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Title : Master of Ceremony (MC)

for graduation and inauguration ceremony

Grade : This script is intended to be used for Indonesian Students


Scripts by Soe ©2011_

Bilingual scripts: MC 1 in English; MC 2 in Indonesian.


Master of Ceremony (MC)

for Graduation and Inauguration Ceremony

• MC 1:
o Ladies and Gentlemen, all the guests and audiences… we would like to say:
“Welcome to SMP Negeri 1 Tikung. Thank you very much for attending our
o For those outside, we expect you to come in, and have a seat…!

• MC 2:
o Bapak, Ibu, para undangan dan hadirin sekalian… kami ucapkan: “Selamat Datang
di SMP Negeri 1 Tikung. Terima kasih atas kesediaannya memenuhi undangan
o Bagi Bapak, ibu, dan hadirin yang masih berada di luar, dimohon segera
memasuki ruangan dan menempati tempat yang telah disediakan…!


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• MC 1:
o The graduation ceremony for the students of SMPN 1 Tikung, in the academic year
2010/2011, on Monday, 13th June 2011, is about to begin.

• MC 2:
o Upacara Wisuda Purnasiswa SMPN 1 Tikung Tahun Pelajaran 2010/2011, hari
Senin tanggal 13 Juni 2011 segera dimulai.


• MC 1:
o All of the graduates are invited to come to the ceremony place.
• MC 2:
o Wisudawan memasuki tempat upacara.


• MC 1:
o Procession. The head of SMPN 1 Tikung is coming into the ceremony place.
o The audiences, please stand…!
• MC 2:
o Prosesi. Kepala SMPN 1 Tikung memasuki tempat upacara
o Hadirin dimohon berdiri.


• MC 1:
o Ladies and Gentlemen, all the guests and audiences… please remain standing…!

• MC 2:
o Bapak Ibu, undangan dan hadirin dimohon tetap berdiri...!


• MC 1:
o National Anthem
• MC 2:
o Menyanyikan Lagu Kebangsaan


• MC 1:
o Moment of Silence
• MC 2:
o Mengheningkan cipta

• MC 1:
o Ladies and Gentlemen, all the guests and audiences… please have a seat…!
• MC 2:
o Bapak Ibu, undangan dan hadirin dipersilahkan duduk kembali…!


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• MC 1:
o The graduation ceremony for the students of SMPN 1 Tikung, in the academic year
2010/2011, is declared to open.
o Honorable the head of SMPN 1 Tikung, Mr. ….., please time is yours…!

• MC 2:
o Upacara wisuda purnasiswa SMPN 1 Tikung, Tahun Pelajaran 2010/2011,
dinyatakan dibuka.
o Yang terhormat Kepala SMPN 1 Tikung, Bapak ……, kami persilahkan membuka


• MC 1:
o The announcement of the head of SMPN 1 Tikung decree letter on the students’

• MC 2:
o Pembacaan Surat Keputusan (SK) Kepala SMPN 1 Tikung tentang kelulusan siswa


• MC 1:
o Inauguration for the graduates and certificate giving.
o Graduates, please stand…!

• MC 2:
o Pelantikan wisudawan dilanjutkan dengan penyerahan ijazah.
o Wisudawan, dimohon berdiri…!


• MC 1:
o Graduates pledge declaration

• MC 2:
o Pembacaan ikrar wisudawan


• MC 1:
o Graduates, please have a seat…!

• MC 2:
o Wisudawan, dimohon duduk kembali…!


• MC 1:
o The graduation ceremony for the students of SMPN 1 Tikung, in the academic year
2010/2011, is declared to close.
o Honorable the head of SMPN 1 Tikung, Mr. ….., please time is yours…!

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• MC 2:
o Upacara wisuda purnasiswa SMPN 1 Tikung, Tahun Pelajaran 2010/2011,
dinyatakan ditutup.
o Yang terhormat Kepala SMPN 1 Tikung, Bapak ……, kami persilahkan menutup


• MC 1:
o Procession. The head of SMPN 1 Tikung is leaving the ceremony place.
o Audiences, please stand…!

• MC 2:
o Prosesi. Kepala SMPN 1 Tikung berkenan meninggalkan tempat upacara.
o Hadirin dimohon berdiri…!


• MC 1:
o Ladies and Gentlemen, all the guests and audiences, please have a seat…!

• MC 2:
o Bapak Ibu, undangan dan hadirin, dipersilahkan duduk kembali…!



Words to remember:
Graduation, commencement, convocation : penamatan, pelulusan, wisuda.
Inauguration : pelantikan, penetapan telah lulus atau purna siswa.
Graduates : Para wisudawan atau lulusan
Declared to open : dinyatakan dibuka
Declared to close : dinyatakan ditutup
Remain standing : tetap berdiri
Have a seat : dipersilahkan duduk
Moment of silence : Mengheningkan cipta
National Anthem : Lagu Kebangsaan
Decree Letter : Surat Keputusan (SK)


This script is written by Soe


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