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Ruby Brozell

April 23, 2019

Mrs.carroll, Mr.cran-davis,mrs.w,mr.c,miss.riddle

Building around the American Dream ain’t easy!

The American Dream from the textbook “is the ideal by which equality of opportunity is

available to any American, allowing the highest aspirations and goals to be achieved”. This definition

aligns with what I want to do because it allows me to reach my highest aspiration or my goal. My goals

on the American dream are not the same as one of my family members or my mom or my teachers.We all

have different goals we want to have imported to we are set.

Due to me having ADHD and an IEP, I feel the need to help people with the same things I do.

What is an IEP or ADHD you might ask? Well ADHD is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and

that means it's hard for me to sit for a long period of time and it's hard for me to control what I am saying

at times. You could show signs before you get into school and it's hard for them or me to follow the

expectations put forth from the teachers and schools. A student could blurt out answers before rushing

their hands. Even not finishing homework because of teachers putting a lot of pressure on you to do your

best. This and many more are signs of a person having ADHD. People often get ADD mixed up with

ADHD they are very similar but not the same but both are really hard to control. ADD is more of you

having social problems and it's hard for you to make friends and keep them. There is also that

hyperactivity that is in there. There is less of the classroom problems and more of the social problems.

.An IEP(Individualized Education Plan) is something that schools use to make sure people with certain
learning disabilities could have the right to a fair education, and have the same opportunities as other

people without this would. People get IEPS and 504 plans mixed up here's the thing that makes them

different they both deal with helping the student with their academic success. What a 504 does for kids

who needs it is people with a certain injuries to the student so they could have the same right as people

that does not have this. In chicago schooling to become a teacher or SECA is reachable to everyone that

wants to go to college.

My aspiration is to become a SECA, and help people with there schooling the same way the

teachers helped me when I needed it . I think that while having a disability, it helped me with a lot more

things then just not having the support. I want to be able to overcome my disability and not have to deal

with what I can’t do and focus on what I can do. Also I want to make sure I have the greatest education I

need in order to have success in life.

To achieve this goal, I would have to at least get a Associates degree. With me having the

disability, it's going to be harder than other kids so I have to persevere through the 2 years of community

college in order to move to a 4 year University. I think that if I need to have more help I could go and get

things from the school and have them help me. I think that this connects to the American Dream because

not everyone is going to have the support that I will get in college. Also, this connects to the American

Dream because not everyone will have the money in order to pay for college unlike me.

To elaborate on what I said previously, I think that my aspiration on becoming a SECA is very

reachable because it is affordable, and I have the tools to success in life. This connects back to what I said

previously about the American dream because it makes it look like people can afford college when in
reality they just can’t. Also, this connects back to the American dream because with having a disability

my “American Dream” was to prove to everyone that you can achieve my goals and make it through

life(make them a reality). Most people’s opinions and or thoughts on the american dream is so different

from what mines are. Lastly, I think if I persevere through my conflicts and accept myself as a person I

can get through so much in life.

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