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Technology management is the combination of science, engineering and management

knowledge and practice, with technology as the central means of wealth and value
creation. (Khalil, 2000) This definition can nicely coexist with any of the historical
definitions of management covered in a previous post.
Kearns et al. (2005) has attempted to make the connections between general
management and technology management more explicit, by developing a model to
describe the spheres of influence of the technology manager. The “Six Facets Model”
illustrates that technology management is an integrative, multidisciplinary field, focused
on effective problem solving:
 Product and Process Integration through systems thinking, quality management system
development, and benchmarking (for example)
 Evaluation (at the organizational, technical and personal levels)
 Planning (including strategic plans, work plans, and environmental assessment)
 Implementation of quality systems, documentation systems, organizational processes,
software, project execution, project planning and control
 Change Management involving both management and leadership of change
 Training and Engagement to cultivate individual and organizational capabilities, and
promote workforce development

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