Tests de Homogeneidad de Varianzas

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Tests for homogeneity of variances

1. F test

2. Bartlett's test (Equal DF)

3. Bartlett's test (Unequal DF)

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Enter Data Here Bartlett's test for homogeneity
Rand. Var. Variance DF
Pooled variance =


Bartletts' test value =

p-value =
Sig. =

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tt's test for homogeneity of variances Failure of homogeneity assumption
Weighted MSE (Wi)
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Enter Data Here Bartlett's test for homogeneity
Rand. Var. Variance DF
Pooled variance = 77.8236
1 59.73 28
2 65.71 36
3 51.81 30 M = 5.76927762
4 100.75 42 C = 1.01157696
5 81.05 26
6 90.83 52
Bartletts' test value = 5.70325133

p-value = 0.33617278
Sig. = NS

Conclusion: Non significant result indicate that we

The variances are homogenous, tha d
combined analysis of variance.
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tt's test for homogeneity of variances Failure of homogeneity assumption
Weighted variance (Wi)

ant result indicate that we fail to reject null hypothesis.

es are homogenous, tha data can be combined and run a
nalysis of variance.
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Enter Data Here F-ratio test
Rand. Var. Variance DF
F-value =

p-value =

Sig. =

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F-ratio test Failure of homogeneity assumption
Weighted MSE (Wi)
F-ratio test

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