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Video Zone: Johnny English Reborn – exercises

Is Johnny English really the world's greatest spy? Is he really an agent in total control? Check out this clip
to see what you think.

Do the preparation task first. Then watch the video and do the exercises to check your understanding. If
you need help, you can read the transcript at any time.

Match the vocabulary with the correct definition and write a–g next to the number 1–7.

1…….. the Premier a. a division of the British Secret Service

2…….. martial arts b. styles of fighting from the Far East

3…….. deadly c. something that hides your identity

4…….. a disguise d. the leader of a government

5…….. a plot e. a secret plan to do something evil

6…….. a spy f. a secret agent like James Bond

7…….. MI7 g. something or someone that can kill

1. Check your understanding: multiple choice

Circle the best answer for these questions.

for fifteen years

1. How long has Johnny been in hiding? for five years
for a year

go away again
2. In the office, what does his boss warn him not to do? harm the cat
embarrass MI7 again

3. Who does Johnny say there is a plot to kill? the Premier
the head of MI7

a killer from Hong Kong

Near the end, Johnny attacks an old woman. Who does he believe
4. the Premier
she is?
his boss’s mother
a killer from Hong Kong
5. Who is she really? the Premier
his boss’s mother

6. How would you describe Johnny English? careful

2. Check your grammar: gap fill – comparatives and superlatives

Use the word in brackets and write the correct form into the gaps.

1. Johnny English is the world’s _______________ spy. (GREAT)

2. He’s back, and he’s _______________ than ever! (DEADLY)

3. He’s about to face his _______________ enemy yet. (FIERCE)

4. Johnny English is _______________ than James Bond. (SILLY)

5. But, he’s _______________ than he looks. (DANGEROUS)

6. Do you think Johnny English is _______________ than James Bond? (GOOD)

3. Check your vocabulary: multiple choice

Choose the correct meaning of each idiom from the video.

1. Work hard, play hard.

a. You should work with all your energy, and have fun with all your energy too.
b. If your work is hard, you will have difficulty relaxing.

2. You made a laughing stock out of us.

a. You made us seem ridiculous.

b. You are very funny.

3. You made a laughing stock out of us – not on my watch!

a. My watch shows the wrong time.

b. As long as I’m in charge, I won’t let this happen!
4. It’s all coming back to me!

a. I’m gradually remembering everything.

b. I have too much work to do.

5. Time is of the essence.

a. There’s no need to hurry.

b. We must hurry.

6. Let’s kick some bottom!

a. Let’s beat them!

b. Let’s go and play football!

4. Check your understanding: ordering

Put these words and phrases in the correct order by writing a number in the brackets.

1. has (__) now, he (__) hidden (__) For five winters (__) from the world. (__)

2. back to London. (__) on the first flight (__) MI7 wants (__) you (__)

3. deadlier (__) and (__) than ever! (__) The world’s greatest spy (__) is back, (__)

4. a laughing stock (__) out of (__) You made (__) the service once. (__)

in martial arts, (__) He’s an expert (__) a master (__) and an agent (__) in total control. (__)
of disguise (__)

6. his fiercest enemy (__) face (__) Now, (__) yet. (__) he’s about to (__)


Have you seen any Johnny English films? If so, did you like them?
Which do you prefer, Johnny English films or James Bond films?
What was the last film you saw?

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