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Mildred L.


BSED IV Values Education

1. There is no place like home.

There is no place like home, because I believe that our home is the safeties and
more comfortable that we had in our life. Inside our home we have our family
that support, guide and care to us, n our home we feel the REAL meaning of
LOVE, yes I admit that love, support and care we also feel it in our school,
because of our classmates, friends and teachers around us, but this kind of love
care etc. that we receive is not the same as we receive in our own family. Our
family never leaves u alone, never abandon us if we do something wrong, they
will just get angry but in the end of the day they will also care about us. They
says that “Blood is sticker than Water”
2. Man possesses his own values
Man possesses his own values, because we are the one who make or build our
own values, we are the one who decide what are the values that are we going to
show to other people even though some of our values are we only adopt or
inherit. We adopt some of our values to our peers and to our community that we
live in that is because the influence coming from them. But I believe that each
one of us has unique value, may be in some aspects we have similarities but
behind of it we have many differences.
3. Man has the experience of his own existence
Man has the experience of his own existence, because we are the one who make
our fate if we don’t experience something we didn’t exist on that.
4. Man is not the center of the universe he is only part of the universe
Man is not the center of the universe he is only part of it, because I believe that
God is the center of the universe who created all the things exist in this world.
God created man to take care the other things that He creates so that man is not
the center but only part of the universe.
5. Man is more than his body
Man is more than his body, because I believe that our body can do an action that
man didn’t think that the body can do. For example when we are so angry to
someone or something sometimes we do some actions that we didn’t expect
that we can do after we did that particular action we only realized it in the end
say we says “ Bakit/paano ko nagawa iyon”
6. The greatest love a man can have for his friends is to give his life for them
The greatest love a man can have for his friends is to give his life for them,
because if we really don’t love a person you will not give or entrust your own life
to them, but if you love a person even if she/he didn’t love you back you are
willing to give your life without regret in your heart because you know in
yourself that you did the right choice. Like Jesus did for us He gave up His own
life for us to be safe.
7. How do you relate to each of the following dimension in your life:
a) The things around you
The things around me is important because some of them are helped me to grow
and be aware in many things importantly in my study and I our society as well.
b) Fellowmen
My fellowmen not all my fellowmen has a good influence or impact to me some
of them motivate me, give me hope and encourage me, but in life we didn’t
avoid the one who bring us down and I have also that one in my fellowmen.
c) Society
Society is related to my life because in society we interact to different culture
that we need to respect. In our society also we get new knowledge that can help
us to become a better one.
d) God
Simply follow His commandments, God and my family is the source of my
strength, God never abandon us He is always in our side even it is in the dark and
light in happiness and in sadness.

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