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Feature Article

Liquid, Injectable, Hydrophobic and

Biodegradable Polymers as Drug Delivery

Brian G. Amsden

New delivery approaches to achieve minimally invasive, sustained and local release of drugs
are needed for more effective treatment of conditions such as cancer and ischemia. Hydro-
phobic, biodegradable, liquid injectable polymers possess a number of potential advantages
for this purpose. This review examines various
approaches that have been explored for the prep-
aration of these types of polymers, their ability to
control the release of various drugs ranging from
low-molecular-weight hydrophobic compounds
to protein therapeutics, and finally their degra-
dation rates and the tissue response to them upon


Advances in biotechnology and drug development have

resulted in an increase in the number of active pharma- needles and thus administration via minimally invasive
ceutical agents that are difficult to administer by conven- means, no need for device retrieval, restricted water
tional means due to their low aqueous solubility or penetration, which may provide enhanced stability for
degradation and instability in the aqueous environment. drugs incorporated as solid particles, and the viscous,
Moreover, there is an increased demand for loco-regional amorphous nature of the polymer may limit irritation
administration combined with sustained and controlled when implanted in soft tissue.
release in the treatment of conditions such as ischemia, In the past, oily vehicle parenterals have been used, such
chronic pain, and cancer. To overcome these disadvantages, as: olive oil, sesame oil, and castor oil. These vehicles are
a number of different formulation approaches have been slowly cleared from the injection site, through absorption
investigated that can be injected directly into the required into the capillaries or lymphatic system, by phagocytosis,
site.[1,2] Among these, viscous, amorphous, liquid or low and by in situ metabolism. Disadvantages of these
melting point, hydrophobic and biodegradable polymers formulations are possible reactions to the vehicle itself such
possess distinct advantages, including: facile incorporation as allergic reactions, cyst formation, pulmonary embolism
of thermally sensitive drugs such as proteins and peptides following translocation of oil droplets, and localized
by simple mixing, injectability through standard gage lymphadenopathy.[3] A possible solution to these disadvan-
tages is the use of a biodegradable, synthetic, liquid polymer.
B. G. Amsden In this review, the various biodegradable, liquid polymer
Department of Chemical Engineering, Queen’s University, compositions that have been explored will be outlined and
Kingston, Ontario, Canada the various advantages and disadvantages of the approaches
E-mail: described. The review is restricted to those polymers that

Macromol. Biosci. 2010, 10, 825–835

ß 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim DOI: 10.1002/mabi.200900465 825
B. G. Amsden

remain liquid upon injection. Other liquid polymer Brian Amsden obtained his PhD in Chemical
approaches, such as in situ setting through crystallization,[4] Engineering from Queen’s University in 1996,
gel formation,[5] or solute leaching,[6,7] are not considered in the area of therapeutic protein delivery from
and have been discussed in recent reviews.[1,2] hydrogels and polymer microspheres. He worked
for Angiotech Pharmaceuticals from 1996-97 as a
Research Associate, leading projects involving
General Concepts the formulation of paclitaxel for localized deliv-
ery to treat post-operative adhesions and psor-
To ensure that the polymer used is a liquid at temperatures iasis, and participating in projects developing
reasonable for injection into patients, it must have a low degradable microsphere and micellar formu-
molecular weight. At sufficiently low molecular weights, lations of paclitaxel for intra-articular delivery
the polymer chains in the melt are not entangled with each and systemic delivery, respectively. He left
other. As molecular weight increases, there exists a Angiotech to join the Faculty of Pharmacy at
particular molecular weight for each polymer at which the University of Alberta and is currently a Pro-
chain entanglement occurs, called the critical entangle- fessor in the Department of Chemical Engineer-
ment length (Me). Below Me, the polymer melt viscosity is ing at Queen’s University where he has been
typically Newtonian, and given by[8] since July 2000. His current research interests
include the development of biodegradable elas-
1 tomers, hydrogels, and low viscosity polymers
h ¼ KL Mw (1) for the local delivery of small molecules, pep-
tides, and proteins, and as scaffolds for soft and
where KL is a constant. Hence, as the polymer molecular connective tissue regeneration.
weight increases, the viscosity increases. Above Me, the
polymer melt viscosity is given by
the backbone or through elimination of polymer chain
h¼ KH M w (2) interactions by inclusion of a plasticizer, the viscosity
decreases. Furthermore, hTg is also molecular weight
in which KH is a constant. Above Me, chain entanglements dependent, decreasing as molecular weight increases.
result in marked increases in melt viscosity as molecular For biodegradability, most polymer designs include
weight increases by acting as temporary crosslink points hydrolyzable linkages such as esters or anhydrides. For
providing additional resistance to chain movement. Thus, these polymers, degradation rate is then dependent on the
it is important to ensure that the molecular weight used is relative rates of water diffusion into the bulk of the polymer
below Me to ensure a viscosity low enough to permit and the kinetics of the hydrolysis reaction.[9] The rate of
injection through a needle. water penetration is determined by the diffusivity of water
Molecular weight also influences the melting point of the into the polymer and the relative hydrophobicity of the
polymer, with the melting point decreasing as molecular polymer. Water diffusivity into polymers is dependent on
weight increases. If the polymer chosen, for reasons of polymer chain flexibility, increasing as chain flexibility
degradability perhaps, is semi-crystalline, molecular increase, and hence as glass transition temperature
weight can also be manipulated to ensure that it is decreases.[10] Degradation rates are also influenced by the
amorphous at its operating temperature of 37 8C. nature of the drug incorporated; hydrophilic drugs will act in
To ensure that it can flow readily through a needle, the an osmotic fashion to draw water into the polymer bulk,
polymer must also possess a low glass transition tempera- whereas hydrophobic drugs can act as plasticizers or can
ture. The glass transition temperature dependence of the retard water penetration into the bulk.[11] The hydrolysis
melt viscosity can be described using the Williams-Landel- kinetics are determined by the susceptibility of the linkage to
Ferry equation,[8] hydrolysis; for example, anhydrides undergo hydrolysis
much faster than do esters.[12] Moreover, esters and
h C1 T  Tg anhydrides are susceptible to auto-catalyzed hydrolysis, as
log ¼   (3) they generate acidic degradation products that catalyze the
hTg C1 þ T  Tg
hydrolysis, and hence the internal pH may decrease more
rapidly than the pH at the surface of the implanted polymer.
in which C1 and C2 are constants for a given polymer, and hTg
is the melt viscosity of the polymer at its glass transition
Poly(ortho ester)s
temperature. For many linear amorphous polymers, C1 and
C2 can be approximated as 17.44 and 51.6, respectively.[8] As The first descriptions of biodegradable, liquid polymers to
the glass transition temperature decreases, for example, by be used for drug delivery were from Heller et al. concerning
designing the polymer so as to possess flexible linkages in poly(ortho ester)s (POE).[13,14] Much of the early work was

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826 ß 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim DOI: 10.1002/mabi.200900465
Liquid, Injectable, Hydrophobic and Biodegradable Polymers as . . .

Scheme 1. Structures of poly(ortho esters) developed by Heller et al.[16] Top: poly(ortho ester) class III, prepared through the transester-
ification reaction of 1,2,6-hexanetriol and trimethyl orthoacetate. Bottom: poly(ortho ester) class IV.[18] R represents the chemical group that
arises from the choice of diol used (e.g., 1,10-decanediol or triethylene glycol), while R0 represents the diol initiator used during the ring-
opening polymerization to yield either oligo(lactide) (shown above), or oligo(glycolide).

done using the poly(ortho ester) family prepared through nature of the diol used influenced the physical properties of
the transesterification reaction of 1,2,6-hexanetriol and the final polymer. For example, the use of 1,10-decanediol
trimethyl orthoacetate, designated POE III (Scheme 1). resulted in a hydrophobic polymer while triethylene glycol
These polymers degraded by hydrolysis of the ester linkages resulted in more hydrophilic polymers. The glass transition
yielding acetic acid and the original triol as degradation temperature of the polymers was also determined by choice
products. The degradation rate of the polymer was of the diol used. For example, inclusion of trans-cyclohex-
controllable by incorporating acidic or basic compounds. anedimethanol, which imparts rigidity to the polymer
Moreover, they were injectable, sterilizable, and possessed backbone, increased the polymer glass transition tempera-
good biocompatibility when injected into the ocular ture, whereas inclusion of longer chain alkane diols
subconjunctival space.[15] However, this polymerization decreased the polymer glass transition temperature;[16,17]
approach required long reaction times, control of the glass transition temperatures as low as 46 8C have been
molecular weight was unachievable, and it was very reported.[17] Control over the molecular weight of POE IV
difficult to scale up and so further development of POE III polymers was achieved by using an excess of diol relative to
was abandoned.[16] the diketene acetal or through the use of a chain-stopper
To overcome these problems, a new class of poly(ortho monofunctional alcohol, such as, for example, 1-decanol.[17]
ester)s was developed, designated POE IV. These polymers The number-average molecular weight for injectable
were prepared through polyaddition of polyols with a purposes was maintained below 5 000 Da, and the
diketene acetal, 3,9-diethylidene-2,4,8,10-tetraoxaspir- polydispersities ranged from 1.6 to 1.9.[17]
o[5.5]undecane (DETOSU). Examples of polyols used The degradation of POE IV is believed to occur in the
included 1,10-decanediol or triethylene glycol to provide following sequence. First, the lactide or glycolide segment is
backbone flexibility, and oligo(lactic acid) or oligo(glycolic hydrolyzed yielding a shorter polymer chain possessing a
acid) (termed latent acid diols) to provide controllable carboxylic acid end group. Further cleavage results in the
degradation rates (Table 1). The structure of these polymers liberation of free lactic or glycolic acid. These acidic groups
is provided in Scheme 1. It can be appreciated that a large then catalyze hydrolysis of the ortho ester groups. The final
number of different poly(ortho ester)s can be prepared in products of the degradation of this poly(ortho ester) class
this fashion through utilization of different diols. The are the original diol used (e.g., triethylene glycol or 1,10-

Table 1. Physical properties of POE IV polymers developed as injectable delivery systems.

Polymer Mn; M w; Tg h at 37 -C Ref.

Da Da -C Pa  s

DETOSU/1,10decanediol/1,10 decanediol dilactate 5 200 9 700 25 148a) [17]

4 500 7 400 33 70.8
3 800 6 100 46 60.9a)
DETOSU/triethylene glycol/triethylene glycol monoglycolide 6 410 8 850 25 1 200–1 300b) [24]

Complex viscosity; b)Zero-shear viscosity.

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ß 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 827
B. G. Amsden

decandiol), pentaerythritol, propionic acid, and lactic or

glycolic acid.[18] This process of degradation is supported by
in vitro degradation data showing that the mass loss of high
molecular weight poly(ortho ester)s prepared using 1,10-
decanediol, 1,10-decanediol dilactate, and DETOSU polymer
was closely matched by the release of lactic and propionic
acid.[19] The resulting degradation also appears to proceed
predominantly via surface erosion, as the surface contains
more water; however some bulk erosion also occurs. The
degradation rates of the POE IV polymers depend on their
monomer composition. Increasing the amount of oligolac-
tide diol in the polymer increased the in vitro degradation
rate of high molecular weight POE IV polymers prepared
using 1,10-decanediol and 1,10-decanediol dilactate.[19] The
same effect would be expected for low-molecular-weight
polymers. Moreover, the use of an oligoglycolide diol would
be expected to further increase the degradation rate given
that polyglycolide is more hydrophilic and degrades faster
than polylactide.[20] Similarly, the hydrophilicity of the diol
can be utilized to control the degradation rate. For example,
low-molecular-weight poly(ortho ester)s composed of
DETOSU, triethylene glycol, and triethylene glycol glycolide
degraded much more rapidly than those composed of
DETOSU, decanediol and triethylene glycol glycolide when
implanted subcutaneously in mice; the former degraded
within 2 days while the latter degraded completely
between 23 and 25 days.[16]
The in vivo biocompatibility of these injectable polymers
has been examined and reported after ocular implantation
in rabbits,[21] and implantation into the periodontal pocket
in humans.[22] In both cases the polymer was composed of
DETOSU, 1,10-decanediol, and 1,10-decanediol dilactate, Figure 1. A) Representative release profiles of various drugs
and had a weight-average molecular weight of 5 000 to loaded into POE IV polymers composed of DETOSU, triethylene
6 000 Da. The implants were well tolerated, with only mild glycol, and triethylene glycol diglycolide.[23,24] B) A closer com-
parison of the release of positively charge drugs from the POE IV
inflammatory responses reported. Interestingly, the degra-
polymer showing that their release rates are approximately linear
dation rate of the implants depended on the ocular and essentially identical beyond an initial period. The solid lines
implantation site, with polymer lifetimes ranging from represent a linear regression to the data. (LYS ¼ lysozyme,
5 weeks after subconjunctival implantation to 6 months BSA ¼ bovine serum albumin, and VEGF ¼ vascular endothelial
following suprachoroidal or intracameral implantation. growth factor).
The differences in degradation rate were not discussed, but
may be due to differences in local tissue movement. In the (VEGF)[24] from poly(ortho ester)s composed of DETOSU,
subconjunctical space, the polymer may have been exposed triethylene glycol, and triethylene glycol diglycolide. Their
to mechanical stress as a result of eye movement, resulting release rates are shown in Figure 1. For all the drugs but
in a physical erosion of the polymer, whereas in the VEGF, release began with an initial faster, burst phase,
suprachoroidal or intracameral space, the extent of followed by a nearly linear release period. The release
mechanical stresses would likely have been much smaller. profiles of the low-molecular-weight bupivacaine (288.43
A number of different drugs or drug analogs have been Da) and the higher molecular weight lysozyme (LYS,
incorporated into injectable POE IV polymers, and their 14.7 kDa) are essentially the same, up to about 30 h, after
release rates monitored. For example, in vitro and in vivo which time the lysozyme release is much slower (Figure 1A).
release studies have been undertaken with the local Despite exhibiting an initial lag period, VEGF (VEGF, 45 kDa)
anaesthetic bupivacaine,[23] while in vitro release has been was released at essentially the same rate as well (Figure 1B).
demonstrated using protein drug analogs such as bovine By contrast, bovine serum albumin (BSA, 67 kDa) was
serum albumin,[23,24] lysozyme and lactalbumin,[24] and the released much more slowly (Figure 1A). These release
angiogenic protein vascular endothelial growth factor characteristics cannot be explained by the different size and

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828 ß 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim DOI: 10.1002/mabi.200900465
Liquid, Injectable, Hydrophobic and Biodegradable Polymers as . . .

therefore diffusivity of the molecules within the polymer it imparts a low glass transition temperature and thus a low
matrix, but appear to be dependent on the overall charge of viscosity to the final polymer (the glass transition
the molecule. Bupivacaine (pKa ¼ 8 [25]), LYS (pHi ¼ 11 [25]), temperature of poly(e-caprolactone) is 60 8C [34]). Proper-
and VEGF (pHi ¼ 8.9 [26]) are all positively charged, whereas ties of examples of these polymers are given in Table 2. The
BSA (pHi ¼ 4.7 [27]) is negatively charged, at the pH data in Table 2 illustrate the degree of control over the final
conditions existing within the degrading polymer. This viscosity of the polymers achieved through copolymeriza-
influence of molecular charge was noted by Weert et al. tion and by manipulation of the molecular weight.
when examining protein release from the polymers.[24] Polymer viscosity can also be controlled by the choice of
They postulated that the more basic proteins effectively initiator used. For low-molecular-weight polymers, the
catalyze the degradation of the poly(ortho ester), enhancing initiator comprises a significant portion of the overall
their release, which is controlled by the polymer degrada- macromolecule. In the examples in Table 2 taken from
tion rate. This explanation is supported by the fact that the Bezwada et al.[32] and Scopelianos et al.,[33] the initiator used
bupivacaine is also released at the same rate as the was propylene glycol, whereas the initiator used by
positively charged proteins. Sharifpoor et al. was 1-octanol.[35] It has been demonstrated
In vitro release experiments have also been undertaken that the length of alkanol initiators used, and the presence
with poly(ortho ester)s composed of DETOSU, 1,10-decan- of carbon-carbon double bonds in the middle region of the
ediol, and 1,10-decanediol dilactate (molar ratios of initiator used, influences the melt viscosity of the final low-
100:50:50) using tetracycline.[28] Tetracycline release from molecular-weight polymer, all other parameters being kept
this more hydrophobic polymer lasted longer (approxi- constant. For primary alcohol initiators, the longer the
mately 15 days), but exhibited a more sigmoidal release chain length of the initiator the lower the melt viscosity of
pattern. This formulation was tested in humans for the polymer, until a chain length of eight carbons, after
treatment of infection in the periodontal pocket.[22] Despite which there was no noticeable effect. The use of secondary
the formulation being apparently well tolerated by the alcohols resulted in higher viscosities while the use of an
patients, the polymer was not retained at the injection site, unsaturated alcohol, also reduced the melt viscosity of the
with only 2 out of 24 sites having the formulation present polymer.[36,37] The influence of the initiator is explained in
by day 11. terms of the flexibility of the overall polymer chain; the
A drawback of the use of these polymers with respect to more flexible the polymer chain, the more readily it orients
drug delivery is that the accumulation of acidic degradation in the direction of the applied force, thus exhibiting a lower
products within the polymer resulted in a drop in pH to less viscosity. Increasing the number of carbons in an alkane
than 5.2 within a day within triethylene glycol-based portion of the polymer increases its chain flexibility, while
poly(ortho ester)s.[24] This drop in pH has been cited as the bulky pendant groups increase steric hindrance for bond
cause of both protein aggregation and VEGF denaturation rotation about the chain and decrease chain flexibility. The
through hydrolysis when released from these polymers.[24] presence of unsaturated groups along the backbone results
Attempts to overcome this denaturation could include the in eased rotation of the neighboring carbon groups on the
incorporation of basic compounds, as has been done backbone in the melt.[38]
previously with earlier POE polymers to control their The architecture of the polymer also has been used to
degradation rate.[15] Nevertheless, such attempts to control manipulate its viscosity. The use of polyol initiators such as
the acidic microenvironment within poly(lactide-co-glyco- glycerol or pentaerythritol in the ring-opening polymeriza-
lide) microspheres has been somewhat unsuccessful as pH tion leads to star polymers, and low-molecular-weight star-
varies throughout the interior of the polymer,[29] and so the shaped polymers possess a lower melt viscosity than their
use of these injectable polymers may need to be restricted to linear counterparts of equal molecular weight.[38] This
drugs that are not acid sensitive. approach was taken by Sokolsky-Papkov and Domb, who
used castor oil, a triglyceride of ricinoleic acid, as an initiator
in a polycondensation reaction of L- and D,L-lactic acid to
form a star polymer with three arms (Scheme 2); the
polymer has a castor oil core with radiating poly(lactic acid)
A series of patents assigned to Ethicon Inc., describe the blocks and the length of the poly(lactic acid) blocks is
preparation and use of liquid or low melting point, controlled by the feed ratio of lactic acid to castor oil.[39,40]
biodegradable poly(a-hydroxy acid)s as injectable delivery The viscosity of the polymers formed was determined
systems.[30–33] All the patents describe the preparation of primarily by the molecular weight and were viscous liquids
low-molecular-weight co- or terpolymers of e-caprolactone due to the unsaturated group along the ricinoleic acid
with either lactide, para-dioxanone, or trimethylene backbone and the low molecular weight (Table 2). There
carbonate through ring-opening polymerization. The e- was also an influence of the stereoregularity of the polymer
caprolactone is considered a necessary comonomer because on viscosity; the poly(L-lactic acid) had a higher viscosity at a

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ß 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 829
B. G. Amsden

Table 2. Physical properties of poly(a-hydroxy acid)s developed as liquid injectable delivery systems (CL ¼ e-caprolactone, PDO ¼ para-
dioxanone, LLA ¼ L-lactide, DLLA ¼ D,L-lactide, CO ¼ castor oil, TMC ¼ trimethylene carbonate, HLA ¼ monohexyl-substituted lactide,
diHLA ¼ dihexyl-substituted lactide).

Monomers Composition Mn Mw [h]a) Tg Viscosity Ref.

mol-% Da Da dL  g1 -C ha) T

Pa  s -C

CL:PDO 60:40 1 990 3 230 0.19 7.62 25 [32]

50:50 1 850 3 290 0.22 11.2 25
CL:PDO 50:50 0.08 1.6 37 [33]
0.14 3.2 37
0.22 9.2 37
CL:LLA 50:50 0.14 37 37 [33]
CL:TMC 50:50 0.14 3.4 37 [33]
CL:TMC 88:12 1 550 2 810 67 1.1 37 [35]
50:50 1 400 2 525 62 2.7 37
LLA:CO 55:45 3 300 4 800 12.7 37 [39,40]
62:38 2 600 3 670 4.3 37
52:48 52:48 3 250 4 650 5.5 37
56:44 2 800 3 800 2.0 37
29:71 2 100 2 800 0.9 37
mHLA 100 4 800 6 000 17 715 25 [41]
diHLA 100 4 500 5 620 42 40 25

[h] ¼ inherent viscosity in a 0.1 g  dL1 hexafluorisopropyl alcohol solution at 25 8C,h ¼ zero-shear viscosity.

given molecular weight than did the poly(D,L-lactic acid), the hydrophilic lactide monomer in the SCP. Moreover, the
likely due to enhanced polymer-polymer chain interac- SCP was amorphous while the PCL was semi-crystalline,
tions. and crystalline regions resist hydrolysis and slow down the
While bulky pendant groups decrease polymer chain rate at which water can penetrate the polymer.[20] In the
flexibility, resulting in increased viscosity, flexible pendant approach of Trimaille et al. [41], the grafting of a single hexyl
groups increase polymer chain flexibility. This fact has been pendant group to the lactide monomer reduced the glass
exploited by Trimaille et al., who have synthesized alkyl- transition temperature of the resulting polymer to the point
substituted lactide (Scheme 3) and used these monomers to where the 4 500 Da polymer was a viscous liquid (Table 2);
prepare viscous liquid polymers through ring-opening however, the increased hydrophobicity that was generated
polymerization.[41] The viscosity of the poly-(hexyl-sub- reduced the overall degradation rate from that of poly(D,L-
stituted lactide) thus prepared decreased as the degree of lactide) of the same molecular weight (Figure 2B). The
hexyl substitution increased (Table 2). increase in degradation rate that resulted from grafting two
Examples of the in vitro degradation rate of poly(a- hexyl groups to the lactide was due to the significant (25 8C)
hydroxy acid) approaches examined in the literature are drop in glass transition temperature. This degree of
given in Figure 2. These polymers degraded through a bulk decrease in glass transition temperature allowed for an
degradation process, producing the characteristic weight increase in water diffusion through the polymer, leading to
loss profile; an initial period in which little weight loss is increased hydrolysis. Despite possessing low-molecular-
observed, followed by a period in which weight loss weight, the hydrophobic castor oil central core resulted in a
increases markedly.[11] In the data of Tomkins et al. slow degradation rate of the star-poly(lactic acid) approach
(Figure 2A),[42] the 2 800 Da star poly[(e-caprolactone)-co- of Sokolsky-Papkov (Figure 2C). Moreover, there was no
(D,L-lactide)] (SCP) degraded at a faster rate than the 1 400 Da influence of lactic acid stereoregularity on the degradation
poly(e-caprolactone) (PCL) because of the incorporation of rate, likely because each polymer was amorphous as the

Macromol. Biosci. 2010, 10, 825–835

830 ß 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim DOI: 10.1002/mabi.200900465
Liquid, Injectable, Hydrophobic and Biodegradable Polymers as . . .

depots containing 10% drug. This result is

in agreement with the lack of influence of
loading on ofloxacin release from linear
poly[(e-caprolactone)-co-lactide] of Bez-
wada et al.[32]
By comparison, vitamin B12, a neutral,
highly water soluble compound, was
completely released from poly[(tri-
methylene carbonate)-co-(e-caprolac-
tone)] depots (Figure 3B).[35] The release
of vitamin B12 increased as the polymer
vehicle viscosity decreased; the viscosity
at 37 8C of the 1 500 Da, 50:50 poly-
[(trimethylene carbonate)-co-(e-caprolac-
tone)] was 2.7 Pa  s (Table 2), while that of
the poly(trimethylene carbonate) was
16.8 Pa  s.[35] The vitamin B12 was mixed
into the polymer at only 1 wt.-%. Its
release thus has been explained in terms
of an osmotic pressure driven mechan-
ism. Upon immersion into water, water
penetrates the polymer as a diffusional
front, until it reaches a particle. The water
dissolves the particle, creating a satu-
rated solution. As a result of the increase
in the water activity gradient, water
begins to be drawn toward the dissolving
particle, generating a pressure equal to
the osmotic pressure of the drug solution.
The pressure begins to push on the
Scheme 2. Polycondensation reaction of castor oil and lactic acid yielding a star
poly(lactic acid) according to Sokolsky-Papkov and Domb.[39]
polymer, generating a pore that ulti-
mately reaches the surface. This release
mechanism may also be occurring for the
poly(L-lactic acid) blocks were too short to promote drug salt loaded depots in Figure 3A.
crystallization. To date, none of these polymers have been used in the
Examples of the release of low-molecular-weight drug delivery of protein therapeutics. This is likely because these
salts from viscous liquid poly(a-hydroxy acids) are shown in hydrolyzable polyesters will degrade to generate an acidic
Figure 3A, while the release of vitamin B12 is shown in microenvironment, detrimental to the stability of the
Figure 3B. The drug salt release rates vary from 1 week to entrapped protein. Indeed, Trimaille et al. reported that
3 weeks, and are incomplete for the higher initial drug salt tetracycline HCl was degraded within the poly(monohexyl-
loadings of 10%. The incomplete release could be due to substituted lactide) vehicle, and attributed this degradation
interaction between the positively charged tetracycline or to the acidic microenvironment that is generated during
tamsulosin, and the negatively charged polymer degrada- polymer hydrolysis.[41]
tion products, although this is a tentative explanation, as There has been little data published on the biocompat-
the degradation rates appear to be slow (Figure 2C). Another ibility of these polyester liquid vehicles. Ekholm et al. have
possibility is that the dissolved drug salt within the reported that low-molecular-weight amorphous pastes of
polymer depots eventually precipitated from solution as poly[(e-caprolactone)-co-(D,L-lactide)] induced a severe
the free base form of the drug and the limited solubility of inflammatory response when implanted in the abdominal
the free base form in the aqueous surrounding medium muscle of rats.[43] Although not discussed by these authors,
produced a much slower release rate. Furthermore, there is the severe inflammatory response is likely due to the rapid
not much influence of initial tamsulosin HCl loading on the degradation and concomitant release of a high local
release rate, until day 10. Beyond day 10, the tamsulosin HCl concentration of acidic degradation products. Sokolsky-
is released at a greater rate normalized to the initial drug Papkov et al. have reported on the in vivo delivery of
loading from the depots containing 5% drug than from the bupivacaine, a local anesthetic, from their star poly(lactic

Macromol. Biosci. 2010, 10, 825–835

ß 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 831
B. G. Amsden

Scheme 3. Structures of monohexyl-substituted lactide (mHLA)

(left), dihexyl-substituted lactide (diHLA), and the poly(hexyl-
substituted lactide)s formed through ring-opening polymeri-
zation (ROP) of these monomers.[41]

acid) depots;[40] however, the tissue response to the implant

was not assessed.
A different approach to obtaining liquid, hydrophobic
polymers containing hydrolyzable ester linkages was
taken by Nathan et al. Scheme 4.[44,45] This approach
comprised a polycondensation reaction between a poly-
basic acid, such as succinic anhydride, with a mono-
substituted fatty acid. A representative approach is
illustrated in Scheme 3, showing the formation of a
branched, ester linked, fatty acid polymer from the reaction
of glyceryl monolinoleate with succinic anhydride. The
resulting polymer was a viscous liquid with a number-
average molecular weight of 2 260 Da and a weight-average
molecular weight of 3 955 Da; the viscosity of the polymer
was not disclosed. Examples of other fatty acids that were
used in the polymerization process included glyceryl
monostearate, glyceryl monooleate, glyceryl monodecano-
ate, and glyceryl monolaurate. These fatty acids were also
copolymerized with each other. Furthermore, the hydro-
philicity of the polymer could be increased by copolymer-
ization of poly(ethylene glycol) diol.[44] In an in vivo
experiment, 2 115 Da poly[(monostearoyl glycerol)-co-
(glyceryl monolinoleate/succinate)] was implanted into
bone defects in rabbits by injection. In two of the four
Figure 2. Weight loss during in vitro degradation of low-molecular-
implants, bone regeneration was observed at 8 weeks.[45] weight, viscous liquid poly(a-hydroxy acid)s. A) Data from Tomkins
No other description of tissue response was provided. et al., comparing the degradation rate of 1 400 Da 1-octanol-
initiated PCL to 2 800 Da star poly[(e-caprolactone)-co-(D,L-lactide)]
(50:50 mol:mol) (SCP) and blends of the SCP and PCL of
Poly(carbonate)s different wt.-% SCP.[42] B) Data from Trimaille et al. comparing
the degradation rate of 4 500 Da poly(D,L-lactide) (PLA) to poly-
Recognizing that the acidic degradation products of (monohexyl-substituted lactide) (PmHLA) and poly(dihexyl-
injectable polyesters adversely affects incorporated acid substituted lactide) (PdiHLA).[41] C) Data from Sokolsky-Papkov
sensitive drugs, such as proteins and peptides, we have et al., for three-armed star poly(lactic acid) initiated with castor
recently explored the potential of low-molecular-weight oil, illustrating the influence of lactic acid stereoregularity.[39]

Macromol. Biosci. 2010, 10, 825–835

832 ß 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim DOI: 10.1002/mabi.200900465
Liquid, Injectable, Hydrophobic and Biodegradable Polymers as . . .

Figure 4. In vitro release of VEGF from 1 600 Da poly(trimethylene

carbonate). The VEGF was mixed in as <50 mm solid particles also
comprising 95% trehalose and 4.9% serum albumin. The total
particle loading was 1 wt.-%, consisting of approximately 500 ng
of VEGF.[46]

microenvironmental pH within this degrading polymer

remains near neutral, eliminating the likelihood of acid
degradation of drugs entrapped within the polymer. The
low glass transition temperature ensures that the polymer
is injectable; zero shear viscosity of poly(trimethylene
carbonate) ranges from 0.66 Pa  s for a 600 Da polymer to
123 Pa  s for a 2 400 Da polymer.[47]
As shown in Figure 3B, vitamin B12 was released in a
sustained fashion from 1 500 Da poly(trimethylene carbo-
nate). Building on this result, VEGF was co-lyophilized with
trehalose and serum albumin to yield particles containing
95% trehalose, 4.9% albumin, and 0.1% VEGF.[46] These
Figure 3. In vitro release of low-molecular-weight drugs from particles were incorporated into 1 600 Da poly(trimethy-
viscous liquid poly(a-hydroxy acid)s. A) drug salt release; PmHLA
lene carbonate) at a loading of 1 wt.-% and released in vitro.
refers to 4 500 Da poly(monohexyl-substituted lactide). The tetra-
cycline HCl data are from Trimaille et al.[41] (10% refers to the
loading of drug), while the tamsulosin data are from Sokolsky-
Papkov and Domb for release from 3 250 Da star poly(D,L-lactic
acid).[39] B) vitamin B12 release from 1 500 Da poly(trimethylene
carbonate) and 50:50 poly[(trimethylene carbonate)-co-(e-capro-
lactone)];[35] TMC refers to trimethylene carbonate. The lines are
meant as visual aids only.

poly(trimethylene carbonate) as a delivery vehicle.[46,47]

Poly(trimethylene carbonate) is amorphous and has a glass
transition temperature of from 40 to 17 8C,[48,49] is
readily polymerized via ring-opening polymerization
initiated by various alcohol initiators,[49–53] and has been
demonstrated to be biocompatible when implanted as a
high molecular weight material.[54,55] In contrast to
poly(lactide-co-glycolide) poly(trimethylene carbonate)
undergoes hydrolysis slowly,[54–56] and produces propanol Figure 5. Bioactivity of VEGF released from 1 600 Da poly(tri-
and carbon dioxide as degradation products. Thus, the methylene carbonate) in vitro.[46]

Macromol. Biosci. 2010, 10, 825–835

ß 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 833
B. G. Amsden

reasonable rates. Sustained release of

low molecular hydrophobic and hydro-
philic drugs as well as high molecular
weight proteins have been shown to be
possible. However, the acidic degrada-
tion products have been implicated in
the degradation of the incorporated
drugs, and possibly the less than optimal
tissue response to the implanted tissue in
certain implantation sites where clear-
ance of the degradation products is slow.
This acidity may be used to advantage for
specific drugs. For example, camptothe-
cin, an anti-cancer agent, suffers from
rapid hydrolysis of its lactone ring in
aqueous media to a carboxylate form
that is essentially inactive, whereas at
acidic pH, the lactone ring remains stable
and the drug retains its activity. At
Scheme 4. Polycondensation reaction procedure to produce liquid, low-molecular-
physiological pH more than 80% of the
weight poly(glyceryl monolinoleate/succinate).[45] drug exists as the carboxylate form.[57] A
drug such as camptothecin would be a
good candidate for release from these
VEGF was released in a sustained manner over a period of polymer vehicles. Nevertheless, the number of drugs that
40 to 50 d, with a nearly constant release over the first 18 to would benefit from an acidic environment is small.
20 d, followed by a monotonically decreasing release rate Alternatively, drug release could be driven to be essentially
(Figure 4). The initially linear release rate was attributed complete before significant pH decrease occurs within the
the osmotic pressure release mechanism described above. bulk of the polymer. This could be achieved by utilizing the
The VEGF remained highly bioactive upon release, as osmotic pressure release mechanism alone, or perhaps in
determined from an endothelial cell-based bioactivity combination with the inclusion of basic compounds to
assay (Figure 5). assist in neutralization of acidic polymer degradation
Although the stability of acid sensitive drugs was products. Finally, new approaches need to be considered to
maintained using this delivery vehicle, 1 600 Da poly- generate polymers that are injectable and that biodegrade,
(trimethylene carbonate) degraded slowly in vivo, reaching but do not produce significant concentrations of acidic
a mass loss of only approximately 55% after 40 weeks degradation products. One possible solution would be to
subcutaneous implantation in rats.[47] Poly(trimethylene include peptide linkages along the polymer backbone that
carbonate) with a number-average molecular weight of 600 are susceptible to enzymatic degradation. This strategy
Da was initially rapidly absorbed in vivo, as the low- may result in increased viscosity of the polymer due to
molecular-weight fraction of the polydisperse polymer hydrogen bonding between polymer chains, making the
dissolved in the in vivo aqueous environment, while 2 400 polymer more difficult to inject. However, the enhanced
Da poly(trimethylene carbonate) remained essentially non- viscosity may be advantageous as a means of controlling
degraded, losing only between 5 and 10% of its initial mass release rates and to ensure maintenance of a cohesive
after 40 weeks. In every case, the tissue response to the polymer mass upon injection.
implanted material was mild.
Received: December 21, 2009; Revised: February 9, 2010;
Published online: May 17, 2010; DOI: 10.1002/mabi.200900465
Keywords: biodegradable; drug delivery; liquids; tissue response

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