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Displacement Method of Analysis: Moment Distribution This 1s a method of. Auccessive abpkoximatens. The method begins with the anumbtion that each joint the slaclara. 2s Sixed. Then g Sy unlocking and Ideking each Joint- in Auccession the vaternal “moment Yat thi joints area” “alistrubuted “amd balancad ” until the jomly fave yotaled to thar final on nrecaly Fra pasibionn. Unlike. the Slope-Defbetion Mothod(erhene. a set of. brcum equations, exprened in Teams of. unrestrained deg eaok-of Srcaxdom dre poled ),'the frocedira is arithmatical. Nevertless, the val fprccess Y- any clsplicement mithed /s Sellowed — foidkPoguuil:buism nbs Cro pabivfivcl thnough succorive apharimations of the votationr(compadibility). Thus tha. Latium ond ebmpatibility are pabicfied Aimultaneourl) , inconporotiog tha load -deformiation igfermation through SY, FeeBus* ai the methodology, certain definitions and convention wa lT aa eae tie corks Sign Convention: Clockwise moment aro. consicleead positive Member. Stisfnom Factore Lhen tha fan end off the beam Is fox ed the pol f 9 Pi fethe cM — a UM eM eed L——_-x ; jugate beam It is abre vec! in Slope-bedleeion method whi conjugate method ind 7 mse 7 mM =4E26, “ M-K6a _ when, Rpts So eee = moment re Poot Se (f the beam? - K=M when Op =! Fave. Og =4 radian “thus, K -MomentYmnit rotation) = KNem~-adian Thun with theflan endl ixed 1 [ee BEE Yin nent foe Lohen tho it Of. the b 's Bb the of rotation Phen Hae ot I ta the ght Pad Badongo bez out wala conjugate beam ynothod! G, Se LO , Tie rotation 6, tA can be =e celayminzd py delermint the Lt Shoar of. the Conf Beam the loft end. Gomy-0 ma Et Tr Nyt YS =f) 4 Wy huts, the tithes actor al AA por Joint Stiffness Factore Sf several member conjugtt Beam ML W "@-2er -2EEDp nip Ke oe, M=KO~ shea inal .™M farrend prnned on eller ed connected 72 * Join Zand each ¥. that en is pexed, then chy Pha patnesple of. superposition, tha toted Stiffnen Factor factor at the pint 1s tha /Sum of the mamber /s Sactonr at the faclps al the foe. This i epee the ome through an amgla of 4. vad. as ona Kreg” poe Beae one cr ifm dad goo Ke -whad B mer end ane Tinga fe Jess stead “ae the Jo int throvgh oop 7 Hoes ee moment-nacdad te rota tha. owt Heo. momber stiffer tho amount of angle of 4 radian Mo tas inen'7R Kne 400 Le The ~ Zina tKag ney (omoricnt +50) 'M.22000 knwo ee _ 00e, (0000 Knot 5000 KN-WYrad Silay, De = O'S 5 DR,- Oo"! (check: Digg rPine*PPAD =! > cs Now, of a moman? M = 2000 nN /s applied at joint A, the contubution of tha members to exert eguilibaating moments ana D follows — Mag =04x2000 = €0okN™ arene aa O4 My C goo KN My. = 0'5x2Z000 = 1000 KN M2000 ooo wim Maps O°] x2000 = z0oKNw Le? ur exomina the offes? of. ore op the pan end becorm; Biigged spent on the Ahari of tea mo mn a TD 4 fogrlte inh wagnsooonryet, Stroy be nobicad thet Ha teem gt ne B of. Khe, 75 reduced wh” fhe [7 M=2000 kN nad ke see pid ss Bek * he rsp Kge=5000 et-nArl Cease ” oo. end speed rer Cc Dr = — fae 300? = = 00 LH 8S TAC ~ Eggo Kqn ¥Rac (Bosvrloove e000) Beer = on Dine = EOS 5 0°56 » Pl pp ame With the Acme M = 2000kNe opplvee a Phe Phaning of thes monvont amongs} He 220" mombers“oill be — G Mp = O32 K2000 = GEF knw Mac =0'56 X2000 = 1;20 «N™ ees Map =O'1)x 2000 = 220 kN

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