What Makes An Text Worth Reading

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Jovanna Pulido De La Rosa

Mrs. Carroll, Mr. Kelly, Ms. W


We Need to Talk About Reading

In our current times' less and fewer people are reading. Which really brings up the question why
are we not reading as much as those before us? Could it be that we just don’t care about
reading or is it the books that don’t make people interested in reading them?

Something that could make or deter you from wanting to reading a text is the title and design of
the cover. If the title sounds like something that you have already read would read it probably
not. You would rather read a text with a title that hint to what the text is about but is intriguing to
the reader so that they will want to read it to find out what it is about. A picture is worth a
thousand words so how much would the cover design of a book or the picture associated with
an article tell about the text? The cover could make you really want to read it because it is so
different from all the others or not catch your attention because the cover is just like all the
others. It could also deter you if it directed at a certain demographic.

It is something that is so essential to have a great book yet some books nowadays are missing
it, a good plot. It is so necessary so that the story can develop as well as the characters yet the
plots are so cliches you have already read it before. If the storyline is common it makes no
sense to read it if you have read lots of books with a similar plot. There are lots of books that are
pretty stale in terms of there being development for a climax that is satisfying that isn’t super
slow or rushed into. Most people read because they want something new that they have not
seen before but if the story is not different from those that already exist it just won’t stand out or
make anyone want to read it.

This is just a personal thing I don’t like it when the author crams as much of the story on one
page. It just makes it difficult for me to read it because it makes it easy to lose where I was.
There is no reason to stuff the pages if there are plenty of pages to put it on. It would be easier if
the pages were big, like in the Percy Jackson books, it just looks messing that the text is
crammed and there is no space on the page. Overall it makes it look like it is just a blob of
words because I easily mix the words up when they are close together or maybe that is just a
personal problem.

There are just so many factors that contribute to what makes a person want to actually read. We
are all different so we all want to read about different topics and in different styles. People look
at different things like some just scan over it while some read the overview to get a feel about it.
But on a basic level, these are some things that make and break it for me. A text is worth
reading if it has an interesting title and decent cover, a good plot, and how condensed the text is
on the pages.

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