Driving Purchase Priya Agarwal KID: 8882201

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Driving Purchase

Priya Agarwal
KID: 8882201

Air purifiers are electronic devices that clean the indoor air by removing impurities such as dust
particles, pollen, smoke and other airborne irritants. Despite of the increase in sales over the past
couple of years, the Indian air purifier market has a long way to go in terms of capturing the market
and making a mark.
The primary bottleneck for the Indian air purifier market is the lack of awareness. People believe
that indoor air is safe. However it’s not, with dust and smoke often exceeding permissible levels.
Air purifiers are still seen as a premium consumer product and not as a mass consumer product. This
is due to the high price of the product which is beyond the reach of an average Indian household,
given the fact that more than 60% of the population still reside in rural areas. Air purifiers are seen
as a luxury item rather than a necessity and people belonging to affluent households usually own
this kind of product as status symbol.
The air purifier market can be segmented as follows:
1. Households belonging to SEC A & B residing in tier 1 & tier 2 cities
 Needs/Fear: Since these people reside in tier 1 & 2 cities, their primary concern is
air pollution. Hence, their basic need from an air purifier is to remove impurities and
provide clean breathing air inside their homes.
Here, we have also included SEC B since even this class is ready to spend on air
purifiers, given the high amount of air pollution during Diwali and other festive
seasons. But for this class price is also a concern. They look for low cost high quality
 Keywords: Benefits of air purifiers, air purifier price, best home air purifier, best
affordable air purifier,

2. Households belonging to SEC A residing in tier 3 cities

 Needs/Fear: These people stay in tier 3 cities with is comparatively less polluted than
tier 1 & 2 cities. However, there people belong to SEC A and have high disposable
income to spend. For them the primary purpose of air purifier is to serve as a status
symbol and the secondary purpose is to purify air.
 Keywords: Best air purifiers available in market, Benefits of air purifiers

3. People suffering from respiratory problems

 Needs/Fear: These people suffer from respiratory ailments and advised by doctors to
breathe clean air. For them the major concern is the efficacy/impact of air purifiers.
They are unsure whether air purifiers actually help in controlling the incidents of
respiratory attacks among those who are prone to such diseases, hence they need
scientifically backed evidence to support the claim. These people are also concerned
with the price since all of them may be able to bear the high purchase and
maintenance cost of the purifiers.
 Keywords: How effective are air purifiers for respiratory ailments, Best air purifier
for dust, best affordable air purifier

4. People suffering from allergies (dust, pollen etc.)

 Needs/Fear: These people are also concerned with the efficacy/impact of air purifiers
and the extent to which they are able to remove the allergens in the air. Hence, for
them specifications of air purifiers matter a lot. They are also concerned with
scientifically backed evidences about air purifiers.
 Keywords: Best air purifier for allergies

5. Families with infants/kids and elderly

 Needs/Fears: Their major concern is the safety of their child. Hence their main fear
is the harmful impacts of air purifier on their family. Some, ionic air purifiers produce
ozone, which is known to be a harmful lung-irritant, which causes throat irritation
and severe chest discomfort. Hence parents need to be rest assured that their child is
not being exposed to anything harmful.
 Keywords: Harmful effects of air purifiers, Baby air purifiers.

6. Health conscious households

 Needs/Fears: These are people who are health conscious e.g. Gym goers, fitness
enthusiasts etc.
 Keywords: Benefits of air purifiers, air purifier price, best home air purifier

Consumer Decision Tree:

The consumer decision tree can be divided into 2 stages – Awareness and retargeting. Awareness
is the major challenge for the air purifier category as a whole and for 3M in particular. Therefor
3M should first create content to impart general and brand specific awareness to consumers. Once
the consumers click on any of these awareness ads, 3M should then focus retargeting these
consumers to convert them into sales or at least become a part of the custom audience list of 3M
for future communication.
The communication content for all the segments will vary as per their needs and fears:
 Households belonging to SEC A & B residing in tier 1 & tier 2 cities
o Awareness content: Be Air Aware- the indoor air quality, Reasons for using an
Air Purifier, Are Air Purifiers Effective? Good for You? Or Necessary? 15 Health
Benefits of Air Purifiers, According to Science, 3M air purifiers- your one stop
shop for pure air needs

o Retargeting content: Things to Consider When Buying an Air Purifier, why 3M

purifiers are best to consider, the science and technology behind 3M purifiers,
how 3M purifiers works (video), best value for money-3M, price comparisons of
air purifiers.
 Households belonging to SEC A residing in tier 3 cities
o Awareness content: Be Air Aware- the indoor air quality, Reasons for using an
Air Purifier, Are Air Purifiers Effective? Good for You? Or Necessary? 15 Health
Benefits of Air Purifiers, According to Science, 3M air purifiers- your one stop
shop for pure air needs

o Retargeting content: 3M air purifier- redefining your home with its stylish look,
Why 3M purifiers are best to consider, the science and technology behind 3M
purifiers, how 3M purifiers works (video), best value for money-3M.

 People suffering from respiratory problems

o Awareness content: Be Air Aware- the indoor air quality, Reasons for using an
Air Purifier, Are Air Purifiers Effective? Good for You? Or Necessary? 15 Health
Benefits of Air Purifiers, According to Science, 3M air purifiers- your one stop
shop for pure air needs

o Retargeting content: Air Purifiers for Respiratory Issues: An In-Depth Guide, The
best air purifiers, according to doctors and experts, The Importance of Air
Filtration on Allergic Respiratory Disease

 People suffering from allergies (dust, pollen etc.)

o Awareness content: Be Air Aware- the indoor air quality, Reasons for using an
Air Purifier, Are Air Purifiers Effective? Good for You? Or Necessary? 15 Health
Benefits of Air Purifiers, According to Science, 3M air purifiers- your one stop
shop for pure air needs

o Retargeting content: Top 10 Best Air Purifiers for Allergies and Asthma, The best
air purifiers, according to doctors and experts, 3M- the 3-in-1 technology air
purifier for all your needs.

 Families with infants/kids and elderly

o Awareness content: Be Air Aware- the indoor air quality, Reasons for using an
Air Purifier, Are Air Purifiers Effective? Good for You? Or Necessary? 15 Health
Benefits of Air Purifiers, According to Science, 3M air purifiers- your one stop
shop for pure air needs

o Retargeting content: Why an Air Purifier Is Important for Elderly People, The
best air purifiers, according to doctors and experts, Infants take 30 to 60 breaths a
minute**, two to three times more frequently than adults

 Health conscious households

o Awareness content: Be Air Aware- the indoor air quality, Reasons for using an
Air Purifier, Are Air Purifiers Effective? Good for You? Or Necessary? 15 Health
Benefits of Air Purifiers, According to Science, 3M air purifiers- your one stop
shop for pure air needs
o Retargeting content: The best air purifiers, according to doctors and experts,
Health benefits for air purifiers.

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Communication channels:
 The major challenge for the product is the lack of awareness about the usage and benefits.
In order to generate awareness the companies should focus
o Campaigns and seminars highlighting the product benefits
o Providing product demos in stores and by personal selling through agents
o Print and TV ads highlighting the product benefits
o Social media campaigns and ads on affiliate websites like gadget guru, technical guru
ji etc.
o Information brochures and product manuals
 Another fear/ challenge for the product is the high price. For this the companies can
communicate the customers through:
o Product discounts and offers
o Free Servicing
o long-term warrantee
o EMI options

Ways to know whether a particular consumer belongs to a specific consumer segment:

 Demographic details: like income, education, profession, hometown, region etc.

 Psychographic details: Attitude, lifestyle, hobbies, family stage. This can be known from
the pages that the person follows, articles read, outlets visited, videos watched etc. for
e.g. if a person is a fitness enthusiast he is likely to follow fitness and health related pages.
Similarly, a mother of an infant is likely to follows pages and read articles related to child
care. The kind of online shopping a person does reveals about his/her SEC and status.
 The types of posts the person shares and likes: e.g. a person is environmentally conscious
if he/she shares and likes related posts. Same with a family oriented person.
 Buying behaviour - including product usage, brand loyalty and the benefits they seek
from the product or service.

Custom Audience creation:

 The customers who have clicked on any of the communication content related to air
purifiers on internet.
 People who follow health and fitness pages and blogs
 People who follow child care and elderly care blogs
 People who have bought electronics from online platforms
 People who have visited 3M website before and bought products

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