Imaginative Moods

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Saniyah Robinson

1st Hour


The imagination is what you want it to be! If you make sounds in your head… you can

hear them, if you rewind a memory… it plays in your imagination, sometimes you may

hallucinate and sometimes they may come to life, but it’s all in your head. How you look at

something is the way you interpret it. With the feedback you give this vision is the way you set

the tone of your mood and a mood such as happiness is envisioned. I agree with Szasz and I

believe that happiness is imaginary and let me tell you why! If I’m happy because the sky is

purple but you’re upset because the sky isn’t yellow and if happiness wasn’t imaginative then

wouldn’t we both be dull to this opinion we’re entitled to? Happiness is all about the way you

look at situations, it is what you make it out to be. 9/10 achieving goals bring people to the

brighter mood us humans call happiness. “If you put your mind to it then you can do it” is a

quote defining your mentality. It’s not only about reaching physical goals but also mental

emotions. Encouraging your imagination is what sets these moods to illustrate what your

thoughts are. Happiness is a state of mind that one puts itself at; one that thinks they’re happy, is

If happiness were “oh so” real then would people even have opinions? It’s almost like

every human would be programmed to the same feeling towards everything. Szasz states that

“Happiness is an imaginary condition, formerly attributed by the living to the dead, now usually

attributed by adults to children, and by children to adults,” meaning that so much of society

attempts to seek happiness when it’s really not anything to seek. ​You making the best out of

something that you imagine, is the worst can be a way to overcome your imaginary state of fear

to a happier state of mind. ​If you look at a situation with a positive, happy vibe then that

happiness will show but if a person looks at that same situation negatively due to what they think

then, their emotions would be different. When you take your own thoughts and look at them with

certain emotion, it sets your mood. Szasz believes that your mentality is fed with society. ​We

feed into what people tell us and that is what makes us feel some type of way(defining our

thoughts).​ ​We imagine what we are told and rather we believe it or not, we’re still entitled to

opinions meaning, we’re only happy to what we think feels right and how “good” we imagine it

to feel. E​very emotion is based off personal experience, internal or external. Your emotions and

imagination are such a powerful state of mind!

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