Do Polcies Created by The Government

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Some of the issues the people where fighting for was the lack of accidents that 

is taught in schools and the way police was going into people's homes and not 
presenting a wornt.the government helped a little to make sure the people were 
supported but mainly wanted to think about the military and what they could do to 
“protect the people”.In my option the attitude created by the government really 
destroyed a nation, firstly lack of support given to people who need it. Secondly there 
was a huge debt in the united states. 
First there was a lack of support being taught in schools and to people who 
need Doc 3 it states” I think that abstinence has been lacking in much education 
`.This quote is saying the government created a policy that did not allow for abstinence 
to be taught in schools. THis proves policies made by the government weakened the 
nation because if the government said abstinence could not be taught in school not a 
lot of people should know about how to protect themselves.secondaly, there was a 
huge debt in the united Doc 2 it states” about 70 percent of the reductions 
would affect those households with annual income below$20,000-48 percent of the 
population”This quote is saying the government created a policy that would have 
familys lose money for their familys.This proves policies made by the government 
weakened the nation because now families have to fight for ther houses and things 
within their familys to provide for them. 
On the other hand other people might say that the policies created by the 
governemnt empoweed a nation because of suprem court cases. In Doc 3 it states” the 
court said that the scool offical may search a student if that offical has “ reasonbale 
suspticon that a crime has been or is in the procces of being comited”. This quote is 
saying the government created a policy that helped schools know what their rights are 
as a school. It also proved that if a sercth look place the school woulf not be at fulte for 
any of the consuqncespersented to that they did.senconly in Doc 1 it states” the 
suoreme court ruled in favor of mapp, stating that illegally obatined evidence may not 
be used in court”.This quote is saying the government created a policy that help let 
people know if you do not have a worent the police offecer does not have a wornt they 
can't under the law go into your house and serch the house.  
Over all the police created by the government wehended the to days 
socitaly people have to wrok for what they want to acimplish and not have the derdent 
of haveing things handed to them. Becaues of the great depreson we now have to get 
things done with things we work for. 

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