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VIII. PLANT PROPAGATION A. Sexual Propagation est common mete by which planes reece nature est ecient ard widely used method for culated crops ‘Seeds are fom the fusion of male and female gametes to ‘erm a single cal yee) within the vue of a ower ‘Seed Germination "Serie of events which take place when dry quiescent seeds imbibe water resutng In an increase. metabolic acy and the ination of @ seeing tom the embryo > Resumption of embryo sronth *Epigenous germination - hypocayl songates anid binas caladons above round ‘Hypogenous germination — epistyl emerges and the ccapladons remain below sl srface ‘Seed storage: Behavior Categories Seed dormancy = Physiloncal or physic! condton of 2 viable seed that prevents geminaion even in the presence of otherwise favorable gemunaton condor Seed Quiescence = Ction in. which seed cannat germinate because of \etavorate conden Tee of Dormancy CGroenHPRE PH (nm fcebot com oreenemereh) > Exogenous or costsmposed dormancy ~ essential ‘germination components not avalacle > Endogenous domancy.~ caused by envronment ‘rng se00 development and maturation Secondary "Imposed by: temp, ight/dorness, abnormal amcunt cf ater, chemieal ane gases Domancy Tecnology Ecodormancy~ due to one or more unsuitable factors inthe ‘eonment vith non speci effect »b, Paradormaney- cue to physical facts or bochemical signals ngnating exealy to affected structure ©) Endodormancy ~ regusted by physclogeal factors inde fected structure Hastening Seed Germination/ Breaking Dormancy ‘Searification if any treatment that removes the ase coat raters, making ‘e more permeable to water and af This can be. done ‘mechancay by rubbing into a reugh ‘rtace or the ule of {hemicas such as hydrogen pecide and murat 2. 2 Physica scarfication soaing in water (2p, hot oF boing water) fora specie peri ote », Mechanical scarification~ plerng, rubbing sand paper, fg, greing wth abrasives € Chemical scarification-testmen wither ocd nd organic solvents Stratifcation— 1s the placement of seeds beeen ayes of molt sd, so or sadust at igh or low temperature so the action ‘of water and high and tow temperature wil soften the seed coat. ™ Vernalization Sec treatment to cold temperature pir to germination Embryo culture ‘Asepbealy removing the enbryo from the seed and placing iin ‘a Serine cure median to germinate B. Asexual Propagation “= nvoves reproduction from vegetative pars of plans and is esse becuse the vegetatve organs of many plants have he capa for regeneration. 1. Propagation by apomictic embryos ‘+ Apomixs ~ frm the Greek Apo, meaning "anay fom” and his eh means "minging" +The production of wabie Sees without plination {Imes the developmert of embryos containing, 8 se ‘enetic infomation as the masher plant and. wAiOh ae I tect clones + Parthenogenesis in aimals ‘ Reprodudion ‘of embryo without mess and fezation, {embryo arise trom vegetative cals within the ovule oss Obligate Apomiti : ‘A plant which reproduce ony by sous reorouction. Si Langones, Mangoseen Facultative Apomitic: A pla which reproduce ether sexual or asexual. Ex Mango, Cus 2. Separation and Division GreenHIRE Fr (mec ocebonk conyoreeneneeoh) Separation-inches.separting naturally detachable organs "zom the mother ple Division- procedure wherein specaized vegetative structures ‘re ct into sacions-modified organs which may be ‘Separate and/or ides: ‘+ Bull ~» specisized underground organ consisting ofa shot, ‘eshy, usualy vertical system axs (basal pate) beanng 2 tS apex 2 growing point or 2 flower primerdium encosed by thick shy scales Ex. us, Mies ‘+ Bulb - 2eral pardet formed on the ail ofthe leaves or flower stalk Ex agave ‘+ Gorm — 2 svolen base of a stem ans enclosed by the dy sae leaves Ex. bang, oad 92 “9 Cannel ~ minature corm which deveep beeen ol and new + Crown — pan ofa plant at the sxface of the ground fom which new shoots ae produced Ex. aster, Shasta daisy + Offset ~ (syn. Osho) a characteristic typeof lateral shoot cr branch which develops from the base of the man stem in coxrain plants (@ shortened, thickened stem of rosettethe appearance) Ex. Pistia sp. ‘+ Pseudobulb- specaizes sorage structure consisting 09 an cenarge, fleshy section ofthe stem made Up ove to several nodes Bx Gaetan. “+ Rhizome ~ a specialzed structure in which the main ax of the plant grows horizontally at or jut below the ground safoce Ex. bana, bamboo, sugarcane. 5 Runner ~ 2 specalzad stam in whch develops fom the all ofthe left atthe crown of part, grows horizortaly along the ‘ground, and forms a new plant at one of the nodes fx. strawoery, blak pepper ‘Slip ~ leafy shoot orgnating fam axilary buds bome tthe tase of a plant or pecucle ofthe ft x pinearie, cabbage Stolon ~ specal moses tem, produces by some plants, ‘hat grows henzcral othe grou, Ex. Bermuda grass ‘Sucker ~ adventus shoot that arise from the underground ‘toms below the ground Ex. banana, pneapele “Tuber ~ 3 modified stem strucure which develops teow ‘round as a consequence of the sweling of the subepial portion of the son and subsequent acrumulation freseve mater “Tuberous root ~ thickened roct which contain arg amount of sored foods Bx casave, sweet potato 3. Cutting ~ a portion ofa stom, rot. Or leas cut fom the parent plant, after whch tis plane pat Is place under certan Tavrable fenvronmental condone and dude fo fom roots and shoots, thus produc “Tne 9a new Independent plant Root cutting ~ cx breed. Ape Stem cutting — Types: hardwood, semi-ardncod, softwood, herbaceous citing Ex cassava, malungoay, coffee, rose Leaf cutting ~ Ex srakeplant, begonia, Afican viet Leaf-bud euting ~ Ex. black pepper, anil GreenHPRE PH (nm feb com oreerensrph) 4. Layering ~ 2 propagation mths by which advenstous rots fre inclaed to a form ona stam wes eel aac to he parent pant ‘Simple ering ‘iloyesing or arctting Comodo serpentine ering Mound or toa ayering “Trench fayering pret! 5. Grafting ~ connecting parts of pars together in such a manner at they ll unite and coranve ther groth as one pln 2. Scion ~ ster piece of detached shot with one to several dormant buds and which i to became the upper portion of {fet combination bp Rootstock ~ lover potion of graft which develops into the Toots system ofthe grated lant Interstock = 2 piece of stem inserted between scion and rootsteck (fo avld any Incempatbity between scion and rootstock ad /or to tke advantage ofits growth cotrling properties) 'L Approach Grafting or Inarching ~ ssected shocts of the desrable plant are grated withthe stem of the stack grown in indvidual containers while the sions are stl ‘connectes with the meter plant. 2. Topworking ~ this method of grating is usualy used In ‘hanging the top of established inferior plants into more desirable ones, Fs 13. Splice Grafting ~ In his meted, the cetached sion used is leatess, usualy wth terminal leaf bud or welldeveloped cormant bud 4, Cleft Grafting ~ a detached scion sce rated on top ofthe stock asin splice grating, except thatthe types of cus wed vay 5. Side Grafting - In this method of grating, the basal portion ofa detached soon is joined atthe side of the runk of the stock ‘6.ark Grafting ~ This method is especially usetU in ‘rafing & detached con on @ stumped stock whose Stem is much larger than rat ofthe scion 6. Budding an aserusl propagation that the grafting. Involves ong 2 pant pans such tat the se of the Son Is Feud t0 ony one bud and a Small section of bark, with 6 Whur wood "Tues of Buin: 1 Patch Budding this typeof budding is wally Use. n seties having 2 thick bark whch an be separate eo os the wood. 2, Shield or T-budding ~ this s usually made onan atively Cevelopng stem whose bark can be resdly separate ffom the weod. 13. Chip Budding ~ tis metres of budding used where the turk ofthe stem adheres closely to its wood, which may oct raturally to some specs or arsng from growing conaitons. GreenHPRE Pa (mm feb com oreremsrph) 7. Inarching (approach grafting) an asexual pronagation technique in which ans are mage f9 unite while growing on the ros 8. Tissue culture techniques other than embryo culture — ‘ane stated from a variety of plant arts which have cel capable of dvi, Ex. sootRD cutie; meristem cue and endosperm ome IX. FACTORS AFFECTING CROP PRODUCTION (2 precio canbe viewed from we properties 1 sat the CROPS level 2 at the SYSTEMS level ‘top production atthe op leek In the form ofan equation: YarUG+e +(Gx8)) Where: Y= yet Gx gerntype E = erwrorment GXE= meracion of genotype and erirnment Genotype and Environment > Genotype Genetic design of a plant which dictates the cling OF Row much a vaey / cua can yi. Genes controling 2 character (veld, plant height, taste, color, et) aries ang ad even win species Ses the utimate mt for plant varation Environment ~ Any factor extemal to the plant that Influences ts goth and development. ‘ay be biotic or abit, examples are chmate sal, topoprapiy, pest and cseases Gx Interaction “igh yeing vanity grown under pao envrcrmant wil hve ow vel *Alow ying varity gronn in optimum (g00d) environment wil i have low yield Bn ies! genotype therfore is one that has a wide range of ‘erwtonmertal +n eptmum environment Is one that poses @ mianium of onsrantsto crop growth and development + Through G x E mteracton, sone partauar elements of the enuronmert: may afew varying Tesponses fom fren genotypes ‘Develop management pracices that can remove or avid ceniranmerta conor 2 continuously assess Gx E nteracton 5 Need for continuous development of improved varieties Ina producton system; reenHPRE PH (mmscebok com oreremsrph) > Inputs ~ canralale, manageable rescurces such as seeds, fers, pestis, et » Oupa vied Envronment~ uncontolabe factors external to the system > System™ component crops, processes and acts Practical implications: 1. Man (maragement has ony patil control ofthe system, 2. Cartan factors / conditions are gwen to which the system has to fe or acest 3 The dasgn of the system emanates fom man (his nea, yectves, knowedge and capabiies) X, ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS -eSincbtes CLIMATIC or above-ground factors and EDAPHIC or Sal factors (abiotic factors) iso incues pests an benefial organism (Bote factors) Abiotic factors A. CLIMATIC FACTORS. ‘Climate “The seasonal pattern of a particular place oecuring from year to year + AC compost oF day to day weather conditions Gesvrbad in averages and varity b, Weather 'A momentary state ofthe atmosphere brought about the combination of ements, Bx, tempestre, =

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