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Do Cats Wear Their Hearts On Their Fur?

By Carolyn Sparacio
Have you ever wondered why a cat rubs Tail Talk
against your leg while your you’re walking, Cats with a high raised tail, also sometimes with
and trips you? Have you ever wondered why a raised tip, with their ears pricked up high, are
your cat hisses at you while your petting it? happy to see you. This cat will approach you in a
Well, cats have feelings, too. They feel like friendly way. Don’t be frightened, this cat just
humans, but show it in different ways. People wants you to pet it.
think humans own cats and that’s that, but When a cat’s tail is wagging it means someone
cats aren’t just companions, they have or something is annoying it. That cat is agitated.
feelings, and it’s our job to keep them happy. I’d suggest staying away from that cat for a little
bit. Look for signs that the cat is calming down
before you approach it.
While a lashing or wagging cat tail usually
means anger, some tiny twitches of the tip don’t
usually mean that. The cat that you’ve
encountered is feeling unsure of something. It
could also be curious or excited at the same time.
When a cat’s tail is puffed up or looks fluffy or
bristled, it is feeling afraid and or threatened. The
puffed up tail is usually paired with an arched
back. Again, don’t approach this cat. This cat will
attack if you’re the one scaring it.
When a cat’s tail is wrapped around its body it
could mean a few things. If the cat is nervous, it is
in a defensive body position with its tail wrapped
around its body. A cat doing this does not look
calm. If the cat is not nervous, then it usually
means contentment. Look for if the cat’s eyes are
half-closed, and the tail is around its body. If so,
that cat is feeling content.

This cat is feeling friendly. This cat is sleeping happily.

Emotion Ears Wiggling Whiskers

When the ears of a cat are straight forward the Cats have whiskers that cover their face. If the
cat is ready to move. The cat is alert, and or whiskers are forward, the cat is possibly interested.
interested in something. The cat will normally be The cat could also be alert, or sees a threat. Also, the
getting ready to jump, or to pounce. It also might cat might see food it wants to eat.
be getting ready to run. When, and if, a cat’s whiskers are bristled the cat
If the ears are forward and relaxed, the cat is is usually angry, or fearful. To be completely sure you
aware of its surroundings. This cat is relaxed, so have to look for other clues. Still be cautious though,
feel free to pet it. you don’t want to mess with an angry cat.
When a cat is feeling happy, the ears will be Cats show their feelings one more way with their
slightly down and to the side. Along with the ears, ears. When a cat is calm or relaxed, its whiskers will
the eyes will be a small slit or closed. The cat will be back. Take advantage of this calm, cat feeling.
normally be purring. Oh, and do pet this cat, it’s
already waiting.
If a cat’s ears are back, but not flat, the cat is
agitated. Don’t come to a conclusion yet about
this cat, it could also be frightened.
Have you ever seen a cat with its ears flat on
the back of its head? Is this cat hissing? If it is, that
cat is angry. Be warned, if it’s backed itself into a
corner and you’re near it, the cat might scratch

This cat is frightened.

Purr Perfectionists
Eyes= Soul Purring is the most often used voice message for a
A cat’s eyes are another way of showing their cat. Mother cats use purring to communicate with
feelings. Personally, I think cats eyes completely their kittens. If your cat doesn’t have kittens, then it
capture the emotions that they feel. Plus, I think is a sign of contentment.
they’re beautiful. Sometimes, cats purr when they’re nervous, but
Has your cat -or somebody else's cat- slowly have you ever heard of a cat purring when it’s in pain.
close its eyes, and slowly open them again? When When cats are in pain purring helps soothe
a cat does that it gives you a kiss. The cat will be themselves.
in a relaxed mood when it does this. Otherwise, it Purring can sometimes be combined with a meow,
might mean something different. or cry. This can be used to communicate that the cat
Contentment means peaceful and satisfied. doing it is hungry. According to the author of “What
When a cat is content it will usually half-close its Is Your Cat Saying To You?”, experts believe that cats
eyes. The cat probably likes something that you mimic the cries of human babies. When cats do this,
are doing to them. it gets their owner’s attention. This is especially good
Have you ever been alert? Looking closely at for when a cat is hungry.
stuff you normally don’t. Cats do that, too. When
a cat’s eyes are very wide open, the cat is alert.
Dilated pupils are when you can only see a small,
thin, part of the iris around the cat’s pupil.
The dilated cat eye could mean that the cat is
excited, interested, fearful or aggressive.
Narrow, slitted eyes on a cat could mean that
the cat is alert. Narrow cat eyes don’t just mean
that, though. The cat could also be fearful or
Feline Feelings
So by now you should know that cats are pretty
Normally, when a cats eyes are lazily open it
amazing. They show their feelings in all sorts of
could mean that the cat is relaxed. Pet the cat,
ways. They’re independent in most ways, except one.
please. It’s practically asking for you to pet it.
They need us to help them stay happy, unless they’re
in the wild. Here’s a list of things you could do to
keep your cat happy:

-Play with a favorite toy.

- Snuggle. (This includes napping)

-Brush your cat’s fur. (You could also do this anytime
your cat’s fur gets matted)

-Also any other things your cat likes.

Now, if you’re a dog “person” reading this article,

and your afraid of cats, be calm around them. The
only reason they might approach you when you’re
These are pictures of a cat’s eyes. afraid is that they want to calm you down.
Cats are amazing creatures, so love them.

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