. Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (1-

Value df sided) sided) sided)

Pearson Chi-Square .298a 1 .585

Continuity Correctionb .116 1 .733

Likelihood Ratio .298 1 .585

Fisher's Exact Test .683 .366

Linear-by-Linear Association .295 1 .587

McNemar Testb .065c

N of Valid Cases 108

a. 0 cells (,0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 16,67.

b. Computed only for a 2x2 table

c. Binomial distribution used.

Symmetric Measures

Value Approx. Sig.

Nominal by Nominal Contingency Coefficient .052 .585

N of Valid Cases 108

Risk Estimate

95% Confidence Interval

Value Lower Upper

Odds Ratio for Dinding Rumah

(Tidak Memenuhi Syarat / 1.250 .561 2.787
Memenuhi Syarat)

For cohort Kategori = Kasus 1.160 .681 1.976

For cohort Kategori = Kontrol .928 .708 1.216

N of Valid Cases 108

2. Lantai Rumah
Case Processing Summary


Valid Missing Total

N Percent N Percent N Percent

Kondisi Lantai * Kategori 108 100.0% 0 .0% 108 100.0%

Kondisi Lantai * Kategori Crosstabulation


Kasus Kontrol Total

Kondisi Lantai Tidak Memenuhi Syarat Count 14 21 35

Expected Count 11.7 23.3 35.0

% within Kondisi Lantai 40.0% 60.0% 100.0%

% within Kategori 38.9% 29.2% 32.4%

% of Total 13.0% 19.4% 32.4%

Memenuhi Syarat Count 22 51 73

Expected Count 24.3 48.7 73.0

% within Kondisi Lantai 30.1% 69.9% 100.0%

% within Kategori 61.1% 70.8% 67.6%

% of Total 20.4% 47.2% 67.6%

Total Count 36 72 108

Expected Count 36.0 72.0 108.0

% within Kondisi Lantai 33.3% 66.7% 100.0%

% within Kategori 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

% of Total 33.3% 66.7% 100.0%

Chi-Square Tests

Asymp. Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (1-

Value df sided) sided) sided)

Pearson Chi-Square 1.036a 1 .309

Continuity Correctionb .639 1 .424

Likelihood Ratio 1.021 1 .312

Fisher's Exact Test .384 .211

Linear-by-Linear Association 1.026 1 .311

McNemar Testb 1.000c

N of Valid Cases 108

a. 0 cells (,0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 11,67.

b. Computed only for a 2x2 table

c. Binomial distribution used.

Symmetric Measures

Value Approx. Sig.

Nominal by Nominal Contingency Coefficient .097 .309

N of Valid Cases 108

Risk Estimate

95% Confidence Interval

Value Lower Upper

Odds Ratio for Kondisi Lantai

(Tidak Memenuhi Syarat / 1.545 .667 3.583
Memenuhi Syarat)

For cohort Kategori = Kasus 1.327 .777 2.267

For cohort Kategori = Kontrol .859 .630 1.171

N of Valid Cases 108

3. Ventilasi Rumah
Case Processing Summary


Valid Missing Total

N Percent N Percent N Percent

Kondisi Ventilasi * Kategori 108 100.0% 0 .0% 108 100.0%

Kondisi Ventilasi * Kategori Crosstabulation


Kasus Kontrol Total

Kondisi Ventilasi Tidak Memenuhi Syarat Count 28 38 66

Expected Count 22.0 44.0 66.0

% within Kondisi Ventilasi 42.4% 57.6% 100.0%

% within Kategori 77.8% 52.8% 61.1%

% of Total 25.9% 35.2% 61.1%

Memenuhi Syarat Count 8 34 42

Expected Count 14.0 28.0 42.0

% within Kondisi Ventilasi 19.0% 81.0% 100.0%

% within Kategori 22.2% 47.2% 38.9%

% of Total 7.4% 31.5% 38.9%

Total Count 36 72 108

Expected Count 36.0 72.0 108.0

% within Kondisi Ventilasi 33.3% 66.7% 100.0%

% within Kategori 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

% of Total 33.3% 66.7% 100.0%

Chi-Square Tests

Asymp. Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (1-

Value df sided) sided) sided)

Pearson Chi-Square 6.312a 1 .012

Continuity Correctionb 5.304 1 .021

Likelihood Ratio 6.612 1 .010

Fisher's Exact Test .013 .010

Linear-by-Linear Association 6.253 1 .012

N of Valid Casesb 108

a. 0 cells (,0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 14,00.

b. Computed only for a 2x2 table

c. Binomial distribution used.

Symmetric Measures

Value Approx. Sig.

Nominal by Nominal Contingency Coefficient .235 .012

N of Valid Cases 108

Risk Estimate

95% Confidence Interval

Value Lower Upper

Odds Ratio for Kondisi Ventilasi

(Tidak Memenuhi Syarat / 3.132 1.258 7.794
Memenuhi Syarat)

For cohort Kategori = Kasus 2.227 1.124 4.414

For cohort Kategori = Kontrol .711 .552 .917

N of Valid Cases 108

4. Cahaya Matahari
Case Processing Summary


Valid Missing Total

N Percent N Percent N Percent

Cahaya Matahari * Kategori 108 100.0% 0 .0% 108 100.0%

Cahaya Matahari * Kategori Crosstabulation


Kasus Kontrol Total

Cahaya Matahari Tidak Memenuhi Syarat Count 23 19 42

Expected Count 14.0 28.0 42.0

% within Cahaya Matahari 54.8% 45.2% 100.0%

% within Kategori 63.9% 26.4% 38.9%

% of Total 21.3% 17.6% 38.9%

Memenuhi Syarat Count 13 53 66

Expected Count 22.0 44.0 66.0

% within Cahaya Matahari 19.7% 80.3% 100.0%

% within Kategori 36.1% 73.6% 61.1%

% of Total 12.0% 49.1% 61.1%

Total Count 36 72 108

Expected Count 36.0 72.0 108.0

% within Cahaya Matahari 33.3% 66.7% 100.0%

% within Kategori 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

% of Total 33.3% 66.7% 100.0%

Chi-Square Tests

Asymp. Sig. Exact Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (1-

Value df (2-sided) sided) sided)

Pearson Chi-Square 14.201a 1 .000

Continuity Correctionb 12.667 1 .000

Likelihood Ratio 14.149 1 .000

Fisher's Exact Test .000 .000

14.070 1 .000

McNemar Testb .377c

N of Valid Cases 108

a. 0 cells (,0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 14,00.

b. Computed only for a 2x2 table

c. Binomial distribution used.

Symmetric Measures

Value Sig.

Nominal by Nominal Contingency Coefficient .341 .000

N of Valid Cases 108

Risk Estimate

95% Confidence Interval

Value Lower Upper

Odds Ratio for Cahaya

Matahari (Tidak Memenuhi 4.935 2.091 11.646
Syarat / Memenuhi Syarat)

For cohort Kategori =

2.780 1.589 4.864

For cohort Kategori =

.563 .396 .802

N of Valid Cases 108

5. Suhu Rumah
Case Processing Summary


Valid Missing Total

N Percent N Percent N Percent

Kondisi Suhu Rumah * Kategori 108 100.0% 0 .0% 108 100.0%

Kondisi Suhu Rumah * Kategori Crosstabulation


Kasus Kontrol Total

Kondisi Suhu Rumah Tidak Memenuhi Syarat Count 16 12 28

Expected Count 9.3 18.7 28.0

% within Kondisi Suhu Rumah 57.1% 42.9% 100.0%

% within Kategori 44.4% 16.7% 25.9%

% of Total 14.8% 11.1% 25.9%

Memenuhi Syarat Count 20 60 80

Expected Count 26.7 53.3 80.0

% within Kondisi Suhu Rumah 25.0% 75.0% 100.0%

% within Kategori 55.6% 83.3% 74.1%

% of Total 18.5% 55.6% 74.1%

Total Count 36 72 108

Expected Count 36.0 72.0 108.0

% within Kondisi Suhu Rumah 33.3% 66.7% 100.0%

% within Kategori 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

% of Total 33.3% 66.7% 100.0%

Chi-Square Tests

Asymp. Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (1-

Value df sided) sided) sided)

Pearson Chi-Square 9.643a 1 .002

Continuity Correctionb 8.251 1 .004

Likelihood Ratio 9.271 1 .002

Fisher's Exact Test .004 .002

Linear-by-Linear Association 9.554 1 .002

McNemar Testb .215c

N of Valid Cases 108

a. 0 cells (,0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 9,33.

b. Computed only for a 2x2 table

c. Binomial distribution used.

Symmetric Measures

Value Approx. Sig.

Nominal by Nominal Contingency Coefficient .286 .002

N of Valid Cases 108

Risk Estimate

95% Confidence Interval

Value Lower Upper

Odds Ratio for Kondisi Suhu

Rumah (Tidak Memenuhi Syarat 4.000 1.621 9.873
/ Memenuhi Syarat)

For cohort Kategori = Kasus 2.286 1.391 3.757

For cohort Kategori = Kontrol .571 .366 .893

N of Valid Cases 108

6. Kelembaban Rumah

Case Processing Summary


Valid Missing Total

N Percent N Percent N Percent

Kelembaban Rumah * Kategori 108 100.0% 0 .0% 108 100.0%

Kelembaban Rumah * Kategori Crosstabulation


Kasus Kontrol Total

Kelembaban Rumah Tidak Memenuhi Syarat Count 21 23 44

Expected Count 14.7 29.3 44.0

% within Kelembaban Rumah 47.7% 52.3% 100.0%

% within Kategori 58.3% 31.9% 40.7%

% of Total 19.4% 21.3% 40.7%

Memenuhi Syarat Count 15 49 64

Expected Count 21.3 42.7 64.0

% within Kelembaban Rumah 23.4% 76.6% 100.0%

% within Kategori 41.7% 68.1% 59.3%

% of Total 13.9% 45.4% 59.3%

Total Count 36 72 108

Expected Count 36.0 72.0 108.0

% within Kelembaban Rumah 33.3% 66.7% 100.0%

% within Kategori 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

% of Total 33.3% 66.7% 100.0%

Chi-Square Tests

Asymp. Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (1-

Value df sided) sided) sided)

Pearson Chi-Square 6.923a 1 .009

Continuity Correctionb 5.873 1 .015

Likelihood Ratio 6.884 1 .009

Fisher's Exact Test .012 .008

Linear-by-Linear Association 6.858 1 .009

McNemar Testb .256c

N of Valid Cases 108

a. 0 cells (,0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 14,67.

b. Computed only for a 2x2 table

c. Binomial distribution used.

Symmetric Measures

Value Approx. Sig.

Nominal by Nominal Contingency Coefficient .245 .009

N of Valid Cases 108

Risk Estimate

95% Confidence Interval

Value Lower Upper

Odds Ratio for Kelembaban

Rumah (Tidak Memenuhi Syarat 2.983 1.304 6.822
/ Memenuhi Syarat)

For cohort Kategori = Kasus 2.036 1.187 3.495

For cohort Kategori = Kontrol .683 .499 .934

N of Valid Cases 108

7. Kepadatan Hunian Rumah
Case Processing Summary


Valid Missing Total

N Percent N Percent N Percent

Kepadatan Hunian Rumah *

108 100.0% 0 .0% 108 100.0%

Kepadatan Hunian Rumah * Kategori Crosstabulation


Kasus Kontrol Total

Kepadatan Hunian Rumah Tidak Memenuhi Syarat Count 33 49 82

Expected Count 27.3 54.7 82.0

% within Kepadatan Hunian

40.2% 59.8% 100.0%

% within Kategori 91.7% 68.1% 75.9%

% of Total 30.6% 45.4% 75.9%

Memenuhi Syarat Count 3 23 26

Expected Count 8.7 17.3 26.0

% within Kepadatan Hunian

11.5% 88.5% 100.0%

% within Kategori 8.3% 31.9% 24.1%

% of Total 2.8% 21.3% 24.1%

Total Count 36 72 108

Expected Count 36.0 72.0 108.0

% within Kepadatan Hunian

33.3% 66.7% 100.0%

% within Kategori 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

% of Total 33.3% 66.7% 100.0%

Chi-Square Tests

Asymp. Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (1-

Value df sided) sided) sided)

Pearson Chi-Square 7.320a 1 .007

Continuity Correctionb 6.085 1 .014

Likelihood Ratio 8.356 1 .004

Fisher's Exact Test .008 .005

Linear-by-Linear Association 7.252 1 .007

McNemar Testb .000c

N of Valid Cases 108

a. 0 cells (,0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 8,67.

b. Computed only for a 2x2 table

c. Binomial distribution used.

Symmetric Measures

Value Approx. Sig.

Nominal by Nominal Contingency Coefficient .252 .007

N of Valid Cases 108

Risk Estimate

95% Confidence Interval

Value Lower Upper

Odds Ratio for Kepadatan

Hunian Rumah (Tidak
5.163 1.433 18.599
Memenuhi Syarat / Memenuhi

For cohort Kategori = Kasus 3.488 1.165 10.441

For cohort Kategori = Kontrol .676 .539 .846

N of Valid Cases 108

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