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Is A Text Really Worth Writing?

So, is a text worth writing or is it just fun? Yes writing is good and can help with a lot of
things like getting a job, writing a paper for school, or even sending a text. Writing is
more than just some letters on a paper and how many paragraphs you have to write,
you can write about your feelings, life, and even a story that might be true or false.

Also when writing it could be something in that book, text or page that might
catch your eye. Such as Mice and Men a book with two men name George and Lennie
trying to reach their future until everything started to move quickly into the book any soft
animal that Lennie loves to “pet, play and cuddle with” the mice, bunny’s, puppies and
even touching a girls hair but at the end, he kills them all. For George he is more like a
serious person who doesn't care about anyone but himself and Lennie. Also the way the
author wrote the book of Mice and Men, wrote this book to show who really has your
back and when times are hard to chose to have your friend get killed and when your the
one who has to kill your friend.

When writing you can explain your thoughts and feelings just by writing it down
on a notebook, computer, even your phone. Some people write things for themselves to
help them with their problems in their life or just to write for fun. But i don’t find writing
fun i find it more like opening your brain. Also by using different word to make your
writing more professional and clear to read whatever you are writing about, writing a
paragraph or even a sentence is worth it because that paragraph or sentence might be
a fact or information.

How do you know when someone is a bad writer or in other words how do you
know when the way your writing isn't perfect how teachers or professors like it. For
writing a paragraph or even texting you never should force yourself to think about what
to write because the more you force yourself to think, the more you stress yourself to
make writing difficult. Also for a good writer, ​You need to have the right skills and be 
good at making your writing make sense to whomever is reading it. You​ ​should like to 
read as much as you enjoy writing. I believe writing is a choice like if you choose to 
write, you should enjoy it and express your inner self when writing.  
In conclusion, what makes a text worth writing, well by writing about how you feel 
or to give out facts, and ​for writing a paragraph or even texting you never should force
yourself to think about what to write because the more you force yourself to think, the
more you stress yourself to make writing difficult. Also by using different word to make
your writing more professional and clear to read to whatever it is that your writing about.

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