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Principles of Management (MGT 503)

Assignment No. 1
Semester: Spring 2019
Due Date: May 22, 2019

Broadly a manager performs four different functions including Planning, Organizing, Leading
and Controlling. While Mintzberg proposed ten managerial roles (Figurehead, Leader, Liaison,
Monitor, Disseminator, Spokesperson, Entrepreneur, Disturbance Handler, Resource Allocator
and Negotiator) for a manager to manage the overall organization. Think deeply and identify the
roles among these ten managerial roles that are performed while Planning, Organizing, Leading
and controlling, respectively. Provide your answer in the following format with a brief
justification for selecting particular role for each management function.

Managerial Roles Management Functions Justification

Entrepreneur Bring new goals and standards
For achieving them.
Resource allocator Schedules required things,
allocation of organizational
Interpersonal Roles
1. Figurehead Organizing
2. Leader Disseminator Organize connection,
3. Liaison Informational meetings and
Informational Roles phone calls.
4. Monitor Spokesperson Organize board meetings, give
5. Disseminator
briefing to outsiders.
6. Spokesperson
Decisional Roles Leading
7. Entrepreneur Monitor Maintain personal contacts and
8. Disturbance resolve their issues.
Handler Leader Motivate subordinates,
9. Resource Allocator Collect information.
10. Negotiator
Negotiator Represent any negotiation
required in organization face of
Figurehead Sign documents when required,
take decision.
Disturbance handler Control any problem
happenings in organization
contact, emergency
Liaison Maintain contact with outside
world of organization.

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