Texte in Limba Engleza: From Regularity To Norm or "The Three-Step Efficient Communication"

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Texte in limba engleza

From regularity to norm or “the three-step efficient

It is known that there are spheres of human life and areas of human activity so
complex in nature that they inherently become, on the one hand, absolutely
exceptional, and, on the other hand, impossible to seize in any global model: we lack
data, we cannot corroborate data extrapolated from the analysis of the various
perspectives meant to observe the objects in question but above all things we cannot
count on the faithful repetition of the events specific to these spheres and areas. I
include in this category the spheres related to both natural and social phenomena, to
human thinking, and, finally, to the language activity, deeply embedded in thinking
and also seen as central to any instance of communication in our world, namely the
world of the living. Continue reading →
 Autor: Dan S. STOICA „Al. I. Cuza” University of Iaşi (Romania)
Articol despre: Cognitie, Limbaj si comunicare, Texte, Texte in limba engleza, Texte in limbi straine |

On Wooden Language and Manipulation

There are many ways people use some established wooden language and this
differentiate them when they are targeted by manipulative discourses. Some people
would be genuinely politically correct and use the speech code with all their heart.
Those ones can be manipulated by the bias of targeted discourses in the given wooden
language. Some other people would not believe that wooden languages could be used
in real communication. Part of these later ones would fake using the established
wooden language in their group or society, part of them would overtly refuse to use
such a language, while some of them would use the wooden language in an ironic key,
to rally human or social shortcomings. Counting apart the first category, all these
kinds of people would escape any manipulation attempt. Continue reading →
 Autor: Dan S. STOICA „Al. I. Cuza” University of Iaşi (Romania)
 Publicat in: Argumentum. Journal of the Seminar of Discursive Logic,
Argumentation Theory and Rhetoric 14 (1) : 102-120, 2016
Articol despre: Limbaj si comunicare, Texte, Texte in limba engleza, Texte in limbi straine |

Mind formatting institutions

Everywhere in the world, societies – acting as communities – set up institutions or
just use already existing ones, leading to their own reproduction.This reality relies on
the use of language, which not only influence people, but also socio-culturally shapes
their minds. This paper has the goal of discussing mind formatting institutions that
smoothly “manipulate” people into being “good citizens”, from their early ages to the
end of their lives, thanks to language, understanding manipulation as a amoral
tool. Continue reading →
 Autor: Dan S. Stoica – University “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” at Iasi
 Limba: English
 Publicat in: TrajEthos, 4(1), 91-109, 2015. Submitted: 12/04/15; Revised: 11/10/15;
Published: 29/12/15.

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