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Philippine Education Curriculum

• Department of Education Culture and Sports (DECS)

• Presidential Commission to Study Philippine Education 1970 (PCSPE)
• Survey of the Outcomes of Elementary Education 1975 (SOUTELE)
• Experimental Elementary Education Program 1978 (EEEP)
• 3R’s
• Elementary school curriculum was overloaded starting from Grade One.
The National Elementary School Curriculum
(NESC) 1983-2002
• PROCEED - Program for Comprehensive Elementary
• PRODED – Program for Decentralized Educational
• With assistance from World Bank, PRODED encompassed
several reforms measures to improve elementary education.
• NESC was developed
The National Elementary School Curriculum
(NESC) 1983-2002
• The NESC was considered the first research based curriculum in the country.
• Grades 1-3 > Filipino, English, Mathematics, Civics, and Culture
• Grade 3 > Science and Health was added
• Grades 1-2 > Music, Arts, and Physical Education were integrated
• Grades 3 & up > MAPEH became a separated subject
• The contact time for each subject was increased, thus giving both the
teachers and students more time to develop the basic skills of literacy,
numeracy, and also values.
• Grades 4 & up > Home economics and Livelihood Education were added with
Geography, History, Civics as for continuation of Civics and Culture.
The National Elementary School Curriculum
(NESC) 1983-2002
• In a series of consultations, seminars and workshops, the curriculum experts
identified the different contents, skills and values that needed to be learned
by our elementary students. They called these competencies.
• Minimum Learning Competencies (MLC)
• Mastery Learning was emphasized in the NESC
• A child must be able to acquire the required competencies with at least 75 %
• In other words, a child must be able to answer at least seven (7) out of ten
questions in a formative test.
The New Secondary Education Curriculum
(NSEC) 1991-2002
• Bureau of Secondary Education (BSE) implemented the
NSEC in the schools.
• The NSEC included the following learning areas to be
taught for 400 minutes daily from First Year to Fourth Year:
• Values Education Araling Panlipunan
• Filipino Science and Technology
• English Physical Education, Health and Music
• Mathematics Technology and Home Economics
Evaluation of the NESC and NSEC
• Curriculum development is a never-ending process.
• The formal review of the NESC and NSEC was started during the
incumbency of Secretary Andrew Gonzales (1998-2001) and continued
during the incumbency of Secretary Raul S. Roco (2001–2003)
• Committee on Curriculum Reform was formed with the participation of
officials from the academe, the private sector and civil society
• The Committee on Curricular Reform came out with the 2002 Basic
Education Curriculum (BEC), which had to undergo a national pilot test
in SY 2002.
• According to Sec. of Education Raul Roco, the 2002 BEC was based on a 16-
year study (starting in 1986).
• Implementation of RBEC was based on Executive Order No. 46, which in turn
was based on the recommendations of the Philippine Commission on
Educational Reforms (PCER), created on Dec. 7, 1998.
• “The restricting of the curriculum is part of an ongoing effort to improve the
quality of learning. We are focusing on the basics of improving literacy and
numeracy while inculcating values across learning areas to make it dynamic.”
(Raul Rococo)
• The 2002 BEC is a restricting and not a sweeping change of the elementary
and secondary curricula (NESC & NSEC)
• The implementation of the 2002 Basic Education
Curriculum was announced in DepEd Order No. 25, s.
2002, issued on June 17, 2002.
• The actual implementing guidelines were found in DepEd
Order No. 43, s. 2002, dated Aug. 29, 2002.
• Less than a year later (on June 12, 2002), a new
curriculum (the Revised BEC) was signed into law.
Revised Basic Education Curriculum
(RBEC 2002-2010)
• The objectives of elementary and secondary education serve as the
“official learning goals” of basic education as stated for a particular
population of learners; that is, the elementary and secondary education
• The Bureau of Alternative Learning System (formerly Non-formal
Education) likewise has a set of official learning goals for its particular set
of target learners – the out-of-school youth and adults.
• The Education Act of 1982 or Batas Pambansa Blg. 232 provides the
general objectives of elementary, secondary, and non-formal education.
BEC 2002/ RBEC 2002

The objectives of elementary education are as follows:

1. Provide the knowledge and develop the skills, attitudes, and values essential
for personal development, a productive life, and constructive engagement with
a changing social milieu;
2. Provide learning experiences that increase the child’s awareness of and
responsiveness to the just demands of society;
3. Promote and intensify awareness of, identification with, and love for our nation
and the community to which the learner belongs;
4. Promote experiences that develop the learner’s orientation to the world of
work and prepare the learner to engage in honest and gainful work.
BEC 2002/ RBEC 2002

The objectives of secondary education are threefold:

1. Continue the general education started in elementary.

2. Prepare the learners for college.
3. Prepare the learners for the world of work.
BEC 2002/ RBEC 2002
The objectives of non-formal education are as follows:
1. Eradicate illiteracy and raise the level of functional literacy of the population;
2. Provide an alternative means of learning and certification for out-of-school
youth and adults;
3. Develop among the learners the proper values, attitudes, and knowledge to
enable them to think critically and act creatively for personal, community, and
national development.
To operationalize the official learning goals, the BEC, was organized into four
(4) learning areas, considered as the core or tool subjects and one (1) non–core
Features of 2002 BEC/ RBEC

• Greater emphasis on helping every learner become a successful

• Emphasis on interactive/ collaborative learning approaches.
• Emphasis on the use of integrative learning approaches.
• Teaching of values in all learning areas.
• Development of self-reliant and patriotic citizens.
• Development of creative and critical thinking skills.
Curriculum Structure of 2002 BEC/ RBEC

The Core Subjects: Filipino, English, Math, Science (Science and Health
for Elementary); (Science and Technology for Secondary)
The Experiential Area:
• Makabayan: Araling Panlipunan
• MAPEH (Music, Arts, PE, and Health)
• Edukasyon sa Pagpapahalaga (the practice for environment for holistic
learning to develop a healthy personal and national self-identity)
Curriculum Structure of 2002 BEC/ RBEC
Medium of Instruction: Pursuant to the DepEd Bilingual Policy (DepEd Order No. 52, s,
1987), the medium of instruction shall be as follows:

For Elementary Education:

>Filipino shall be used in the following areas: Filipino; Makabayan
>English shall be used in the following learning areas: English; Science; Mathematics

For Secondary Education:

>English: Mathematics; Science and Technology; English; Technology and Livelihood
Education; MAPEH; CAT
>Filipino: Edukasyon sa Pagpapahalaga (Values Education) Araling Panlipunan, Filipino
RBEC Time Allotment Elementary School Curriculum
RBEC Time Allotment Secondary School Curriculum
RBEC Secondary School Curriculum
Secondary Education Curriculum-
Understanding by Design Model 2010
The refinement of the curriculum followed the Understanding by Design
(UbD) model developed by Jay Mctighe and Grant Wiggins. The curriculum
design has the following elements:

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3

Identify Desired Determine Acceptable Plan Learning
Evidence/ Assessment Experiences and

Stage 1- Identify Desired Results

• It is the identification of achievable goals for students

A. Results/Desired Outcomes
This stage define what students should be able to know and do at the end
of the program, course, or unit or study generally expressed in terms of overall
goals, specifically defined terms of content and performance standard.
A.1 Content Standards
Specify the essential knowledge (includes the most important and enduring
ideas, issues, principles and concept from the disciplines), skills and habit of mind
that should be taught and learned. They answer the question, “What should
students know and be able to do?”
Stage 1- Identify Desired Results

A. 2 Performance Standards
Express the degree or quality or proficiency that students are
expected to demonstrate in relation to the content standards. They answer
the question, “How well must students do their work?” or “At what level of
performance would the student be appropriately qualified or certified?”
B. Essential Understanding
These are the big and enduring ideas at the heart of the discipline and
which we want the children to remember even lone after they leave school.
Stage 1- Identify Desired Results

C. Essential Questions
These are open-ended provocative questions that spark thinking and
further inquiry into the essential meanings and understandings.
D. Curriculum Objectives
Objectives which are expressed in terms of knowledge and skills that
teachers can use as guide in formulating their own classroom objectives.
Stage 2- Determine Acceptable Evidence/

A. Assessment
Defines acceptable evidence of student’s attainment of desired results,
determines authentic performance tasks that the students is expected to do
to demonstrate the desired understanding and defines the criteria against
which the student’s performances or products shall be judged.
B. Products and Performances
Evidence of the students’ learning and a demonstration of their conceptual
understanding and content and skill acquisition.
Stage 3- Plan Learning Experiences and
A. Learning Plan
Details the instructional activities that the students will go through to attain the
A.1 Instructional Activities
Activities which are aligned with the standard and are designed to promote
attainment of desired results.
Features of the Curriculum
• Lean-focuses on the essential understandings
• Set high expectations
• Rich and challenging
• Develops readiness and passion for work and lifelong learning.
Strengths of SEC 2010

1. Lean. It focuses on essential understandings.

2. Sets high expectations (standard-based). Expressed in terms of
what students should know and the quality of the skills that they
are expected to demonstrate as evidence of learning.
3. Rich and Challenging. It provides a personalized approach to
developing the students’ multiple intelligences
4. Develops readiness and passion for work and lifelong learning
Enhanced Basic Education Curriculum (K to 12

“Naninindigan pa rin po tayo sa ipinangako nating pagbabago sa

edukasyon: ang gawin itong sentral na estratehiya sa
pamumunuhans a pinakamahalaga natin yaman: ang
mamamayang Pilipino. Sa K to 12, tiwala tayong mabibigyang-
lakas si Juan Dela Cruz upang mapaunlad- hindi lamang ang
kanyang sarili at pamilya- kundi maging ang buong bansa.”

-Pangulong Benigno S. Aquino III


The K to 12 Program covers Kindergarten and 12 years of

basic education (six years of primary education, four years of
Junior High School, and two years of Senior High School [SHS]) to
provide sufficient time for mastery of concepts and skills, develop
lifelong learners, and prepare graduates for tertiary education,
middle-level skills development, employment, and
K-12 Vision
Filipino graduates envisioned:
• Possess sufficient mastery of basic competencies (e.g., literacy, numeracy,
problem solving, etc.) to develop themselves to the fullest.
• Be emotionally developed and competent to live a meaningful life;
• Be socially aware, pro-active, and involved in public and civic affairs and
contribute to the development of a progressive , just and humane society;
• Be adequately prepared for the world of work or entrepreneurship or higher
• Be legally employable; and
• Be globally competitive
K-12 Vision

In addition, they are characterized graduates who:

• Possess healthy mind and body;

• Have a solid moral and spiritual grounding;
• Appreciate and care for humanity, the world, and environment;
• Are proud to be a Filipino
K-12 Significant Changes
K-12 Significant Changes
K-12 Significant Changes
K-12 Significant Changes
K-12 Comparison to Old Curriculum
• It focuses on the holistic development of the learner.
• It is outcome-based as it prepares learners for:
1) Higher education,
2) Middle level skills,
3) Employment, and
4) Entrepreneurship
• It is anchored on the principles of:
1) Inclusive education
2) Learners’ growth and development
3) Teaching and Learning, and
4) Assessment
K-12 Desired Outcomes

Content Standards are what the students should know (facts and
information), what they do (process or skills), and what understanding they
construct as they process the information. The students are expected not
only to understand but also to demonstrate what they learn, thus provide
evidence of learning.

Performance Standards are what students door how they use their
learning and understanding. The students are expected to produce products
and/ or performances to prove that they can apply what they learn in real-
life situations.
K-12 Significant Changes in the Education
K-12 Implementation Schedule
K-12 Key Changes in the Elementary
K-12 Mother Tongue
Twelve major languages shall be offered as a learning area and utilizes as language of
instruction starting school year 2012-2013. They are as follows:
K-12 Mother Tongue
K-12 Time Allotment per Learning Area
K-12 Key Changes in the Secondary Education
K-12 Key Changes in the Secondary Education
K-12 Time Allotment in Secondary Level
K-12 The Learning Areas
These are the changes in the nomenclature of some subjects
• Edukasyong Pagapapahalaga for the secondary and Edukasyong
Pagkakatao for the elementary are now renamed Edukasyon sa
• Science and Health is now called Science.
• Health is included in the MAPEH.
• Subjects that are integrated under MAKABAYAN (Araling Panlipunan,
Values Education, MAPEH, and TLE) are now separate subjects

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